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General Hud Improvments


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[in Game HUD and drops]


Mark the Sentinels Weapon Rank and EXP bar

Mark the Melee Weapons Rank and EXP bar


When using Efficiency can we have it as a adjusting number instead of saying how much it costs without efficiency?


Items of each rarity get a color code on their capsule


Common (Orange)

Uncommon (Green)

Rare (Red) (Oxium falls under this)

Clan Mats (Are Blue already)


Though this seems trivial it's nice to know how rare of a mat did "drop" it adds more peace of mind and visibility




Add a color code to mods


Blue lights Common

Orange Lights Uncommom

Red lights Rare/Legendary


again it may not seem much but it helps the ease of mind to players more than most figure we like color definitions more than most think, we get excited when we see mat containers and mods each differently


Blue Prints should instead of dropping as a orb of Pink should be a Orb of Green like stamina on the obsticle course it's ALLOT easier to see green


Add a scroll bar to the items we got in a mission instead of showing the top "10" and for each repeated item like mods add a numeric representing how many you got


example Ammo Drum x5 at the corner of the card (amazed this hasn't been implemented for all these updates)


Add a Mission review tab for all items obtained at the stats end screen after a mission so I can see everything I got


When doing alerts instead of random payments make them "credit cache" items so when we complete the mission after we died we aren't screwed out of the money only missions we went in for the credits that ticks me off so much make the payment amounts as listed mixes of 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000 credit caches which makes more sense than never getting paid for an alert that's about credits in the first place, this doesn't have to be done with the mission that provide say a BP of something or a mod as Im usually just happy to receive that at the payment


[Out of Game HUD]


Mod Menu add a "search for name"

Increase the in "upgrade menu" for equitable mods to the left 3 row by 3 columns to 4 rows 3 columns to show 3 more mods (there's enough screen space for that I'm sure)


When you are searching for mods add a "War Frame Ability" tab for all the Mods that are war frame specific like "Embers World On Fire"


If a Mod is equipped to another source show it with a "equip mark" on the card instead of making it disappear from my choose able mods to allow you to transfer it to another weapon if you so desire


Instead of calling it Upgrade on the arsenal menu call it "Modify" when you want to put mods on your weapon (clarifies for new people)


When in your Inventory Organize all the items in your inventory by name not by "time received"


for your inventory add a "Blue print" section (where each of your blue prints are tracked)

for your inventory add a "Material Section" (where all your materials are tracked)

for your inventory add a "Parts" section (where warframe parts and weapon parts go)


Misc inventory section is extremely messy and unorganized thus why I like it split into a few more tabs that I listed above


List how many Frame/Weapon slots you have and how many are filled




--I hope the developers will read this or implement MANY of this, I know it's hard to code things but the stuff menus change allot and not all the changes are...that decent and are more confusing, much appreciated if you apply a ton of this stuff, also new person friendly menus is nice too thank you


--I'll update this section for more ideas from fellow players etc. as I want the HUD to improve as it's the main thing I noticed why a few people I known wont play this game or get frustrated

Edited by ValorOfArms777
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Color coding drops seems like a nice idea, and it would be pretty funny to see people just UsainBoltin' to get to the red containers as soon they drop.

Also, yeah, we need more and clearer information on Warframe stats, like you said with Efficiency.

Edited by Hecadisth
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Many good things, this gets my support.  I'm wondering how many menus we're keeping with the transition to Hub, since we're getting that this week (maybe?).  Also, that number you see when you use a power is probably the experience, not cost.


If a Mod is equipped to another source show it with a "equip mark" on the card instead of making it disappear from my choose able mods to allow you to transfer it to another weapon if you so desire


I can equip something that's on a different item, it just doesn't allow me to back out because of conflict, even if its on a "loadout" that's not equipped (A B C).  I understand the equip mark part, but what does the rest of this mean?

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Many good things, this gets my support.  I'm wondering how many menus we're keeping with the transition to Hub, since we're getting that this week (maybe?).  Also, that number you see when you use a power is probably the experience, not cost.



I can equip something that's on a different item, it just doesn't allow me to back out because of conflict, even if its on a "loadout" that's not equipped (A B C).  I understand the equip mark part, but what does the rest of this mean?

example you put on your mod on a totally different weapon, example your sentinel shotgun and it conflicts it should ask "do you want to equip it here?" instead of forcing you out to unequipped it from the current shotgun it's attached to


I don't even use multiple load outs, I just personally use A mod file unequipped everything when using a different weapon, only my warframes don't unequipped mods, cause they transfer over instead of latching as a singular, (meaning no mod conflicts it auto transfers to the other frame)


I only see using 3 mod types on your perfect weapon with the 3 enemy factions each to slay each, but I trend to know my way around my mods and jut quickly mod before a session anyways


I think the mission end screen atm is crud (the one that lists the EXP and the items gotten, I think item drops are color codes badly atm when comes down to mats


and honestly I miss some old HUD stuff that looked very clean

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