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Jack, The Sniping Submachine Artillery Gun


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I bet there will be a lot of criticism on this one, but JUST BECAUSE.

Do you guys get the name? (if you dont, read this: jack of all trades)


Name: Jack

Trigger type: Charge

Clip: 50

Reload: 2 sec.


Non-Charged with no Scope:

Accuracy: 25

Firing Rate: 40/sec 

Physical Damage: 4 impact, 3 puncture, 3 slash

Crit Chance: 5%

Crit Damage: 2x

Status Chance: 2%

(submachine gun mode)


Charged with Scope (only can charge while in scope) (takes 25 ammo):

Accuracy: 100

Firing Rate: 1/sec

Physical Damage: 0 impact, 100 punture, 100 slash

Crit Chance: 1%

Crit Damage: 5x

Status Chance: 30%

(sniper mode)


Non-Charged with Scope (projectile arcs, takes whole clip):

Accuracy: 100

Firing Rate: 1/sec

Blast Damage: 700 & 15m radius

Crit Chance: 5%

Crit Damage: 3x

Status Chance: 50%

(artillery mode)

Edited by jjpdn
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the numbers are actually not thaaaat imbalanced. RoF should probably come down to 25 or so and it should get another 2 points of base dmg.


The issue with that gun is you'd be constantly out of ammo though. All 3 modes chew through ammo like there's no tomorrow.


only actual issue (besides the fact that its entire purpose is to render other guns obsolete) is, how would you charge an attack? obviously its auto so holding down the trigger would fire bullets.

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only actual issue (besides the fact that its entire purpose is to render other guns obsolete) is, how would you charge an attack? obviously its auto so holding down the trigger would fire bullets.

Make it semi-auto-auto.

Click to engage auto fire, Click again to stop.

Holding at any point charges.

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