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Pls Make Vauban Helmet In Normal Hours


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i mean a month ago you did it in the middle of the bloody night... (that feeling when you wakt up to check what you lost and it's the one thing you realy want to get for 2 months)

and the seond time a cupple of days ago you did it at 13:00 pm i was at work !

plea please

do the vauban helmet either on the weekend or on 7, 8, 9 pm ... so that most of the people who work in asia would be able to get it as well..


you can't imagine the frustration for not getting one

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They don't control when there's a Vauban alert. It's all RNG.


but I would like a vauban chassis now tyvm


if they don't control it how come there is the catalyist 48 h thingy ...

offcures they can have control over it...

they wrote the entire game...


ohh your talking about the houres thingy..

well tha'ts just not fair :(

Edited by shayvidas
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if they don't control it how come there is the catalyist 48 h thingy ...

offcures they can have control over it...

they wrote the entire game...


ohh your talking about the houres thingy..

well tha'ts just not fair :(


special alerts and normal alerts are two different systems.

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Problem with this is normal time for who?

Warframe has players all over the world in every time zone (why the live stream gifts are 24hrs).  Keying it to one specific time zone is unfair to others in any other time zone, hence why it has to be random.

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Normal alerts are randomized. They come up at random times and a dice is rolled. The number determines location, another for difficulty, another for faction, another for credit count, another for IF there will be an item involved, a roll for the rarity of that item and a roll for the item in that tier. They aren't sabotaging anyone by dropping things at inconvenient times.


Lotus alerts are personally put in by DE. They only do controlled ones for really long term gifts.

Edited by NanoDecerto
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No matter when the alert is, its going to be a bad a time for someone somewhere. If the alert is a good time for you, its at a bad time for someone else, and if its at a good time for someone else, its at a bad time for you.


The alert system is random, DE can run custom alerts but the only custom ones they run are the 24h or 48h alerts or the special darvo/event mission alerts.

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Vauban needs to be put into clan-tech like Volt and Banshee were. Why they fixed it for Volt and Banshee, but not for Vauban makes me wonder if DE even remembers that Vauban is no easier to obtain than Banshee or Volt were prior to the clan-tech research.

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