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How De Testing Alerts Solo


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At first i wanna tell you that "i" think that playing Solo in a COOP-TPS Game, should be for good and experienced Players.

OK let´s start... How tested DE Solo playing in Alerts???


Mission: Defense (on the worst Map to play Solo)

Enemy Lvl: 10-15

Warframe: Zephyr(30) [without using Skills i think]

Weapons: all unranked


Result: Mission Failed [Video: http://youtu.be/my53vZcrCmM?t=9m ]


That Prerequisites are imbecility. That´s the same as you try with a brand new Account to play Missions on Earth or Mars Solo. Something like that should not be and if you at DE make now Missions more easier because Sheldon failed with this Prerequisites i will think about to give up this Game.


So DE please dont do it

Edited by FrekiPrime
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There is no need to make missions easier overall, it can be done so the enemy spawns will adjust to the number of players in a mission, which will make it an equal challenge for both Solo players and a full 4-Tenno cell. That the game is co-op shouldn't have to mean "screw solo players!".

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Wait, Earth/Mars with unranked weapons and not using warframe abilities would only happen in 2 situations.

1. Taxi Ing before even getting past mercury.

2. Someone was stupid enough to put them selves into this situation. Who would seriously go into an alert, 10-15 and think "oh hai, I'll pick weapons I haven't even ranked or modded yet, and remove/not use my abilities, because I totally want to win this alert"

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Don't Solo missions already adjust to playing solo by reducing spawns?


I wouldn't know but I suspect they don't. After all, what sparked this discussion is that Sheldon tried that mission Solo and failed.

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Don't Solo missions already adjust to playing solo by reducing spawns?

Nope. Source : Tons of def and survival maps done.



Played another Solo Defense Alert mission this morning with fully ranked everything and it still proved difficult (almost made 10 waves).


This issue will be mentioned/discussed in the new Hot Topics. 


Personally I think the only map where this is an issue is the Grineer Defense maps in that cave where they come from everywhere and shoot at it from long range. That map is just not defensible solo.

Edited by JessicaAlba
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I solo'd this.  I have a warframe setup to solo defense missions.  However, I understand your comments.  But actually, some of the time in this game solo'n is easier than with groups.  It can also be faster, so it is not totally broken.  However, missions like interception can be hard.  Especially for new game solo'rs.  


The impression I got from reading comments is that this is being looked at.  I feel its good to inform them of your wants and desires, but keep in mind this game is still pretty new.  It may take time before solo play is 100% easily doable.

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Played another Solo Defense Alert mission this morning with fully ranked everything and it still proved difficult (almost made 10 waves).


This issue will be mentioned/discussed in the new Hot Topics. 


Thanks, I was about to note using unranked weapons made the test not really representative, but it's good to see you kept that in mind. I'm glad that Solo viability is being looked at!

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I wouldn't know but I suspect they don't. After all, what sparked this discussion is that Sheldon tried that mission Solo and failed.

Yeah, though he did have a completely unmodded gun (even if it was a Prime).  To pull off that particular defense solo, you need to be able to keep moving in circles around the object while quickly taking out groups.  As much as possible, you want to hit the Grineer while they're grouped up, ideally heading toward the object.  He was coming in more from the side, with a weapon not suited for mowing down groups, that didn't have any mods at all. Plus with 15 waves, the enemies do start to scale up a bit and that particular reactor only had like 5k hp, which con go poof very quickly against the Grineer.


He was going to fail, period.  Though based on how he was playing, I'd expect he'd have failed even if stuff had been fully ranked up.  That particular mission, with that map and 15 waves, solo, isn't an easy one.  Which isn't to say it isn't doable, just that it isn't hard for people to fail it either.


Of course, I don't think either test is completely serious.  The survival test that followed it, for example, wasn't very controlled either.  One group had the Nekros.  Different players, so playstyle differed (Sheldon made it a point to stay with his teammates most of the time, which tends to help with the rate at which enemies show up in Survival), and a Nekros on one team but not the other...

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I found solo defense particularly difficult because of 360 ranged attacks on the target.  However, with a frost WF I can easily solo any defense or mobile defense.  On the map you mention above, I actually use two globes.  One nestled up against each opposing side of the target.  This works fine.

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Further reducing spawns for solo players will hurt them too, remember that. As long as the only important metric for mod and resource aquisition in the game is kills/sec reducing the number of enemy will always also reduce the amount of rewards. If you decide to also mess with non-alert solo balance, please keep that in mind.


I've been increasingly spending my time plaiung since Rhino Prime came out and the reduced number of enemies are severly decreased the amount of loot you take out of a mission. Same goes for XP, obviously.


Best current examples would be Corpus survival. With 4 players you're almost have at least one Oxiom Ospray flying around wherever you go. On solo you have to run around and actively search for up to 40 seconds to find one.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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Played another Solo Defense Alert mission this morning with fully ranked everything and it still proved difficult (almost made 10 waves).


This issue will be mentioned/discussed in the new Hot Topics. 

That's funny cause I just managed the alert missions (gift of the lotus), which loads of people, including Sheldon find very difficult solo, and managed it without the artifact ever having it's health it.

Solo missions arn't actually that difficult, provided you choose the right gear, and use it properly. IMO, Soloing is fine, it's just those who try taking on level 30's with level 15 weaponry all round then complain they can't solo that are the problem.

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I solo'd this.  I have a warframe setup to solo defense missions.  However, I understand your comments.  But actually, some of the time in this game solo'n is easier than with groups.  It can also be faster, so it is not totally broken.  However, missions like interception can be hard.  Especially for new game solo'rs.  


The impression I got from reading comments is that this is being looked at.  I feel its good to inform them of your wants and desires, but keep in mind this game is still pretty new.  It may take time before solo play is 100% easily doable.

Interception is simple solo (if you are on the larger of the maps). It's really easy as you just run and cap all the points, then go to one thats being uncapped and focus on the guy at the console first, then deal with the rest. Just keep running around till you win.

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Personally I think the only map where this is an issue is the Grineer Defense maps in that cave where they come from everywhere and shoot at it from long range. That map is just not defensible solo.

It is possible to solo it I soloed the gift of the lotus alert yesterday with a rank 15 frost prime with the half shield enviromental hazard using a soma but I could have done it using a braton with punch through if I had one.

The core never got past half health it would not have even gotten past the shields if I was using a stretch mod.

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Played another Solo Defense Alert mission this morning with fully ranked everything and it still proved difficult (almost made 10 waves).


This issue will be mentioned/discussed in the new Hot Topics. 

It would be nice to know the map and frame. Some frames and maps are quite easy to solo and others are quite difficult.


The gift of the lotus alert was on the astroid defense, which is arguable the hardest one, and units were a decently high level.


I think that if spawns were adjusted for solo defense, everything will be much better (and more fun). If all the grineers spawned from one or two doors instead of all over the place in a huge room, it would be much more managable for solo.


Please do not nerf solo defense, it is one of the more challanging things in warframe and making the hardest things easier will frustrate just as many people as the current difficulty is.

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Personally I think the only map where this is an issue is the Grineer Defense maps in that cave where they come from everywhere and shoot at it from long range. That map is just not defensible solo.


I disagree, I love the challenge of always being on your toes and the overall difficulty level of the central core defense map, feels just right to me in solo mode. Quoting myself from another thread:



Personally, I didn't have any trouble soloing that Grineer central core defense alert mission, didn't die once.


I used a potatoed Saryn, no forma, Fleeting Expertise build, only Molt and Miasma equipped, max health, Sure Footed. For weapons, rank 14 Dex Furis for the most part, only switching to a Boltor Prime when I ran out of ammo at an iffy time - I would time ammo pads before the end of a wave and leave one enemy so I'd have enough time to refill.


Just a simple tactic of running around the core works, always keep moving, using Molt (gotta love the recent buff to this) at the right time takes heat off the core and also kills quite a lot of the melee Grineer. 


I'm of the opinion that the difficulty of this mission is fine - provided you know what you're supposed to be doing. Lots of other frames can solo this mission and make it easymode, e.g. Loki exploiting Grineer targeting priority by placing a Decoy in a naughty place, also Radial Disarm.


I do agree somewhat that the "stun" animation that the Commander switch teleport does is a bit much.

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Yeah, though he did have a completely unmodded gun (even if it was a Prime).  To pull off that particular defense solo, you need to be able to keep moving in circles around the object while quickly taking out groups.  As much as possible, you want to hit the Grineer while they're grouped up, ideally heading toward the object.  He was coming in more from the side, with a weapon not suited for mowing down groups, that didn't have any mods at all. Plus with 15 waves, the enemies do start to scale up a bit and that particular reactor only had like 5k hp, which con go poof very quickly against the Grineer.


He was going to fail, period.  Though based on how he was playing, I'd expect he'd have failed even if stuff had been fully ranked up.  That particular mission, with that map and 15 waves, solo, isn't an easy one.  Which isn't to say it isn't doable, just that it isn't hard for people to fail it either.


Of course, I don't think either test is completely serious.  The survival test that followed it, for example, wasn't very controlled either.  One group had the Nekros.  Different players, so playstyle differed (Sheldon made it a point to stay with his teammates most of the time, which tends to help with the rate at which enemies show up in Survival), and a Nekros on one team but not the other...


I didn't see the mission he ran, thanks for the details. Yes, the reactor mission is one of the worst offenders, because the huge target can be hit from everywhere and at the same time blocks half of your sight, so a soloer has to keep running around it. That the alert one had the most massive spawns I've seen in a wile didn't help.

Well, it's hard to take everything into consideration with the scale of this game. And also, that's why we're beta testers too, to give them a more generalized feedback and catch the details they missed.


I've done those same maps and noticed far fewer enemies than in multiplayer.


By any chance, do you remember the total enemy count in Wedensday's alert? It'd be useful to compare.


That's funny cause I just managed the alert missions (gift of the lotus), which loads of people, including Sheldon find very difficult solo, and managed it without the artifact ever having it's health it.


Perhaps you're a tier above most people then. You said it yourself, loads of people including Sheldon have trouble doing it solo. Look, I'm a solo player myself and rarely have any real trouble with anything in the game, but Wednesday's mission was coming dangerously close to impossible for me.


Solo missions arn't actually that difficult, provided you choose the right gear, and use it properly. IMO, Soloing is fine, it's just those who try taking on level 30's with level 15 weaponry all round then complain they can't solo that are the problem.


You're missing the point. I had my best gear on for Wednesday's alert and still had trouble. It shouldn't come down to using one of two frames and a single tactic to beat this kind of missions. That would only mean there's an imbalanced bias towards those frames/tactics.


DE do not solofication this game, it is co-op for a reason.


Again, if they make it better for solo players it doesn't have to impact anything else, they can make spawns adjust to number of players and be done with it. The idea is to make it an equal challenge for everyone, not to make the game Solo.

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DE do not solofication this game, it is co-op for a reason.  if you expect to solo a hard alert mission great but you better have the tools and tactics to do it.

Yes, throw the solo players under the bus. DE doesn't need their money.

The spawn rate in most missions fluctuate wildly, no matter if you're in a group or solo. I speak from personal experience, I've had group captures run about 100 to 700 kills, for thirty minutes of game time.

I also had solo and group MD between 75 to 300 kills total.

So no it doesn't change between solo and group.

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I don't have any trouble on Wednesday alert.


Nyx 28 (potato) and Soma 30 (potato) with good mods.

So with the Queen of Crowd Control City, and the most overpowered gun in the game. Which means you're at least Rank 7. Meaning you're both used to the mission types AND you're mostly overgeared.

Experience invalid. Next anecdote.

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So with the Queen of Crowd Control City, and the most overpowered gun in the game. Which means you're at least Rank 7. Meaning you're both used to the mission types AND you're mostly overgeared.

Experience invalid. Next anecdote.

"with fully ranked everything" - what that they said. It's not even "fully ranked".

I mean, i don't even bring my 5 forma'ed Penta, and don't even use my 6 forma'ed Brakk this time.

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