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This Seems A Little Unfair?


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So with the anniversary weapons just released, I got home from vacation this morning and found out I missed my chance at them.. DE only had the option available for a few days, and on top of that it was only for people who logged on in that time...

So, even tho it was celebrating the games anniversary, they didn't make it so it was given out if you had played in the last few months or something that most games generally do, or even extended the time.  Ive been a avid fan of Warframe for a long while now, and even tho i've been disappointed with the transfer to PS4 Delay's i've stilled played this game with much intent.  

I put in a support ticket as soon as I got in the door, and I got a message back declineing saying this:


Hi KratosAngelus,
A last-minute e-mail was sent out to remind players that time was running out to log in and claim their free item, but the giveaway was announced on the forums immediately when the promotion started. Unfortunately due to the exclusive nature of this item we cannot add it to the inventories of players who could not acquire during the active reward period. We appreciate your support of the game thus far and hope you will not miss the next such event! Keep an eye on the forums for information on when these events occur so you won't miss out. If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know.


How is that a way to get someone to continue playing the game?  You think they could of extended the time frame a little? It wouldn't be as bad if it was a item that you could get again down the road, but making this very special item for that short of period?  The founder packs and what not last for months?  A week to celebrate Warframe is to long or something?


This has really disappointed me as a long running Tenno.

Edited by KratosAngelus
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today has a lot of people wrongly expecting entitlement, it seems.


the Weapon was available for 7 days, the same length as Events are nowadays. all you had to do was login.


Video Games are the wrong hobby for you if you get bent out of shape by missing a special anything.

i haven't heard much complaint about events lasting 7 days is too short, so why is this any different.



if you had other wordly responsibilities, those are more important than an item. 



you don't see me complaining i didn't get a Braton Vandal (which i was around for, but didn't understand it was some special limited edition item, and i didn't like the Braton, so didn't buy it for the 1Cr). 

i had my chance, i did not take the opportunity, that's on me. it's not the fault of Digital Extremes.

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Actually, you have a point.  Usually the birthday cakes and presents in MMO's are awarded to player accounts currently active, not just active in the last couple of days.  My fist is in the air for you.  This obviously was poorly thought out or perhaps they dont have the ability to assign things to player accounts.  At any rate, Good luck.  


P.S.  The Dex is amazing.

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It's not there fault that you were gone for whatever resson.


It's their fault for not being reasonable and giving it out for all accounts created before April 2, like every other competent developer does.


perhaps they dont have the ability to assign things to player accounts.


They do, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to give the DEX at all.

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Well actually, when you logged in it was a general offer similar to the daily login reward.  You had to accept it before it was transferred to you.  I think not being able to assign to accounts may be the cause... look at this statement.


"due to the exclusive nature of this item we could not add it to the inventory of ......who were not logged in."


This kinda looks like a smoking gun to me.

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Actually, you have a point.  Usually the birthday cakes and presents in MMO's are awarded to player accounts currently active, not just active in the last couple of days.  My fist is in the air for you.  This obviously was poorly thought out or perhaps they dont have the ability to assign things to player accounts.  At any rate, Good luck.  


P.S.  The Dex is amazing.

That's exactly what i'm saying. I'm not like raging made or like angry. I'm just saddened by this is all.  That would of been a easier way to deal with it was to just give it to the accounts that had been created before the anniversary, that's all I was pointing out.

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I'm sorry you feel a bit down, but...this game as it is has many, many exclusives and retired items. Just remember, they're only data, and not gamebreaking at that.


Take note the pattern DE has for Warframe - it is heavily time based. Alerts. Invasions. Events. Foundry items take time to build. Clan dojos take time to build. Research takes days. Survival rewards are pegged at 15-20 minute intervals, Defense at 15 waves. Remember that you are playing because Warframe is fun (I'm starting to suspect it actually isn't and I'm doing it because I like getting stuff/completing things rather than playing), not because Warframe owns your schedule.


I like to think that someone in high up in DE consults a social psychologist who helps judge the best mechanics to implement to induce Skinner's Box behaviour. The sad thing is it really works and ensures players log in often and for longer periods of time. Even I catch myself thinking "huh...wonder if there's a potato alert/invasion today"...even though the flip side is that when we 'miss' those chances we feel down or even cheated. But remember you weren't cheated - you were doing your own thing and that's more important than Warframe.

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So with the anniversary weapons just released, I got home from vacation this morning and found out I missed my chance at them.. DE only had the option available for a few days, and on top of that it was only for people who logged on in that time...

So, even tho it was celebrating the games anniversary, they didn't make it so it was given out if you had played in the last few months or something that most games generally do, or even extended the time.  Ive been a avid fan of Warframe for a long while now, and even tho i've been disappointed with the transfer to PS4 Delay's i've stilled played this game with much intent.  


How is that a way to get someone to continue playing the game?  You think they could of extended the time frame a little? It wouldn't be as bad if it was a item that you could get again down the road, but making this very special item for that short of period?  The founder packs and what not last for months?  A week to celebrate Warframe is to long or something?


This has really disappointed me as a long running Tenno.



Same here. Founder. Long time player. I wasnt around because of a job engagement and I completely miss the nice "thanks for helping" stuff. Not really awesome.


I understand the desire to force everyone to "log on" and had I been around I certainly would have, but I wasnt. I am a little disappointed there is no recourse to get the bonus items because of RL. I certainly do not put my game life over RL, esp. my job.

Edited by Joviex
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Take note the pattern DE has for Warframe - it is heavily time based. Alerts. Invasions. Events. Foundry items take time to build. Clan dojos take time to build. Research takes days. Survival rewards are pegged at 15-20 minute intervals, Defense at 15 waves.


Yes, this is true, but all of these alerts do happen again at one point in time, and they are stuff you can spend actual money to get if your that desperate for it.  Some people have supported this game from the beginning, and if they are away for a job engagement, vacation or some other life event.  Then come back and find out that just because they weren't able to be around a computer or log on, they get to miss out in something that's supposed to be a big thank you to the people who have helped warframe get to where it is. If it was a item that you could hunt down in the void, find blueprints and craft it, that wouldn't be so bad cause it would still be available for those who were away. Rhino prime for example, Rhino and Frost were my favorite warframes, so when they released it I farmed all night so I could build it.... actually that may be off topic.  


ANYWAYS, maybe in future events, they shouldn't do things that force people to log on, because there are cases where people will miss out, and feel left out.  Even if they are big players of the game, founders even.

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Yes, this is true, but all of these alerts do happen again at one point in time, and they are stuff you can spend actual money to get if your that desperate for it.  Some people have supported this game from the beginning, and if they are away for a job engagement, vacation or some other life event.  Then come back and find out that just because they weren't able to be around a computer or log on, they get to miss out in something that's supposed to be a big thank you to the people who have helped warframe get to where it is.

if i was preoccupied and missed something in Warframe - that would be my own doing, my own fault, and my own problem.


i do not expect, and others should not expect, a Developer to hand you everything on a silver platter, just because you'd be bummed otherwise.


i often feel as if significant number of players in Video Games are collectionists, and will get their rustles jimmied if they don't have 100% of the things.

collectionists shouldn't play Video Games, because that's not what they are about.


Trading Card Games are the best places for collectionists, as they are built on having everything. 



your having spent money on Warframe does not mean you deserve everything under the sun. the same applies for myself or anyone else that has. it simply makes you a customer rather than a prospective one. 

and that was surely exactly the point of doing it, aqquired at login to incentivize players to login and probably play for a while. 


there's scarves that you can't have unless you purchase Prime Access, are those also unfair beacuse you can't have them? :/

the impact on the game this 1% of the game you won't have in your collection is extremely insignificant.

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While i do agree that many mmorpg have a "we send you something for free in the e-mail" system when celebrating,a tons of them has a 1 week (or 1 day) event where you have to actually log and do a quest to get the exclusive item or the bonus they're giving.So i don't see nothing wrong with it.
If you're a gamer,i wouldn't see where's the issue in logging 30 sec in a week.If it really mattered you could just have asked your brother (or a friend..cough...)to log in and log out for you.Easy as that.

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I do not know how to feel about this. I can see both sides, but really I think this was a bad move on DEs part. At this time exclusives are a hot-button issue, people are getting annoyed at how many exclusive items there are, and worse how the exclusives are often more powerful than what you can get otherwise. The DexFuris is basically a direct upgrade to the AkFuris, and they have said (although they are working on how) that the stat helmets will likely become exclusives. Should exclusives be mechanically stronger than non-exclusives?


So, basically, while I have no problem with exclusives per se, bringing out more and more exclusives while a fairly large number of your community is debating rather the entire idea of exclusives is bad for your game may not be the best idea. Dunno, just seems like a bad time for it.

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