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Most Hated Tileset And Why?


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corpuss maps should get more improving along with grineer ships and asteroid maps....its just the same all the time :c moar updates! :D

you know what? the ships and galeons should just stay in the invasions :T and DE should give every planet their own tilesets :D ofc they still have to use em as place holders for now

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Earth tileset 'cuz fps drop


Earth, yep. There is a very laggy and huge maps.


Earth tileset, mainly because I have 10 FPS when playing on it. God, I hate it...


Wierd, I find that tileset to be the least laggy O.o

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Wtf OP?!

Phobos is epic

And just want more tilesets on planets rather than space ships

except if they make space ships cooler

OP likes calm and cool atmosphere not hot and wide open ones :T

Orokin Derelict, those darn roots and stuff

it's like they can almost touch you in so many ways xD

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