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April 4Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Okay Rhino hate aside, seriously. Whoever is in favor of keeping this needs to load up a "newb" frame and see just how much the experience sucks to have older players who know this exploit (not bug EXPLOIT) blast through missions leaving you with nothing but a tedious run through empty rooms and the frustration that comes with being completely left behind and rendered irrelevant. Run 20 missions as a non-copter with a Zoren user blazing ahead and ask yourself how long you think any new player is honestly going to stick around for that type of gameplay.

I don't know about you, but I don't normally go do low-level missions (where "noobs" are more likely to be found) and just speed-run through the whole thing while leaving everyone in the dirt. No one (not even the "rusher") benefits from that so it seems like an odd point to make. It's an alert for something neat? I'm totally fine with the idea of my team rushing ahead, making the mission last only a few minutes, and get me my reward. After that, I can go back to my low-level mission grinding as slowly as I want.

Furthermore, I want to add my voice to the "pro-coptering"-side of this so-called argument. Some of you who say things like "slow frames should be slow" I really don't get. Even as a Frost, I still want to be an awesome and quick space-ninja without sacrificing precious mod-slots for stamina and sprint speed. Would I have to make the choice of arriving with the team and have useless powers or arrive 5 minutes late but with powers that work? (I know that's a slight exaggeration but you get the point I'm trying to make.)

Lastly, only a simpleton would argue that you don't need to use parkour, "just copter". You combine the two, that's where your skill comes in. Chaining horizontal wall-runs, switching to vertical, jumping off and killing mobs while you soar through the air like an eagle made from steroids and lasers is an amazing sensation when you manage to pull it off. Coptering makes it achievable. Besides, most weapons work fine for coptering anyway (except if you use Kunai/Despair as your secondary, unless they fixed that; haven't used them in some time).


I do agree that they could change the animation on it, I'm not personally all that interested in the "immersion" that some people cling to so it doesn't matter.


Maybe they could tone down the extreme coptering-weapons and tune up the really bad ones? To level the playing field so to speak and make all weapons truly viable for coptering.

I want to point out that this was not all pointed at the gentleman I quoted, I was just making a point.

Edited by Woodis
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Okay, I have too much to not speak on the whole coptering issue. 


I play, as a rule either solo or with my real life friends and so I perhaps don't have a feel for what the majority of people in the game run or how they play. Though, when I do stray into the online play it does disappoint me trying to keep up with matching coptering warframes using only my sprint and stamina mods. Because, really, how is outfitting my warframe for speed meant to make it faster? 


It is a constant disappointment to me when people keep brushing aside the argument that slow warframes should be slow, because even as space ninjas they should be. Playing as a fast warframes I rarely find issue with my allies falling behind, maybe because I'm not selfishly rushing like many players seem to think is the only play style. Instead I find benefit from being able to rush key points and units when entering a hostile room, quickly dash behind new cover and move to place my spells correctly. All the things that should be the realm of the fast warframes and not a universal right. 


This will become even more important with 2.0, they said in the Devstream itself, fast warframes will be able to get around between enemies and keep their combo meter going. So why are we not caring that this isn't limited to fast warframes. Giving this to anywarframe, giving it regardless of what that warframe runs is dangerous, you should actually have to weigh up between pace, power and tank. If you don't we are heading towards a concerning tend in games nowadays. That there is one best build, it's something I find off putting about some of the community in games like this anyway, the fact I can be flat out told that my builds are wrong. This is meant to be a game that offers customisation, so why endorse an exploit that actively reduces that.


As for immersion, some of us actually look to games for escapism, and that is universally destroyed by having to master running 2.0. It may or may not matter to you but the fact is we still get our in game messages from Lutos and not DERebecca, so why is our in game movement flying through the air button mashing and not running, it's silly? (No offense to Zephyr players.) And having other people speed run your alerts for you, am I seriously missing something or do we not play games because we enjoy playing them anymore, and not just because we enjoy having the right items or using the right exploits.  


TL:DR Coptering is killing gameplay variety.  


PS: Commander stuns are just stupid, they add nothing to the gameplay and just annoy people. They don't even look good doing it, so I'm struggling to see why this is still a thing. 

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There should be an Option to not scale difficulty on alerts. And here's another hot topic.

Which Melee System Would You Prefer? Time Focused Or With 2 Buttons In Sequence?

Note that in the end, players wanted both systems in game, but ultimately prefer two button style, but both can be implemented. This does not change the actual system, it only gives players more options.


I think it would be in the best interest of the Tenno if you can hold down "switch weapon" and select switch weapon to switch to. No one likes to cycle through 3+ weapons.

Weapon swap delay does absolutely nothing beneficial in the game. It makes changing weapons always a poor choice instead of reloading, removing a tactical option. It removes the option to switch for different damage resistances slower than just killing the enemy.
Switching is almost always the wrong decision. DE wants melee to be viable and used - otherwise they wouldn't have gone so far into m2.0.
Making weapon swap nearly instant (which it may be) will simply get us to use melee more often. That's a win for everyone.


If DE wants us to use the melee thay should turn off bleedout when the shield is up. I can understand this is a critical hit effect too, but this is a retribution for smthg like too agressive or too deffensive and there is no chance to get treat if I wont do some sort of specific things like... :) ... going into a close combat. :D Or just running around like a mad bunny hopping around with obex or else... If I take caver, I could have a graned, If I pop out of there, I could have a bleedout effect. :) Lol! Balance in a more and more chaotic or more and more complicated systeme? There is no way. I use only the dual zorens because the could give me speed by a bug like thingy. :) Sorry maybe it caonains some offtopic thoughts too.

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Coptering must go away in U13, how is that a non intended glitch becomes a playstyle? it's stupid and must be fixed. Rushers gonna hate ofc, but I don't think that kind of playstyle should be supported by devs.

Zorencopters! :P I love them when I'm pressed for time, but most of the time, I simply just sprint or do a normal run. I'm not typically a rusher unless, as stated before, pressed for time. I am actually very thorough and check every inch of the map for resources. But again, the Zorencopters are a wonderful thing when it's almost time to leave for a date. ;)

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With the new update there's a lot more things to, scan, oh joy. Please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE change it so just killing/interacting with stuff will add info to the Codex. The scanning system is slow, and annoying, the new pet which tries to scan everything, while consuming scanners wasn't the solution either. If it was just a kill/interact function the new pet could still help by making each kill/interaction count twice, rather than once.

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