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Which Is The Best Sentinel Weapon?



i mean in dps, which is the best at the moment ? 

many say it is the death cube riffle, but it has really low stats and damage, and applying an elemental damage to such a low damage would not be worth. <Sorry for bad english> 

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sweeper is good, but I think it is too slow and range limited, i tried the stinger , and it can be upgraded well, the range is absurd and it has viral damage which decrease max hp. Someone told me that also deconstructor (Helios' weapon) is powerfull.How about these? 

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Fired up works for almost everything if you keep firing.



4 formas: Blaze, Point Blank, Vicious Spread, Hell's Chamber, Accelerated blast, Shell Shock, Charged shell, Contagious spread

It does ~1300 dmg per shot.

I'd only replace Accelerated Blast with Chilling Grasp, because AB is useless. Low rate of fire(less than shotgun spazz) and miniscule damage boost of pucture, which isn't Sweeper's main damage - Impact.
You end up with ~1500 damage per shot, Blast+Corrosive baby with 40% chance of status. It fires slowly and has spread, but if you want to steadily oneshot something about level 40 around you - that's the best choice. I repeat, oneshot up to level 40.

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Something to consider: DMR makes better use of the Fired Up mod than Sweeper.


I'm thinking its DMR @ 30-60m sentinels, and Sweeper for Carrier. The spread on sweeper will make the dps too diluted at range, meaning its only useful at close range. Stinger tends to miss at range too.


Stinger's proc is hard to quantify. As far as I can tell it's a basic toxin proc, meaning +50% of base damage (pre elementals) per second, so we can treat this as an innate installed +50% toxin mod.


Factoring in Fired Up and the innate toxin proc, we see this:

Sweeper with +punch through = 2688 burst, 1871 sustained (+39% damage from Fired Up)

DMR with Shred = 3038 burst, 2308 sustained (+57.9% damage from Fired Up)

Stinger with Shred = 2811 burst, 976 sustained (+15% damage from Fired Up)


So basically DMR is always top DPS, but given the slight spinup time and lack of procs you might situationally use all three weapons. Stinger will decimate Corpus, for example, and the melee nature of infested means Sweeper is more beneficial.

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4 formas: Blaze, Point Blank, Vicious Spread, Hell's Chamber, Accelerated blast, Shell Shock, Charged shell, Contagious spread

It does ~1300 dmg per shot.

one fun thing that I've tried: putting in a full ranked Seeking Force (2.1 punch through).


1. Sentinel's aiming is ... well.. you know. Having a spread type weapon helps a little. allowing the shots to ignore thin covers/obstacles do wonders.

2. Suddenly, the effective dps against hordes goes up (though the use of a mod slot for punch through means potentially lower single target dps).

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