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Prime Frames Wallpaper


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Hi guys, today i was looking at some prime frames wallpaper and i wanted to make some edits on em to add some of my sense, well i still a beginer in these things so if you have any advices or critics feel free to put em in the comments.


Edit liste:

Edit #1: add original images in spoilers.

Edit #2: Renewed Ember Prime image.

Edit #3: Renewed Mag Prime image.

Edit #4: Renewed Ember Prime image, add edit list so you can know whaat i changed with an easy way ^_^


1) Mag Prime:







2) Frost Prime:







3) Ember Prime:






Edited by 6KIRA9
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Props for trying but u need to blend the effects u added a little better, they look stuck into the original pics.


The colors added to Mag look a bit fake. Use the layer blending options and some feathering around the added color so it blends better.


The Ember Prime one u should work the characters shadows so it really feels like she is surrounded by fire. 

Edited by Bazools
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These guys above are way too friendly. Lucky you!


Uh.. that was hard x__x

these are my first work, and i puted them here just to have more advices on how should i work and what should i do to make them look better, so.. what's your advice ?? (hope it's not "give up !!")

Edited by 6KIRA9
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The colors added to Mag look a bit fake. Use the layer blending options and some feathering around the added color so it blends better.


Ow.. why didn't i think about this !! was trying to refine the edge of selection and had a terriblr time trying to finde a solution x__x

thx man i'll try that right now.

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These guys above are way too friendly. Lucky you!

Dude said these are his first tries so nothing to gain with being too rought with him... i am a bit of an hardass when teaching photoshop basics but this is not the case.

Edited by Bazools
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