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Use Elements From The Mastery Tests For Player Challenge Rooms


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I've been powerlevelling my rank a bit, experimenting with new weapons, and each of the mastery tests I've completed show some awesome features that i think are completely wasted on a one-time-only level.

I think the existing obstacle course is wrong by nature, the central mechanism of the game is the unique terrain layout of every mission: no two missions have exactly the same layout. To actually train someone how to better react, to enhance their in-game skills, the obstacle course would need to have the same random-generated structure as the game. This could be diversified into the types of challenges seen in the mastery tests, but there could be larger challenges that encompass many different tests.

I would love to see a dojo room (or rooms) that is a 'virtual reality' hall, just like where you go for the mastery challenges, that you enter and choose your game mode. You could practice stealth kills, or advanced hacking, or wallrunning with on-the-fly target shooting, with options for all of the elements you see in the mastery tests.

Add in multi-challenge tests, where you have to stealth kill on a timer, or stealth kill and hack terminals, or do advanced wall running to get to hacking terminals, have it change things up each run

As an added feature, for people who want to challenge others, you could have mirror courses, where multiple tenno have to run the same course simultaneously, or you could have a 'seed' system, where each random course has a unique code that can be saved and used for multiple people to try the exact same course as you, to see who is the more skilled Tenno.

I think this would add a huge amount more interest to the Dojo, and to the game itself, with important skills that you can learn or practice that you can use in actual missions.

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On a similar note, I think it would be great to train in a simulated combat area like the Mastery Tests against a foe like stalker, an overall high-damage enemy that pursues you from the shadows while you still have to complete your training goal (like shooting the glowing orbs, or killing other enemies).

Stuff like that would make the dojo a populated haven instead of a barren wasteland that only merits a visit when you want to trade/shop or when you are so bored that all you can do is go duel with people

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Since there is already an obstacle course room I think that you should be able to use the console within it to launch a training program. Just as the OP suggested this could lend itself to all sorts of different things. Essentially it's a holo-deck that could even encorporate the dueling chamber, this way you can have multiple so that they can be used concurrently...

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They could even have multiple different size scales, so maybe a small holo-room for combat training (size of dueling room) a medium sized one for larger scale combat training with integrated obstacles like the Stealth mastery challenge or the Falling platform mastery challenge (size of the large garden room) and the Obstacle course sized one, with full combat scenarios, challenges and obstacles. 

It'd give a bit of variation, instead of the only room that's currently available which is gargantuan. Smaller dojos could fit in smaller rooms that more suit their needs, perhaps

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Yes please.  Need some customization options.  I have clan members that are getting 30 second completion times and are extremely bored with the current layout. (If recall correctly, one of our guys just posted a 25 second screenshot on Facebook recently.)

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This is exactly what I was thinking. You'd think there would be an advanced training area in the dojo already in place in a game like this.


It would be nice to practice a combination of wall running, shooting targets, stealth, hacking, zoren-coptering, melee combos, and more. Similar to PlanetSide 2, but more unique to Warframe where you can practice against certain factions and/or Tenno Specters.


There needs to be more reason to go into the dojo and this would be great, especially for new players.


My idea would be to enter the room that would lead to the current circle with a terminal in the middle. The room would be completely dark instead of a wall running course. At the terminal, you select if you want to practice wall running, shooting, hacking, stealth, melee, certain mastery test, or a combination of those. Once a selection is made, the room would automatically transform into a virtual course matrix-style and Lotus will show up to explain the level and give you advanced tips and tricks along the course.


After the course, you will see a clan leaderboard. The very top of the leaderboard will show the top 5 or 10 stats for that specific course. The bottom half of the leaderboard will show your last stats and where they rank on the leaderboard.


There could also be a main course that combines wall running, combat, shooting, stealth, and hacking. The weekly top leader in the clan for this main course should have their most used or currently equipped Warframe as the statue in the Temple of Honor.

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I think with the recent addition of alliances, the level of challenges would be awesome. You could compete to be the best ninja in your entire alliance, and have some sort of prize =)

I think Tenno Specters are a great thing to incorporate into my idea. Maybe have them as an additional option for regular challenges, so maybe you have to race to the end of a wallrun challenge whilst dodging enemy Specters

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