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Music Suggestions



Hi, I like playing warframe with music and I've constructed 6 playlists on spotify (depending on the tileset I'm in) so I'm looking for more music to put in these playlists.


What I'm generally looking for:


Grineer: Rock music with heavy drums and eastern influences for the Phobos missions.


Corpus: Action electronic with heavy decisive beat (not dubstep nor rave kinda thing)


Infested: Omnious scary music good for a horde aswell as ambient tracks suitable for searching the derelict ships.


PS: I wasnt quite sure whether I would put this in general discussions or here, beacause partly it's for help but partly it could also turn into a discussion.

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8 answers to this question

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Two Steps From Hell is my favorite game music. It's almost 100% instrumental. It really puts me in the zone for pretty much anything from games to classwork.


Strength of a Thousand Men and Exodus are constantly playing on my soundcloud when I roll into a Grineer Invasion.


Grineer should keep their currently deep, gritty sounding music with a bit more drums in the background. Corpus should be a little faster paced, but keep their Orokin-sounding themes. Infested need more drums.


More drums in Warframe sounds like overkill, but isn't that the essence of our game?

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I'd think this belongs either in General Discussion or Warframe Feedback / Sound.

Would be nice to have more music though.

I created another topic in Sound, but it's not quite the same thing.


I dont like Two Steps From Hell, they are too....epic. It's not always good to have klimax upon klimax of chorus and drums.

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For infested, as an avid Black Metal listener, I have some suggestions if you want 'scary' stuff;



Epicyclarium  (or alternatively check out Psychic Waters, another track by them. They also have their own music video for their main song which I'll put below)



These next few songs are by my favorite band Watain;


I am the Earth


Has okay production, and a rather frantic pace.


Wolves Curse


This track carries a more murderous pace and tone to it, like being hunted or stalked. Gets the blood pumping.


Then their first music video carries a very bombastic yet violent tone, though the instrumentals will take some getting used to.



Dissection is another favorite of mine, I'll post two songs from a same album of theirs, Storm of Lights Bane






A very frantic song by Marduk





and finally a sample from Ceremonial Castings.


Immortal Black Art


Finally, some ambient Black Metal by The Great Old Ones;



If the other stuff wasn't to your liking, by all means, click this.



Let me know if any of the music videos linked appeared as nothing but walls of blankness, I can provide the direct links!



Edited by Hastur609
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