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When you thought animals-loki hybrids couldn't look sillier after the Lokihead Shark


Comes the Lokicaulus

One of the few least qualified creatures to be a loki considering it was slow, plodding, and probably about as stealthy as a nuclear strike



As requested by the Loki Lovers after I said I couldn't think of anything prehistoric with Loki's head.

And this still kinda doesn't work.


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Thank you for your clear and expressive question.

I'm assuming you're confused because you know don't know what species this is spoofing or what I'm referring to.

It's alright.

For the species, it's diplocaulus. Because it's head resembles a loki's, vaguely.

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Mang I love loki, so trollsy, I bought him with plat since I soldmy original, he really shouldnt be a starter frame, it makes you hate him, with weak weaponry, youll always pull last in the terms of kills, but he can be so much more usefull to a high ranked.person, which used to make me laugh at the idea hed ever be good, boy was I wrong

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Mang I love loki, so trollsy, I bought him with plat since I soldmy original, he really shouldnt be a starter frame, it makes you hate him, with weak weaponry, youll always pull last in the terms of kills, but he can be so much more usefull to a high ranked.person, which used to make me laugh at the idea hed ever be good, boy was I wrong

Yes, he shouldn't be a starter since he really only becomes good with mage mods which are rather rare.

Unfortunately, this doesn't have... anything to do with my piece, dear tenno.

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Thank you for your clear and expressive question.

I'm assuming you're confused because you know don't know what species this is spoofing or what I'm referring to.

It's alright.

For the species, it's diplocaulus. Because it's head resembles a loki's, vaguely.


Thanks for the reference didnt know what was that !!  n.n 

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