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Rhino Stomp No Power?


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I recently got my Rhino to rank 11 and potatoed added rhino stomp with no upgardes and 15% power strength. Now the problem is whenever i press number 4 the animation works the ground flies up but nothing DIES. i feel extremely disappointed because i have seen rhino stomp clearing T3 void rooms but mine does nothing in low level def missions can someone help me with my modding?( I have very less mods like the only one i have is intensify and not enough credit and fusion core to make it level up i have no other maximization mods)

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If rhino stomp is not maxed its not even worth equipping, skill mods you equip should always be maxed out. If you use a maxed intensify on it you should be able to clean t3-survival rooms up to maybe 7 minutes.


Rhino stomp is not meant to be a damage skill, its stun is more important (always 8 seconds on maxed rhino stomp, not affected by duration mods, also not by the - of fleeting expertise)

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Did you:

Upgrade Rhino Stomp to rank 3?

Unequipped Vanguard Helmet?

Maxed out Intensify?

Note that those players clearing T3 Void with Stomp most likely have Blind Rage to add to the power: maxed out intensify is enough in T3 Survival.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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I recently got my Rhino to rank 11 and potatoed added rhino stomp with no upgardes and 15% power strength. Now the problem is whenever i press number 4 the animation works the ground flies up but nothing DIES. i feel extremely disappointed because i have seen rhino stomp clearing T3 void rooms but mine does nothing in low level def missions can someone help me with my modding?( I have very less mods like the only one i have is intensify and not enough credit and fusion core to make it level up i have no other maximization mods)

On which planet are you casting your 4th?

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I use maxed steel charge aura for extra polarity points i have polarized 2 slots maxed blind rage, maxed overextended,maxed fleeting expertise, maxed flow,maxed intensify, maxed flow, and maxed rhino stomp if i really want even more power i swap iron skin for maxed roar but don't really need it. and of course a orikin reactor too

Edited by WarHeroman
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would look into that but keep in mind my mod fusion core and credit are limited like i only have 20k credit half the time

Remember that you can fuse any mod with any other mod - you don't need cores. You even get a bonus if you fuse mods with matching polarities. It works out only marginally more expensive than using ranked cores.


Abilities are a frame's lifeblood. It's always worth ranking an ability you're using before trying to improve it with other mods.


Try running a few credit alerts or even low-level tower missions. Towers give the best credit rewards possible for their difficulty. T1 towers aren't difficult. You say you've seen rhinos clearing rooms in T3... so get those friends together and run some T3s. They're amazing for cash.


i live on earth too incase u were wondering

...thanks for the clarification?

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