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And A Partridge In A Pear Tree...


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Good afternoon to my fellow PS4 Tenno and Moderators,


First off I would like to say that I <3 Warframe!!! Since Nov 16th I have played this game everyday, spent $$$ on Platinum, and studied its systems more than any subject during my high school years. This game has provided me with many hours of enjoyment, opened up a social network of new PSN friends and put a strain on all of my real life relationships, lol. That being said, I shall now whine like a kid who dropped his ice cream cone onto the pavement.


Update 12.4


I believe this update is a test of one's patience, faith, and strength to not throw inanimate objects at walls. I updated the game without error and excitedly began to log into Warframe. Immediately upon landing on the star map screen I was stopped in my tracks by an error stating that my firewall/ports 3960+3962/upnp etc needed to be modified. It then proceeded to log me out against my will, displaying the words "Profile cannot be saved, logging out of Warfame, cannot connect to server!"  Umm... Why The Face just happened??  


Buzz-killed, I quickly tried to log back in, only to find that I could not.  A variety of login/server errors ensued for the next few minutes until finally it "corrected" itself. There I was, staring at the star map once again, with the error message taunting me, saying once again that my firewall/ports problems/upnp needed a diaper change. I reacted with an "Umm," followed by a short pause, then - lighting a cigarette I stared blankly at the screen for next 10 mins. Now, before anyone starts troubleshooting my setup or network let it be known that while I'm not a computer whiz, I do know how to setup my router for online gaming and have worked with my ISP to configure the optimal settings to the best of our combined knowledge. With the assistance of my my ISP, I further tweaked and double tweaked my network settings and continued logging in and out of Warframe to correct the problem. Phew! Finally! No error message was displayed this time! I dove right into my beloved Warframe, running around checking out the Marketplace, Dojo, and Arsenal screens, admiring all the new content and planning a course of action for myself to tackle this new update. Then...Umm...Again?!?!?!?!?!?  What The Fudge?! Consistently the game is freezing and logging me out, shouting at me:  NETWORK SUCKS/PROFILE CANNOT ADD 1+1 and NO UPDATE FOR YOU!!!  This error message has plagued my game since the day this update was released. I cannot host matches, I now change loadouts in fear, and ritualistically fox-hole pray at the end of every match to not lose everything I just had earned.


I wrote a ticket to DE letting them know about the issues I was having and not surprisingly I received a generic, vaguely-detailed response back from them reassuring me of nothing. Frustrated Incorporated has a new owner... ME!!!


Honestly, at this point in my game profile I'm a Rank 15 Brakk owner with a Rhino Primed up the wazoo (Thank you for the awesome new content btw...) but sadly it means squat because of all of this...


Now join me in a hearty, Warframe-themed rendition of  "The Twelve Days of Christmas..." (Lyrics contain my in-game issues and also my out-game issues both of which are on display here for you, please face palm as many times as needed)


On the first day of the 12.4 update DE gave to me...


12 daily game crashings...

11 consecutive Nat type failing...

10 Prime Parts lost after acquiring...

9 hours online solution searching...

8 serious thoughts of PS controller throwing...

7 fits of incoherent swearing...

6 grey hairs a growing...

5 separate lost Boltor Prime BPs!!!!!!

4 Natural Talents...

3 ounces of Gin per drink...

2 lost clan members...

and a partridge in a pear treeeeee!!!!!!!!




Thank you for your time...



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I'm confused was your intent to gain help for the problem or just rant and complain? Don't get me wrong i had the same trouble as well but eventually it resolved itself. Note this a beta and not a full game so problems do occur and will often be game breaking at times. And maybe the response from DE you got was from one individual not DE as a whole. Service people can have sh*tty days to so sometimes you may not get your answer. And everyone else has spent dollars as well on this game and that does not make you anymore valid or more in the right when it comes to errors occurring in your game. So next time take a chill pill and realize they are people to and can make mistakes. And a rant is not going to solve the problem only increase your frustration.So step the pride down and back off a few and remember that your not the only one in the world. :)

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Thank you for your input [DE]Dante... because of your reassuring and comforting words Ill definitely not feel any frustration at all when my game crashes the next time... Anyone on this forum is allowed to express their opinions, compliments and or complaints without being criticized for doing so. I have every right to be dissatisfied and concerned with Warframe as problems keep coming up with each new update.  Clearly my rant was written with a sense of humor and sharing my thoughts through the forums is part of my healing process.  So why judge bro?  Is it because I played a mission with you randomly and couldnt resurrect you in time or maybe I used your head for target practice in conclave?  Regardless, Ill suggest some words of advice for you instead...  you just do you and ima do me.

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read this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/201093-u124-failed-to-connect-to-server/


aware of issues and working on it.  Really other than being fixed this is the best we can hope for.  Depending on who you ask the fix has been submitted and awaiting approval but that isn't "official" yet so I'm spreading more conjecture in hopes of it's truth.  They have confirmed though that the they are aware and working on the 12.4.4 issues.

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