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Grineer Shipyard Should Be Put On Sedna!


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    I have quite a few reasons for requestion the shipyards to appear on Sedna as opposed to Ceres.


Point 1.)


    Recently Warframe seams to be trying to sync the Warframes we get with the bosses we fight, or at very least the planets we get them on. Such as:


Ember/Ruk (fire)

Phorrid/Nyx (psychic)

Oberon/Earth (Nature)

Krill/Frost (Ice)

Rhino/Jackle (Stomping?)


    Part of the problem here is that the new Water frame needs a place to drop. Currently Krill primarily uses ice powers nearly identical to Frost's, so they fit really well together and I dont feel spliting them up would make sense. So I really feel Krill should not drop the water frame.


    The Shipyard is almost constantly (or always) raining, and short of earth (which fits really well with Oberon's "nature" theme) There's not likely to be a more fitting tileset to get the one and only "Water frame" So I feel that the new water frame should most certainly drop from the boss of the Grineer Shipyard.




Point 2.)


    Where it's true Kela De Thaym has no water abilities to speak of, she's likely due for a overhaul anyway, and such powers could be implemented relatively easily. Currently she drops Sayrn, the Toxic Frame. If the new Water frame drops on Sedna then where will poor Sayrn go? Well DE has let us know that they plan on returning the Infested to the game, and who better to drop our Toxic frame then a new Toxic based infested boss? This would make perfect sense for both, where Sayrn and the new Water frame drop then!




Point 3.)


    Time for a small Lore lesson on "Senda"


  • Sedna is a planetoid three times farther from the sun than Neptune, and is widely believed contain water. It is named after the goddess of the sea and marine life in Inuit Mythology.
    • Appropriately enough, Sedna's missions are named after water spirits of various cultures.

    In the many hundreds and maybe thousands of years in the future that Warframe takes place it's not impossible to imagine that Sedna drifted closer to the Sun and became semi-habitable. Even gaining massive rain storms that happen constantly. The fact that every single node in it's system is named after water in some way should be reason enough to have it be the home for the new "water frame"




Conclusion / TL/DR.)


    - I really feel Krill should remain dropping Frost

    - Sayrn will make perfect sense being moved to the new infested boss.

    - Sedna is perfect to be the place where you get the "water frame" based on it's various names.

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     It does seem to make perfect sense what you have put forward here.

I am genuinely surprised that [DE] made a whole planet with watery names (Sedna) and didn't think that should be where the water frame drops, (if that is the case - it likely is).


I feel that you hit the nail on the head with Saryn going to the new infested boss when they (i assume) retake Eris.


Currently i like how planets &/OR bosses have sync with the frames they drop.



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I'm of the opinion a lot of the "planets" need to be renamed if we're to justify the terrain backdrop with the planets.  Phobos is one of Mars' moons and it isn't a sphere, nor could it support an atmosphere much less a desert.  There are even asteroids larger in size, like Ceres, which IS in the asteroid belt (though officially it's a planetoid.)


So besides that, no, I don't think the planet the tileset is on is going to have much of an influence on the tileset, except naturally obvious expectations, like Jupiter being a gas giant, and Earth having either trees, or the adobe desert (which is a part of a space pebble called Phobos.)


I'm honestly scratching my head why DE decided to use planets and generally the smallest moons/planetoids in our solar system (Sedna can be so far out there it almost doesn't really count) as opposed to the planets and the moons of Luna, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Titon, Callisto, and Triton.  Instead, these sizable moons are all nodes for their planets...


At least we have Europa, mind.

Edited by Littleman88
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