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Anybody Like The Idea Of A "anti-Rng Helpers Of Newbies" Program?



Weapons and warframes are completely reliant on mods to gain effective power. If you don't have a particular fundamental mod like a damage boost, then your gameplay performance is going to suffer. A lot. But these mods drop randomly which means that there are people new to the game trying to smash their way through increasingly difficult missions without basic, more or less required, mods.  I have a bunch of spare copies of things like Serration and Hornet Strike, which I was thinking of giving away to newbie players. I bet most of the veteran players also have piles of stuff they aren't using and don't need.

Three questions;
1.) Is there anybody else interested in participating in an organized system to get these mods to newbies? Probably just a thread where new players can ask for help, and for the "champions of newbs" to identify eachother. Each player has a limited quantity of stuff on hand to give away, and a limited number of trades per day, so some amount of teamwork would increase the scope of this program enormously.

2.) What should be in the gift basket? Bearing in mind that you can only trade 3 items at a time, and newbies aren't going to have eleventy bajillion credits to receive uber rare stuff.

3.) What criteria should be used to identify a deserving newbie? You can only trade once you reach mastery rank 2, so that's a given. Perhaps somebody with no more than X hours played or no more than 1 warframe owned? (This information can be seen on a player's profile)

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Considering restrictions on trade, it might be better to just take them on a quick trip.


That, combined with a "do you know how this works" talk would probably be just as helpful as "Here. Have a mod you'll need forever."

Edited by Seqan
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That's quite an idea, although there are chances that it would be misused in the name of laziness. I just hope there wouldn't be any case like that.

Put me in.


Basically basic damage mods, elementals specific to the enemies on starting-to-mid planets, etc?

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Considering restrictions on trade, it might be better to just take them on a quick trip.


That, combined with a "do you know how this works" talk would probably be just as helpful as "Here. Have a mod you'll need forever."


This is the way I like to handle it with new members to my clan.

"...teach a man to fish..."

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for my part, I already do this in my clan a few weeks ago, after we managed reduce the category of the Moon clan, to mountain (should have been storm since we were 83, but someone added to the clan members up to 106 before ending the request

every time a newcomer arrives, and I give some tips for him and i give 6 mods: rifle and pistol damage mods, rejuvenation, a damage melee mod and 2 i evaluate good use at the moment (be an aura, elemental damage mod or general utility)


I have a certain ability to donate mods because I'm rank 14 (going on 15), but ... definitely would not be able to release what I'm giving an aid in the chat zone

I would be butchered <_<'

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Would be a cool program.  Obviously open for abusing, but at least the person would have to get to mastery 2 and do some work just to get a few basic cards.


1.  I'm interested.  On nightly after 6pm CST usually.


2.  Faction damage mods (Bane/Smite/Expel/Cleanse).  Uncommon damage mods (Infected Clip, Molten Impact...the regular straight up elemental damage stuff).  Mostly would leave it up to the gifter.  If they have a handful of something decent and just ask, hey do you have this?  Nope.....cool, now you do.


3.  Bout all you can do is check their profile and hope it's not a vet in disguise.  It's the internet......people lie (gasp!).  I don't know how long it takes to get to Mastery 2, so if someone has an idea, I'd put the time played at something around that, and no more than 1 lvl 30 frame, Max of 3 any level perhaps.

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Quite shameful that this kinds of problems haven't been solved yet by the dev's. And it is up the community to fix them :P


Well at least this instance of RNG we can fix, all other RNG drop tables will still be a problem.



RNG the origin of so many bad things that give wf so many problems.

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Its a great idea... but that is what drew me in to the clan I have been with for a year. It was their friendliness and willingness to help. By giving them mods it might, in some cases, prevent them from reaching the clan they were suppose to meet up with and the help they could have received.

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Can really go both ways though.  Maybe by fate, the person they got paired up to get mods from has the same sort of mindset that they're looking for and they join a great clan.


Could possibly do a couple rules to prevent much - the person receiving can't be in a clan, and cannot recruit them if you're the one that's giving them mods........but downside to that would be exactly what I said above - maybe that clan is exactly what they're looking for.  Perhaps gifter shouldn't be allowed to bring it up, but giftee can.  I don't know - loopholes & dishonesty ftw!


I'm sure there will be a couple that will exploit this as a way to assimilate/recruit more into their numbers but as long as the person found a good spot, I don't see the major issue.  They could always leave the clan anyway.

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I think the better strategy would be to wait for people to ask for something specific and state why they need it. If they know enough about the game to know what they need and why then it would be better to help them. If they don't then what are the chances they will apply what you give them correctly? If you give someone a hornet strike and they lvl 6+ it on their first weapon without knowing about formas or the mastery system and not knowing how difficult it will then be to use it on unranked weapons they don't even know they will need to build yet to move up in rank. This sounds like either a wasted mod or a player that has no real understanding of how to manage their resources correctly. 


Unless you are ready to explain things like that every time you give one of these things up then I would suggest just waiting for someone to ask for help rather than go throwing things at new players who don't understand what they have or need. 

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I could see organizing the provision of Toxin, Cold, and Elec elemental mods to new players. They're the hardest to find and get by without.


Serration and Hornet Strike are 20m rewards from survivals; Apollo and E-Gate (I think the venus one?) are easy enough to get to 20, without being carried.

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