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R.i.p [Ps4]Kicbot.... Here Is Few Screenshots Of Kickbot Getting Mad.

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This went on for 15-20 mins about a month ago.








Thought someone might find it funny.


Edit: PS4 doesn't have kickbot anymore, just letting pc player now if kickbot is still on pc.

Edited by (PS4)nightmare1100
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Your trespasses on the holy grounds of Chat shall not pass unpunished

*kills a few hundred of trespassers*


 You may be many in numbers, but you stand no chance against a demigod

*kills a couple thousands of trespassers*


If you value your lives then leave this place, you're not welcome here

*horde of trespassers scatters, running in panic*

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Maybe everyone in the channel did something at some point in time to get kicked over the course of time...


And the Kickbot just needed to read the comments and make a list?


I did see something rather odd...


"Dammods" in the first pic....could this be a coincidence or a provocation?


Perhaps it was something that was going for a bit?


Hey....ya know it is a "bot" after all..


the conversation must have caused a trigger to go off...glitches happen.

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