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When Not To Get The Grustag Three


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the stalker got me when I was levelling a whole set of new equipment. As in, my warframe and all 3 weapons were  fresh out of the foundry. That is when I learned why you always keep your best gun on you at all times.

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the stalker got me when I was levelling a whole set of new equipment. As in, my warframe and all 3 weapons were  fresh out of the foundry. That is when I learned why you always keep your best gun on you at all times.


Had Harvester on mission, then G3 the next mission, then Stalker the next.  "Lucky" in a sense because I was leveling newly polarized weapons but had a 2x forma'd maxed Loki to carry me through.  I always have at least one thing on me that is maxed out, sometimes two just in case DE ever allows the stalker and harvester to show up at the same time.

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the stalker got me when I was levelling a whole set of new equipment. As in, my warframe and all 3 weapons were  fresh out of the foundry. That is when I learned why you always keep your best gun on you at all times.


^_^ Thats how I always play now. I will only level up one or two things at a time. whilst keeping my best weapon on me. I had the Marelok Pistol. Which is actually amazing and like I said I was lucky to have shade, Much Cloaking and many headshots later. They all died

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When you are doing a Spy mission and you split from your three others teammates to get the 2 others terminals far from the 2 others.


Surely enough, they are coming for you and you rush to your partners only for the Grustrag to pop at the exact moment you finally found 2 of your teammates.

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Had Harvester on mission, then G3 the next mission, then Stalker the next.  "Lucky" in a sense because I was leveling newly polarized weapons but had a 2x forma'd maxed Loki to carry me through.  I always have at least one thing on me that is maxed out, sometimes two just in case DE ever allows the stalker and harvester to show up at the same time.

lols. RNGESUS Is that you ?

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Once when I created Nyx and just started to play her (she was about lvl 4 I think) I joined some session and the Grustrag attacked. The host left immediately and after loading screen I woke up captured by one of the Three. Then the other player, which became the host left the game and after another loading screen I woke up dead. End of mission.

Next time it was on Derelict, I've scanned all of the Three, then the game crashed.

No more memories regarding those pretty cool guys. Pretty shame. :(

Edited by Noxbi
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Nightmare survival on earth,

We had 2 mastery 2 lokis, so the fight pretty much came down to my no shield volt and a nova.


We won when the 2 new player lost all lifes, i lost 3 and nova 2. Got a third brakk blueprint ( RNG!)

Edited by Ttariel
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I took my new accnt, a lvl 10 Loki with no potato and barely any mods, and got taxi'd to a alert on Ceres.




They spawned at lvl 52. So... yeah. I got clipped while invisible and dead in literally one bullet.

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Harvester came for me during survival when I was leveling up my Nova, dread, and re-upping my kunai. He came at the worst time possible because it was just me and an Oberon and we were surrounded with gunfire everywhere. It was complete chaos.


Edit: It was fun doing the escape mission.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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I knew about them but nobody ever warned me they blind you when they come in. My Nova was down before the screen cleared on a survival near a spawn point after the grineer decided they had enough of this survival garbage. 2 clan mates and a PUG were trying to take them down but their were so many napalms and explosion it took them each 3 revives to put them down. And they dropped a cell and that was it. It all had a happy ending because it happened right around the daily refresh for revives.

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You know what is the worst about Stalker.......he showed up on a survival when we ran out of air(yea we forgot to use that stuff) and had 5 hp (it was about 26th minute...what chance is it that we will win - None. He did it on purpose.

wait, so they can spawn at any time? not just in the first 5-6 minutes of a mission?

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the stalker got me when I was levelling a whole set of new equipment. As in, my warframe and all 3 weapons were  fresh out of the foundry. That is when I learned why you always keep your best gun on you at all times.

That is the only time the Stalker ever finds me.  Brand new Valkyr and a brand new Orthos/Grakata and Seer? Stalker time.  Forma'd my Rhino and trying to level my stupid glaive and a GORGON.  The Stalker isn't going to wait for spin up time. 

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