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What The Sentients Are (Maybe)


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I think they may be infested that has gained a level of sentient speech. We can safely assume that not every infested can harbor more than a killing instinct. I believe that infested that has lived for centuries may indeed start to gain intelligence. This very well could be what the sentients are. They are sentient infested. Much like Laphantis. That is a plausable theory I think.

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My theory is that they are bio-engineered by the tenno. Half organic robots or whatever, maybe using the TCV that the warframes have within them.


My bad, I thought you meant the sentinels :P

Edited by HandsOfnArtist
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I thought the infested were released to slow the advance of the sentients. Not sure where I read that so I may be making it up.

You are correct. The Infestation was unleashed by the Orokin in an attempt to fight back the Sentients.

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The infested are the Tenno,
they are failed experiments that got out of hand some could bear the pain and not go insane they are like Hayden Tenno who gained powers. the tenno were also made by the orokin to fight the sentients = every time you play J3 Golem the Lotus says he was created to Fight the

"Sentients". (taken from the thread the guy linked above me)

EDIT: sorry for not talking obut the sentients i know nothing of them

Edited by Babce
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I think they may be infested that has gained a level of sentient speech. We can safely assume that not every infested can harbor more than a killing instinct. I believe that infested that has lived for centuries may indeed start to gain intelligence. This very well could be what the sentients are. They are sentient infested. Much like Laphantis. That is a plausable theory I think.

that. or they are animals that the tenno stuffed grav generators on for entertainment

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sentients were evil A.I. that turned all of the Orokin's machines against them.

the Orokin then made the infested (organic weapons the sentients couldn't control) to combat the sentients.

but then the Orokin lost control of the infested too, cuz butterfingers.

Evil A.I. There is no evil, only views.


Sentiens might be good guys and Orokin bad ones. Or other way around. Whatever is the truth, Tenno would extinct one side after defeat of another.

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yeah actually, there's no reason to call something a Sentient unless it wouldn't otherwise be sentient; IE an animal or a machine.


I'm guessing machine.


Why? The other reason to call something a Sentient is to distinguish between it and you, if you aren't Sentient or don't consider yourself Sentient.

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Why? The other reason to call something a Sentient is to distinguish between it and you, if you aren't Sentient or don't consider yourself Sentient.

Sentient is a being with reason that can make their own decision based on that same reason. Being that is aware of itself.

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Sentient is a being with reason that can make their own decision based on that same reason. Being that is aware of itself.


No, look it up.


Wikipedia: Sentience is the ability to feelperceive, or to experience subjectivity. Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience).


The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition


sen·tience  (sĕn′shəns, -shē-əns)

1. The quality or state of being sentient; consciousness.
2. Feeling as distinguished from perception or thought.

Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged


sentience (ˈsɛnʃənsor sentiency

1. the state or quality of being sentient; awareness
2. sense perception not involving intelligence or mental perception; feeling


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary


sen•tience (ˈsɛn ʃəns) also sen′tien•cy, 


sentient condition or character; capacity for sensation or feeling.



Definition of SENTIENCE

:  a sentient quality or state
:  feeling or sensation as distinguished from perception and thought
Full Definition of SENTIENT
:  responsive to or conscious of sense impressions <sentientbeings>
:  aware
:  finely sensitive in perception or feeling

There is absolutely no reason to call something sentient that isn't sentient. You wouldn't call them Sentients. You'd call them the opposite if that were true. The only reason to call some group the general term "Sentient" is if you yourself weren't, or chose not to be, therefore making distinction between you and them. Essentially, you're making a declaration that you aren't sentient. Given that we know the Orokin bleed (again, bleeding is just that - bleeding), we know they are living beings and we know they are beings that make decisions, and we can infer that they aren't, or choose not to be, sentient (which would mean they ignore feelings, senses, or have engineered themselves not to). That said, the question is whether or not they are human and have engineered themselves, most likely mentally, to not be sentient, or if they are alien and somehow aren't.


Now, I say they're human, mainly because of Ember's codex in which the military (there's nothing that says anyone other than the Orokin dabbled with the infestation (only known virus/plague that would necessitate a quarantine)) seems very Earth-like. Not only that, but the knowledge and reference to Earth culture, including the names of the Warframes and the Lotus motif, suggests that they hail from Earth. So if they're human, how can they not be sentient? Take what sentience is. Now, that's not mutually exclusive from reason, but it certainly can be used that way. Given that the Orokin are at least rational beings who are described as "cold and gold", I'd wager that this is precisely what the distinction is between the Orokin and the Sentients. There is a chance the Sentients are aliens, and not human, and it is possible that the Orokin viewed them like some view animals, as non-sentient, yet that's not a requirement for them to be called Sentients. The thing I'd certainly say is that to be called Sentients, they have to be sentient. It is a possibility that at one point they weren't sentient, and now are.


Also, sorry for the black text. Copied it straight from the web.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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If you aren't sentient, you aren't self-aware. So you aren't doing that kind of analysis.


Sentience is more than just being self-aware according to some definitions. According to some, it's appealing to feelings or senses or emotions as well. There is no reason to call something Sentient that isn't sentient. Among the antonyms for sentient are inanimate and intellectual.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Sentience is more than just being self-aware according to some definitions. According to some, it's appealing to feelings or senses or emotions as well. There is no reason to call something Sentient that isn't sentient. Among the antonyms for sentient are inanimate and intellectual.

No one is saying the Sentients aren't sentient. Not sure why you keep saying that.

Also you keep saying "the only reason to call something sentient is if you are not". That is incorrect. We humans constantly debate about whether monkeys and dolphins are sentient. If one day research/ evolution proves they are, we will declare them sentient as well. That doesn't mean we don't think we are sentient - instead it means we are distinguishing them from their non sentient peers.

Just like im suggesting happened with the Sentients. They are probably some creature/machine that would normally not be sentient, which evolved.

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No one is saying the Sentients aren't sentient. Not sure why you keep saying that.

Also you keep saying "the only reason to call something sentient is if you are not". That is incorrect. We humans constantly debate about whether monkeys and dolphins are sentient. If one day research/ evolution proves they are, we will declare them sentient as well. That doesn't mean we don't think we are sentient - instead it means we are distinguishing them from their non sentient peers.

Just like im suggesting happened with the Sentients. They are probably some creature/machine that would normally not be sentient, which evolved.


Some people have said that. As did you. Let me remind you of what you said


there's no reason to call something a Sentient unless it wouldn't otherwise be sentient


You're saying that the Orokin, or whoever, called the Sentients by their name because they wouldn't otherwise be sentient. I say that's possible, but that another reason to call them Sentients could be because the Orokin themselves look down upon sentience (taking the eighteenth century philosopher meaning of the word), therefore calling the Sentients sentient in order to distinguish from the Orokin, who don't consider themselves to be sentient.


I'm saying that's a much more likely reason to call them Sentients, given that the Orokin are described as cold, which can also mean "without emotion/feeling", which can be the opposite of sentient.


You responded, and said that


If you aren't sentient, you aren't self-aware.


To which I said that sentience isn't only self-awareness. There are meanings to the word that have nothing to do with self-awareness. Meaning that the Orokin can reject sentience and still be self-aware. Most definitions I've seen say nothing about self-awareness, but about feeling, and that feeling being opposed to intellect or reason.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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