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Too Many Nano Spores.


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If they would just add a corpus dealer that allowed us to trade resources so i could get rid of my billion nano spores for a few orokin cells, that'd be great.

Id rather discuss the idea here, but if you must then move it to feedback/suggestion whatever.

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I agree, there needs to be a useful reason why they give out so many nano spores in missions. There isn't anything in the game right now that requires one to have this many nano spores.

This might be for newbies to help them gather for there needs faster.

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I'm always out of these from crafting restore packs. Leveling weapons is much easier with infinite ammo. Leveling frames is more fun and easier with infinite power. Health restore packs laugh at slash procs and I cheesed the event solo by spamming shield restore packs


I keep myself at 100+ of all types specifically because I never feel like farming nanospores. They don't actually drop anywhere I like to play often, since I hate OD. Hopefully when infested make their comeback I'll like their new maps and nanospores will drop there.

Edited by VKhaun
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It's a common drop from an area people routinely run long term missions with lots of mobs in.  Of course you're going to build up a ton.  I had (prior to some decorating of my Dojo) over 100 cells and neurodes for the same reason.  And for that matter, I've got more of the other common drops that I'll be using in the foreseeable future.  And uncommon ones, for that matter.  Once you've played a certain amount of time, that's going to happen.


For new players though, the drop rate is nice.

Edited by Axterix13
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