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Warframe Tier


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I am gonna show like which warframe goes in which tier ( if I am wrong pls correct me and also tell me a suitable reason)

* means I gonna say why they are in the tier

if I show prime doesn't mean only the prime, normal would do too

This is on how strong tier 1 good tier 3 not so good

Tier 1: Vauban*,rhino(prime ),zephyr*,volt(well only for corpus,T1 if others),loki*,nova*,trinity

Tier 2:valkyr,nekros*,mag(prime),ember(prime),nyx,frost(prime)*,saryn

Tier 3:excalibur(prime cuz same thing),ash*,banshee,oberon

Vauban : good ability such as putting bastille collect as much as energy as possible and put vortex impossible to escape those within its range

zephyr: first ability is so good where u just get to this high point of this map where no enemy can reach,2 not good but turbulence pretty much reflects bullet with maxed duration u can just stand in one spot and shoot,tornado sents 4 tornado and u can also change element for corpus just leave it,fire for infested and radiation for grinner.

loki: well most of u know

nova: 2 and 4 are very explosive and number 3 is good for escaping tough situation

nekros: all ok except for 2 which I think can be actually in 1 like direct hit on a enemy high dmg nearby slight dmg and quiet far run in fear and replace 2 with a more necromancer type ability like a mutant undead

ash: teleport is suppose to be like anywhere not just some place and enemy but I wish that would be a mod allows to to just chain teleport like blade storm and blade storm should be a bit more stronger since its a wristblade to the neck

frost: freeze doesn't has a radius freeze, snow globe nerfed and frost prime speed 0.9 but rhino prime 1.0?

its just my opinion but I would like to hear from others

Edited by biowizard50
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Frost's 4 and 2 are immensely powerful, as well as providing slow/stun for short periods, his snow globe got re-buffed to have more health depending on initial damage, making him more useful.


Nyx's mind-control allows heavies to cause massive damage to everything but you, infested healers heal your team, et cetera.

Chaos and mind-control also stun bosses, allowing for more damage to be dealt. Chaos + Nova = enemies pop like fireworks.

As well as this, her 4 allows her to soak up massive damage and regain shields while also storing damage to be dealt back to crowds of enemies.


Oberon Tier 2?


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Not a tier thread... Gonna get lots of flaming I guarantee it.

Every frame has it's own uses, own play style. Saying that this frame is better than this frame brings flames. Frames are not things you can rank with like cars....

Edited by izzatuw
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Frost's 4 and 2 are immensely powerful, as well as providing slow/stun for short periods, his snow globe got re-buffed to have more health depending on initial damage, making him more useful.


Nyx's mind-control allows heavies to cause massive damage to everything but you, infested healers heal your team, et cetera.

Chaos and mind-control also stun bosses, allowing for more damage to be dealt. Chaos + Nova = enemies pop like fireworks.

As well as this, her 4 allows her to soak up massive damage and regain shields while also storing damage to be dealt back to crowds of enemies.


Oberon Tier 2?


You can also place a Penta nade and use Absorb and detonate the nade. Maxed Penta gets you about 5-10K depending on how close you are
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Frost's 4 and 2 are immensely powerful, as well as providing slow/stun for short periods, his snow globe got re-buffed to have more health depending on initial damage, making him more useful.


Nyx's mind-control allows heavies to cause massive damage to everything but you, infested healers heal your team, et cetera.

Chaos and mind-control also stun bosses, allowing for more damage to be dealt. Chaos + Nova = enemies pop like fireworks.

As well as this, her 4 allows her to soak up massive damage and regain shields while also storing damage to be dealt back to crowds of enemies.


Oberon Tier 2?


well then for oberon what tier?

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It'd be great if you elaborated.

What do you mean by tier? T3 best, T1 worst?

What we're comparing about exactly. Defense, survival, general missions.

Are we comparing them generally: survivability/health/shield/speed/abilities.

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well then for oberon what tier?

Tier 3 if not a Tier 4 just for him.

His abilities are terrible.

1 does terrible damage albeit with ricochet

2 does HORRIBLE damage and doesn't apply to CC as it's a straight line which enemies usually waltz through without ever being bothered by the 200-300 damage they take, even on Mercury.

3 is mediocre, but the healing stops at max, and if you take damage after getting to 100%, regardless of duration, you don't heal it back.

4 does Radiation and Impact damage, which is low. Radiation damage is good against Grineer heavies, but impact is useless. Impact is good against shields, but Radiation is all but negated. 50% to drop health? Take a Nekros and desecrate them for more.

Edited by GraalOhOtonami
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I would put all in a tier 0. No frame is better than another, and I don't know what will make people realize it.


EDIT: Besides, you're going to place Saryn as one of the worst and not even explain WHY you would? How about actually using a frame before you make assumptions.

Edited by ConcretePie
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I would put all in a tier 0. No frame is better than another, and I don't know what will make people realize it.


EDIT: Besides, you're going to place Saryn as one of the worst and not even explain WHY you would? How about actually using a frame before you make assumptions.

All frames are better than Oberon.


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If I was using your tier system I'd say:

Tier 1: Loki, Nova, Trinity, Rhino, Excalibur

Tier 2: Frost, Nyx, Valkyr, Vauban, Nekros, Volt, Saryn

Tier 3: Ash, Banshee, Zephyr, Ember, Oberon

I would love to put frost, nyx and vauban in 1 but frost is Defence only really, Nyx has great CC but super squishy, and vauban because he's only amazing against infested, kinda squishy against the rest unless for defence.

These are my opinions though

Edit: Bumped up saryn due to molt, that was handy in a pinch.

Edited by TC-Guardian
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It would be nice to read some reasoning to that statement.


Tier 3 if not a Tier 4 just for him.

His abilities are terrible.

1 does terrible damage albeit with ricochet

2 does HORRIBLE damage and doesn't apply to CC as it's a straight line which enemies usually waltz through without ever being bothered by the 200-300 damage they take, even on Mercury.

3 is mediocre, but the healing stops at max, and if you take damage after getting to 100%, regardless of duration, you don't heal it back.

4 does Radiation and Impact damage, which is low. Radiation damage is good against Grineer heavies, but impact is useless. Impact is good against shields, but Radiation is all but negated. 50% to drop health? Take a Nekros and desecrate them for more.


Also squishy and relatively slow for a squishy frame.

Edited by GraalOhOtonami
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Tier 3 if not a Tier 4 just for him.

His abilities are terrible.

1 does terrible damage albeit with ricochet

2 does HORRIBLE damage and doesn't apply to CC as it's a straight line which enemies usually waltz through without ever being bothered by the 200-300 damage they take, even on Mercury.

3 is mediocre, but the healing stops at max, and if you take damage after getting to 100%, regardless of duration, you don't heal it back.

4 does Radiation and Impact damage, which is low. Radiation damage is good against Grineer heavies, but impact is useless. Impact is good against shields, but Radiation is all but negated. 50% to drop health? Take a Nekros and desecrate them for more.


Also squishy and relatively slow for a squishy frame.


You can't go saying that Oberons abilities are SPECIFICALLY horrible, since most AoE ults and first abilities deal the same ammount of damage. Besides, Reckoning deals 450 more base damage than stomp, and since Oberon has a higher health value than usual, I see no problem with extra health orbs. And you compare the "squishy" Oberon to a Nekros' ability to produce health orbs? Who was squishy again?


Sincerely, just because you don't prefer a frame, it doesn't make it useless.

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You can't go saying that Oberons abilities are SPECIFICALLY horrible, since most AoE ults and first abilities deal the same ammount of damage. Besides, Reckoning deals 450 more base damage than stomp, and since Oberon has a higher health value than usual, I see no problem with extra health orbs. And you compare the "squishy" Oberon to a Nekros' ability to produce health orbs? Who was squishy again?


Sincerely, just because you don't prefer a frame, it doesn't make it useless.

Oh but I can.

Oberon's shield and armour are mediocre and low respectively.

The problem I have with Reckoning is that half of that base damage is resisted by most enemies to varying degrees, and Nekros' ability doesn't ONLY produce health orbs, but also energy orbs, ammo and resources plus making enemies who have already dropped items drop more.

Unless you've sped up cast time and layered abilities down like a hyperactive child with OCD, his abilities are rubbish.

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Oh but I can.

Oberon's shield and armour are mediocre and low respectively.

The problem I have with Reckoning is that half of that base damage is resisted by most enemies to varying degrees, and Nekros' ability doesn't ONLY produce health orbs, but also energy orbs, ammo and resources plus making enemies who have already dropped items drop more.

Unless you've sped up cast time and layered abilities down like a hyperactive child with OCD, his abilities are rubbish.

Yeah, but Oberon isn't supposed to have a Desecrate. As a support frame, health orbs are a quite welcome bonus to his ult, considering his said role. 

Honestly man, I see where you're getting at, but I've experienced Oberon as end-game material. But SURE I will admit that he is generally weak that way, but what one should cosider is that his abilities are all affected by power strength, even his healing. That means he is superbly easy to build, and with a Blind Rage slapped on you'll see damage numbers like never before, despite the quite wonky damage types. Still though, his ult does slam enemies in the ground, knocking them down. The only enemies who can get up fast enough are corpus MOAs. 


... Besides, yeah, Oberon should have a higher armor value, to give his high health more purpose. And on a side note, Desecrate is kinda broken unless your Nekros is built to ONLY Desecrate.

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If I was using your tier system I'd say:

Tier 1: Loki, Nova, Trinity, Rhino, Excalibur

Tier 2: Frost, Nyx, Valkyr, Vauban, Nekros, Volt, Saryn

Tier 3: Ash, Banshee, Zephyr, Ember, Oberon

I would love to put frost, nyx and vauban in 1 but frost is Defence only really, Nyx has great CC but super squishy, and vauban because he's only amazing against infested, kinda squishy against the rest unless for defence.

These are my opinions though

Edit: Bumped up saryn due to molt, that was handy in a pinch.

T1: Excalibur and T3:zephyr WHY

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