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Starting To Like Arc Traps... A Little Bit


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I hate the arc traps.


One Simple reason.


It's 45 Minutes i'm in Cassani

It's time to go I tell my group, LS runs out.

Were avoiding hordes of enemies we get to the extraction room.

There they are 3 cleverly placed arc traps which down the whole team.


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I hate the arc traps.


One Simple reason.


It's 45 Minutes i'm in Cassani

It's time to go I tell my group, LS runs out.

Were avoiding hordes of enemies we get to the extraction room.

There they are 3 cleverly placed arc traps which down the whole team.


That's why you always scout the whole map after the way to extraction opens. To break the containers and destroy the arc traps, so nothing will stop you when you need to run for your lives.

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I still hate arc traps and heres why:

-They make going through doors, past overhangs, or around corners a russian roulette in no-shield nightmare missions

-They can still zap you in the intro cutscene (true they are removed very quickly but they can still proc lightning and damage your shields/health before they are removed...which means DE hasn't really fixed the traps in the spawn room problem)

-They can spawn on a door and make it impossible to get through the door unless you have an enemy/ally that can ST you through it.

This has actually forced entire teams I have been on to abandon missions because 2 traps spawned ON a door and we couldn't get around them

-They are cheap shots that can be impossible to predict or avoid. In a game ALL traps should be avoidable by skill, and arc traps aren't.

-You cant damage or destroy the traps with radial damage

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