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yes i'm an A******, I know, so i'll post all this again under a different name and see what happens.sorry i'm not splitting this all up again, takes too long. and tryng to condense, read my other posts for full explainations.


general bugs, when using sensitivity past 3/4's full,and panning to shoot, your first shot will always miss. no matter what weapon you use, primary secondary or melee, bow, assault rifle, explosives, pistols, thrown. or any melee weapon.  doesn't matter if target is red or white. big or small. first shot appears to just disappear. under 3/4 sensitivity doesn't seem to be affected.

when going through a door, if waiting for it to open (solo or multiplayer) sometimes get "stuck" and door will drag you into the door frame, weather enemies are around or not.  


*wall runs-

-the slower the tenno the more buggy it is. with rhino can only wall run on approved spots, where the white marks are. if you randomly wall run, (to get through lvl's faster) most of the time you jump and hit invisible barrier, stopping you, or it lags you back to before you jumped. faster tenno's don't seem to be affected by this. also a lot of the "pits" won't let rhino out doing a side wall run, have to run straight up, change camera angle, and jump to the side. again only affects slower tenno. 

when wall running if you stop sprinting while on wall, you will still roll when you land, can't sprint into jump if you don't want to roll.

when sprinting about 1/4 of the time you slide, it will automatically cancel sprint. have to reactivate. 


"the bumpers" barricade things that fling you into the air.

will throw you out of map, above or below. through walls, doors, or any obsitcle. and eject you from the map. affects all tenno, doesn't seem to affect bigger or faster tenno differently.


auto target "off" even if you turn off, you still "auto target moving enemies"  slightly, slowes down how fast you can pan. tough to get ahead of target (with slower shooting weapons) to get a hit.


normal mission bugs.


no one alive, or on map, but still get detected. have to hack computer 3 times, only on 3rd time will your status change. and hack again 4th time, for "things to return to normal" (generally hacking in under 5secs)

on infected missions, some ancients are invis, and will only appear after they have hit you. (not sure if that's how it's supposed to be, kinda cool, but I've heard people *@##$ so here it is)



can spawn multiple times on same mission if killed quickly, have had him spawn 3 times in one mission. also have had him spawn 5 missions in a row, all since last update 12.03 I think.  drop rates bugged as well. usually doesn't drop a mod or resource. let alone a BP.

stalker uses abilities after he is dead. usually slash dash. instantly killing who ever is targeted. 3-5seconds after death.

still bugs out invincible, when he try's to go invisible.

can one shot a rhino with iron skin over 1200shields, and 800 health. not sure that's right.. seems a little OP. but might be how you want it. 4kdmg+ seems a little much.


G3 spawn then disappear, get the in mission message, but never run into them.

haven' been able to fight them, so don't know any of their bugs.


alerts. mainly cash alerts, don't get reward item, haven't not gotten anything important, so no big deal so far, if I don't get a reactor or catalyst, will be a little annoyed, but not getting 6 or 8k cash no biggie. didn't get another loki helm, but had it so not concerned.


kicks you to get daily reward item 3 or 4 times a day (about every 6 -8 hours if you stay logged in)  don't mind getting more rewards, just don't kick to claim them, specially in middle of missions. wait till after mission is done, or before.

will finish later... have to be online... not typing.


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