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Just What The Hell Is Going On


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I mean, seriously, this IS my third topic today, I just bought my second prime access yesterday only to find myself locked in a region with 8 people at peak times, my ticket didn't get an answer, and YES, I DO FEW ENTITLED to one.


Either tell me I will be stuck with these 8 morons with S#&$t* connection forever so i can stop wasting my time with this game no one plays in my region and go to court or say you screwed up and something is being done in order to fix this.

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Support is a small team and they get hundreds of tickets everyday have some patience they will answer you ticket.


From the sounds of it just change your region to a different one.


If you do not mind me asking what region are you in?

Like with every ps4 game we change regions basically by changing the language in our system, and if multiple countries speak said language, the country will be in parenthesis, as in : english (united states), which is the option i set my ps4 to.


All that said i currently live in south america, which never locked me to playying with SA players only.


After U 12.4 hit the ps4 I am forced to play with 8 people that dont even speak my native language and have terrible connection.

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Calm down bro, let's talk this over bit by bit because I cannot understand a single thing you're saying.

LOL, my bad, on the PC you guys can change regions to play with whoever you want.


On the ps4, all of a sudden, after u12.4, we are locked to the regions we live in, residing in south america, I am currently playing in a region where trade chat is dead, region chat has never reached more than 14 people, recruiting is dead, there is no [DE] staff, no nothing, just me and a handful of people playing in mercury.


Say i wanna join a random eris or pluto mission. i cant.


Say I wanna play some t3 defense? Cant.


Get the picture?

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Lol, go to court with what?

LOL if your country doesnt protect the consumer i feel sorry for you, i bought what i did to play online, most of my online friends are from NA, nowhere it said, that all of a sudden, with no warning i would be forced to play with whoever they think it is best, not even the ToA says that, hell, no other ps4 game does that, they should allow me to change region.


I wouldnt mind if there were thousands playing, the it has never been past 14 ppl.Nobody trades.Nobody recruits.Anyways it baffles me they arent saying anything about it, the ones that suffered the most are asians and south american.Both of which are not used coming to these forums.

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LOL if your country doesnt protect the consumer i feel sorry for you, i bought what i did to play online, most of my online friends are from NA, nowhere it said, that all of a sudden, with no warning i would be forced to play with whoever they think it is best, not even the ToA says that, hell, no other ps4 game does that, they should allow me to change region.


I wouldnt mind if there were thousands playing, the it has never been past 14 ppl.Nobody trades.Nobody recruits.Anyways it baffles me they arent saying anything about it, the ones that suffered the most are asians and south american.Both of which are not used coming to these forums.

You can still join your friends directly by invitation. Type: /invite name

OR you can invite them by selecting them from the friend list.


Also, you can do the same with your clan, if you have one.

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You can still join your friends directly by invitation. Type: /invite name

OR you can invite them by selecting them from the friend list.


Also, you can do the same with your clan, if you have one.

Thats what i have been doing but still, sometimes you just wanna pop in that high level defense to level up your weapons without going through all the trouble of gathering people.My clan awesomely carried me through the event in a sec, but the good ole griding is a pain with few pugs going on.I ve been soloing though, which means lvling one weapon at a time lol.

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You know I was thinking about watching it in hopes something would be said but i didnt think i would stand 1 hour waiting for those 10secs of hooe lol, thanks for the answer! (:

Ya they normally do the house keeping stuff in the beginning but I understand not wanting to sift through. It was apparently completely accidental.

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LOL if your country doesnt protect the consumer i feel sorry for you, i bought what i did to play online, most of my online friends are from NA, nowhere it said, that all of a sudden, with no warning i would be forced to play with whoever they think it is best, not even the ToA says that, hell, no other ps4 game does that, they should allow me to change region.

You do realize that you didnt really buy the game right? You bought items in the game, which i'm assuming you got, and DE has all the rights to the game and can do whatever they really want with it. There is literally nothing you can do in court. Especially when you're complaining about matchmaking.

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Happened to my south american friend on his ps4 also, he's about to sell his ps4 cuz he couldn't play warframe anymore and infamous was utter trash... i may need to inform him that he can at least play the one thing on ps4 he likes again.

Edited by zebar1313
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