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Name Is Fine. Period.


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The name just doesn't fit compared to how the other frames have been named. Pretty much every frame has been named around the theme of what they are. The name just sounds weird and doesn't fit. There are a ton of other possibilities that would have made much more sense and fit much better for a water frame.

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I'm not a fan of the names most people have suggested, but I'm even LESS of a fan of "hydroid"

Hydroz or Hydrozoa would have been fine (it's still named after the same thing, but doesn't sound like a dumb made up sci-fi word anymore). 'Hydros' would also have been better

That said, the new frame does have a VERY "Davey Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean" look to him, so I understand all the reference names people have suggested.

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Cthulhu is from Lovecraft. To the best of my knowledge he did not copyright that name.

Nope. That's why everybody uses Cthulhu. Lovecraft's copyrights are hella expired.


Okay, I can be wrong. In any case, I think that name's been used far too much. Not like I won't be referring to the new frame as Cthulhu, but I still think even Hydroid is better than that.

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I don't think many people were happy with the "necro-frame" being named Nekros, but now look. People will get over it.

A lot of people liked Nekros as a name actually, as it was... well Necro (death), with a tiny twist.

Hydroid however, just makes me think of a hyper Droid, not a Warframe.

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