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Feedback On The Help Desk And Report A Player.


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Greeting Dev Team, and other players,


I've been playing Warframe for about nine months now. Not as long as some, but I've seen the community grow and change. I used to never find myself at odds with other players looking to get theirs before anyone else. As of the last few months I've seen the community change. With the booming amount of people playing, I've come across people doing swaths of aggravating and downright corrosive things. The worst of it Ive actually gone about reporting to the help desk.


About the desk, I'd just like to say - I have never had a bad experience with it. The DE members assigned to help me have never been anything but helpful and respectful, and I really appreciate each topic I have brought up being taken seriously and getting really quick feedback.


I originally intended this message as mere positive feedback, I don't think you guys hear enough of it from the million screaming voices telling you to change the game. If I had to offer a bit of advice, it would be to make reporting corrosive behavior in-game easier. Whenever I go to report in-game I never feel like my gripe is there.


As always, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this message. You're doing the helpdesk right, and Warframe as always i an amazing game to play!




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