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Support Issues, What Do I Do Now?



I mistakenly bought a Synapse BP instead of a Phage BP.

I already have Synapse.

I started building the extra Synapse.


I contacted support, and was told that they cannot cancel it and refund the mats.


I referred him to https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/83148-getting-support-common-issues/

where it says:

     "I started building something in the Foundry that I didn't mean to."
     If support doesn't contact you in time, please don't claim the item from your Foundry. We'll remove it, and refund the full construction costs.


He said thanks for the link.

The next thing he said was that he could not see any Synapse in my Foundry.


I sent a screen shot of my foundry and asked him to check again.


He said that he can only see my one Synapse in Arsenal and none in the Foundry.



I have no idea what to do now.  Is there a way to escalate the case to the next tier of support?  I mean, the gun is sitting right there!  Maybe there is a bug with their account management tool?  I have no idea!



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10 answers to this question

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Maybe you have to wait for it to be finished building before they can see it as completed and waiting in the foundry. Wait for it to be finished building and update the ticket. If support still can't see it you can make a new ticket with 'support cant see my foundry items'... lol.


They look kinda similar if you aren't paying attention, I understand the mistake.


Edit: If issues persist with support you can always forward the matter to a DE staff member via PM here on the forums, but not sure who that should go to and its a last resort as it wastes a bunch of their time.

Edited by Darzk
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You can't expect them to take the time to reverse your bad decisions for you. If you bought the schematic and it didn't show up in your foundry at all or some other situation where their game was at least a little at fault you might have a case. Unfortunately for you, not reading things and spamming left click doesn't count as a real technical issue.

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act like an adult and learn from your mistakes?


seriously though, how do you buy something by mistake and then start building it too?

one or the other, sure i could see that, but doing both... really?

So I'm going to feed the troll here...


It specifically says that support handles these issues.  Why is it unreasonable for me to contact them?

I'm not asking anybody for sympathy.  I understand that this is my fault, and that in just about any other game, I would be out the mats.

And I'm not asking you to start an investigation into why this happened.  I honestly don't understand why you're trolling the Tenno assistance forums.

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You can't expect them to take the time to reverse your bad decisions for you. If you bought the schematic and it didn't show up in your foundry at all or some other situation where their game was at least a little at fault you might have a case. Unfortunately for you, not reading things and spamming left click doesn't count as a real technical issue.

Do you just post without reading the thread?  Seriously, A FORUM MODERATOR posted that this is PRECISELY what support is for.

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