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I Think We Get It, Everyone.


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The message to solo players is clear. DE should be completely devoted to producing challenging endgame content catering to their hardcore endgame players, because, of course, only the hardest of core should be allowed to appreciate this game. What, you don't like failing missions repeatedly? It's your fault for not having maxed damage/multishot mods. The whole game is already baby-mode! What's that, your internet connection prevents you from playing reliably with others? 


Perhaps I am exaggerating the opinion of the vocal and unpleasant minority, but the vibe I'm getting is that among the non-solo community, you either hate with a passion, or flat out do not care about new and solo players. Listen, there's absolutely nothing wrong with ignoring issues just because they don't affect your ever so important self, but there is really no reason to shoot us down when we voice our opinion. Why are you so adamant that Warframe cannot offer a balanced experience for all types of players without compromising the supposed majority's enjoyment?


To DE: It shouldn't be that hard to achieve a state of balance. How about adjusting enemy spawns/stats based on the combined conclave number of the squad? Failing that, adjust spawn rates for solo players. Just take the first step in showing that you actually care about your solo players, or risk losing more thanks to either the lack of solo balance, or the the grumpy self-entitled veterans yelling at anyone who so much as suggests that their precious game has problems that they do not believe are real, at this point I don't know which is worse.


And yes, you might detect a bit of salt or "butt-hurt" in my post. I myself have internet troubles and could not not claim the recent apologetic so-called "gift" of the lotus, despite my relatively late-game gear. I've read the complaints and rebuttals regarding the Gravidus Dilemma and Tethra's Doom, and have been primarily a solo player since I started playing this game in open beta. I am tired of how prevalent the belittling, holier-than-thou attitude towards struggling players seems to be.


tl;dr stfu "pro" players, we're not all like you, nor should we have to be

Edited by [DE]Megan
edited out insults
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Oh boo hoo.

You can 'get good' at early game and overcome it, to the point where you'll never have to play early game again.

End game on the other hand, is perpetual once you reach a certain point. End game is a much higher priority than early game at the moment, period.

p.s. I was a new player once and also I played most of the game solo up until end game, back when the game was HARDER. If I can do it, then what's your excuse?

Edited by Fundance
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Yup there will always be some veterans that think the gameplay revolves around them. They complain that instigib stalker is still to easy, will probably be dropping the line "l2p" to solo players struggling etc.


At least in the latest prime time Megan, and Sheldon tried solo in alerts, and it didn't turn out well so they might be looking into it.


I'm a veteran myself so I do not have any problems running solo, because I have heavily modded weapons and most of the warframes ready to tackle any situation. I understand that not everyone is at my level. We are called veterans for a reason.

Edited by Rafarix
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Ranting about people that are ranting about the fact that you rant about solo mode.


You will just have to deal with the fact that Warframe is a multiplayer game. And the problem is that solo players make maybe 3% of the community, which is a neglectable minority. This is an opinion. Try to understand it.


I also understand that it sucks that solo mode isnt that player firendly, Id really like to solo some things like kappa or survival and have a viable enemy spawn rate there to farm alone and without dumbheads that roam around out of exp range all the time, but this is how the game is made.



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Game is intented to be played in a team. DE's first priority should be to adjust their content according to 4 man teams and then touch solo players. I don't know about new players because I'm playing since update 8 and things were a lot more different back then. But when I was a new player mods didn't drop from specific enemies so you didn't know what to farm to get a certain mod. I remember myself grinding Venera on Venus for countless hours just to get the basic mods and still I had no serration which I got by grinding a defense on Earth.


Also you are complaining about not having a good internet connection.

Is it DE's fault that you can't afford it/your country won't support large connections? No.

Is it a fault of the community asking for things you won't be able to play due to your connection issues? No.

That's just like saying that if you had a pc that didn't meet the minimum requirements for it to run the game DE should adjust their game so that your pc could run it. I am wondering who is the self-entitled here...


TL;DR: You can't demand things. That's how the game is atm. Either play it like it is or take a break until you see things fixed/get a proper connection or just quit entirely. It's your choice.

Edited by SinLortuen
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1.)  Dedicated solo players, by choice or necessity, are probably a minority. It's a simple fact of game design and business that DE will make sure the largest number of players are happy first.  :-\


2.)  Game is too hard for solo players due to not really scaling well to account for number of players.  Agree 100%.


3.) Game is generally easy for players with maxed out equipment. It tries to offer a choice of enemy level by offering the entire star system and 3 levels of void missions to play on, but

3a.) players are forced to play in easy mode sometimes because they need crafting materials, or keys, or prime parts, that come from areas which are not challenging

3b.) enemies that truly challenge maxed out players only show up in endless defense or endless survival mode. There is no drop-in option to get right into a level 60 furball

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As a 99.9% solo player and a 100% collector (only missing the two closed beta Vandal weapons) myself, I partly agreed with OP


1) High level defense, and to a much lesser extent, Mobile defense are indeed too hard for solo players sometimes. In particular the Grineer asteroid one. Bleh for that map, big time!

2) Do not simply tune down spawn rate for all the other game modes in solo. Survival in particular NEEDS to have tons of enemies, even solo. But in Defense maps (and maybe Mobile defense), sure, tone it down for solo mode.

3) Mag enemies (passive aura doing the instant 100% energyloss + to an almost nonexistant degree the Ancient Disruptors tentacle too), are a total b!tch to deal with when playing solo. Even Online, they are still an annoyingly punishment-designed enemy. Everything else is fine with them (hud scramble, temporary inability to cast your abilities, partial shieldzap).

4) Soloing is otherwise fine. You can overcome EVERYTHING else (done it myself).

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Last night in Prime Time we put Solo mode to the test by playing Alerts. I can agree that it was a struggle at times, so I understand the frustrations here. We've stated on numerous Devstreams that New/Solo players are continually taken into consideration when new mission types, events, etc are added.


Feedback from the community in regards to letting us know that X is very hard for Solo players helps us make immediate/future changes where necessary. 


This topic is an important issue no doubt, but unfortunately posting with insults/dev bashing doesn't help get your ideas across appropriately. 


Locking, thanks for your feedback.

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