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Hold/endless Survival : Where S*** Just Get Real


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I was playing defense mission and survival mission quiet alot lately I think we can mix them together in this mode, also one day something happens when I play sabotage mission, in the middle of mission it turned into exterminate mission, because now mission type can change in the middle of process I wanna make this kind of mission. (but instead of change in the middle, this mission already change the mission type from the beginning)

Mission Name Hold (need better name, seriously)

Your spaceship just got shot with anti-air-unit cannon by enemies or, their aircraft, or got technical problem (it doesn't matter because it happens off screen), and crashed into enemies's territory but you (and your teammates) escaped in time before it explode (the mission start with you jumping out from the spaceship like in the Corpus outpost or Phobos, but the ship is on fire), The enemies heard that explosion make them know where you are and then they are coming to exterminate you. Without any other choice you must safe things that most important,YOU AND YOUR PARTNER

EDIT: due to the scenario and so many feedback I receive in the comment, I will make this mission as random encounter, when we pick a mission. But this mission will only happens if you pick any missions other than alert,assassination,void/derelict and mastery test because I don't want to make this thing annoying, (like when you are ready for assassination mission to get blueprint but then this thing is coming, so you have to repeat the assassination mission again to get blueprint) and you only can do this mission if you finish any survival/defense mission at least once then you come again.

Play Style

instead of guarding a cryopod or running around waiting for oxygen, you are running without any direction and you have to stay alive at least 5 minutes before the extractions ship arrive to rescue. while you are meet face-to-face with greater amount of enemies (I mean one swarm is greater than in defense and survival mode) who will storming you with their number. By the way all type of enemies including heavy and special unit can be in the first 5 minutes depending on the level difficulty

What you have to do here is just running and shoot (and use your frickin awesome ability of course), RUN, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN YOU ARE GINGER BREAD MAN SPACE NINJA, if you stay in one place the enemies will keep coming in greater number, if all players are dead while the time still active mission will failed.

the mission will complete when the extraction ship has arrive and you choose 'compensation from lotus' (crappy mod for reward like in defense mission) if you choose to stay you have to hold your position for another 5 minutes, where the enemies are getting more dose of steroids, making them tougher every 5 minutes.


This mission is only come if you pick survival or defense, so I think the odd is 1% at the start (stacked with other player), and increase by 0.1% every time you doing defense and survival for example if 4 players had stack 1%, 6%, 14%, and 11% the chance for this mission to happen is 32%



Lotus Transmission
In the beginning of the mission
"Tenno your ship just crashed Into <enemy faction>'s territory, Don't worry I will send another ship to pick you up"

Then you hear an explosion (it's the ship explode somewhere off screen)
"That noise has attracting enemies attention to your place, hold on till the extraction ship arrive"

The timer has started.

(The gameplay transmission are no different than the other common mission like "watch out the Grineer is coming". etc)

but sometimes Lotus warn you to leave the area, when you are stay in one place for too long, resulting more enemies to come toward you.
"Tenno, you are drawing too many enemies attention, get out from there"

When the timer almost run out (20 seconds)
"Just hang a bit longer, the ship almost there"

When the timer has run out
"Good job Tenno, I'm sorry you had to run into this situation, would you comeback right now or use this as opportunity to train yourself?"

If you choose to extraction the mission will end and you receive reward

If you choose to stay for another 5 minutes
"I understand, I will tell the ship to hide for awhile"


Suggestion about update in game

- Because the mission is started with jumping from spaceship, it indicates the mission is mostly outdoor, but most defense and survival mission are indoor, so I think we need an exclusive outdoor tileset for this mission. (safe for Corpus outpost, Phobos and other outdoor tileset.


What is the good thing about This Gameplay

- You don't have to defend something / go somewhere you don't want to (like running back to get oxygen supplies)
- Good for farming resource and EXP
- Harder enemy every 5 minutes make this mode more challenging
- Come only in survival and defense mission make you prepare in this mission because the gameplay is similar
- Freedom to explore the map
- Tension of being sole hero, when all your comrade dies and you are stand alone waiting for the time to runs out


Things I though would be bad of this gameplay

- No exact objective, just have to wait and survive every 5 minutes make it kinda boring.
- Hard as hell enemy always no good for low level players
- This mode is not-so-original, it's just a hybrid of defense and survival mission (I know you guys are thinking about that)
- Because this is random encounter mission you may rarely doing this mission
- Playing too long then the mission failed (imagine if this happening, share it in comment)


Any pancake feedback for me?

Edited by Vurige
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I actually wished there were a Survival like this before they implemented the one we have now. To make it more interesting, perhaps you have to wait at the extraction point before the ship arrives, which is every 5 minutes.

So that means if you wish to finish the mission, you can only do so every 5 minutes sharp, and you must hold the position before then.

Mission failure is, of course, if everyone dies. This would lead to dramatic tension where only one player is left alive, waiting for extraction, as hordes of enemies who wiped out his team now focus their attention on the sole survivor.

Sounds better than running out of air, to be certain.

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looks good, but it shows that Lotus is incompetent, like that oxygen fiasco in survival, its weird, Lotus IS capable, its just that why is this a mission? this should be like when youre done with a mission and going home, like how a random mission changes mid-game. it should be a random encounter, because what? everytime you do a node, you always crash a ship? thats gonna cost you a lot if theres any logic in it.

Edited by JameSPYder
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looks good, but it shows that Lotus is incompetent, like that oxygen fiasco in survival, its weird, Lotus IS capable, its just that why is this a mission? this should be like when youre done with a mission and going home, like how a random mission changes mid-game. it should be a random encounter, because what? everytime you do a node, you always crash a ship? thats gonna cost you a lot if theres any logic in it.

I can feel your rage when I read your post but kinda like it


Let's just change the scenario a little bit


Originally your are going to the enemy's territory for different type of mission (like exterminate, capture, rescue etc.) but somethings went wrong. The ship got malfunctions because technical mistake or got shot by enemy's anti-air-unit weapon (can't decide which one is better), then in this emergency condition, Lotus change the objective to save you.


If peoples think this reply is good I will put it on the post above.

Edited by Vurige
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looks good, but it shows that Lotus is incompetent, like that oxygen fiasco in survival, its weird, Lotus IS capable, its just that why is this a mission? this should be like when youre done with a mission and going home, like how a random mission changes mid-game. it should be a random encounter, because what? everytime you do a node, you always crash a ship? thats gonna cost you a lot if theres any logic in it.

True, that.

How about this: we make it a rehash of the old raid mission. We start the mission, and then we get to a certain point to steal some artifacts. The successful theft of the first item initiates the counter.

From then on, every five minutes, if we don't extract we have to go to another part of the map to raid another artifact that will act as our "Reward", all within the five minutes.

So it's basically a repeating raid mission, but with increasing difficulty. No obligation to take the reward, either, if you prefer to just hold and kill everything.

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I can feel your rage when I read your post but kinda like it


Let's just change the scenario a little bit


Originally your are going to the enemy's territory for different type of mission (like exterminate, capture, rescue etc.) but somethings went wrong. The ship got malfunctions because technical mistake or got hit by enemy's anti-air-unit weapon (can't decide which one is better), then in this emergency condition, Lotus change the objective to save you.

ok now this is good. this could work, well as a random radical change when starting missions.

and no i didnt rage in my last post.

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The problem with making it random is that it's annoying, and unpredictable.

I for one would like to go in prepared for maximum carnage, or with gear I want to level. Making it random is not consistent, and cannot be planned for.

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I can feel your rage when I read your post but kinda like it


Let's just change the scenario a little bit


Originally your are going to the enemy's territory for different type of mission (like exterminate, capture, rescue etc.) but somethings went wrong. The ship got malfunctions because technical mistake or got shot by enemy's anti-air-unit weapon (can't decide which one is better), then in this emergency condition, Lotus change the objective to save you.


If peoples think this reply is good I will put it on the post above.

Why not just have it to where the enemy Hijacks your ship, and you have to survive on it, I mean...  We always magically find a vent to get on their ship, why not just let them encounter us midway, and they bored us, or something along them lines, but either way, I like the idea, as being in a suit, I shouldn't need oxygen, and I get tired of guarding things, and my baseball bat is missing to hit the Grenades & Missles back at them, lol.


I'd rather just survive....

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I personally would prefer to survive rather than sprint around looking for oxygen and do like this idea.


Since going to a specific node and getting shot down every time would be kind of ridiculous, maybe it should occur as a random mission change whilst doing any mission (bar Assassination). This was already suggested, but it didn't really get across the point of being on a Grineer or Corpus ship when the explosions happen.


This way, it'd be random (despite the wish to go in fully prepared), more viable (because a surprise attack by another faction against another faction is possible) and more hectic when you realise everything's just gone to hell.

Edited by Blackout751
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Nice idea. funny though i was thinking on a new "boss" who may pop every now and then in random missions changing the flow of said misión.

One of those changes was that she (yes its a chick) shoots down your ship, your shields and HP are reduced for a sertain time and you land in a random location of that misión, maybe you land direcly on the boss, farther from the objective or right in the middle of an enemy group.


Your idea is better though as a random encounter where your S#&amp;&#036; is shot down and you must survive.

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A slightly different idea to this is that you have to do a last stand type battle. You have to hold the high ground whilst waiting for extraction. You are in a defensible enough area, possibly with some of those turrets DE showed us a couple of livestreams back. The enemy, however, is swarming you with massive amounts of soldiers. This would be interesting with infested.


Great idea over all though. I have been wanting something like this for a while

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Thank you for everyone above this comment for giving me feedback. I already made major change for this mission like this is a random mission, so you can't take this mission from solar system interface.


If you think random encounter is bad think about that damn emo who only come when you only equip low-level equipment

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