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Void Fog


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It seems as though the Tenno have integrated Instagram into their HUDs.

Yeah, I'm not sure what caused the rounded black edges. The yellow effect was there, but it got worse when Loki used invisibility (although to be fair, things WERE slightly more visible while invisible, since it makes your view darker). So, more visible, but... yellower.

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I have never seen this happen to me in the void before.

Graphics settings and/or hardware solution incompatibility maybe?

1. What hardware and/or settings are you using?

2. Do you have the means to reproduce this bug?


DE will need those to fix the problem.

It's a random amount of fog every time I go into the void. Sometimes it's fine. Sometimes it blocks you from scoping.

Sometimes the only solution is to add "enemy sense" or whatevert the mod is called, and go by "m".

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