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The Dark Sea Ability Seems To Be A Bit Buggy/lackluster.


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Now don't get me wrong, I'm fine with ultimates that aren't "KILL EVERYTHING" buttons, but this ability just doesn't seem all that useful.


From what I saw the tentacles spawn in some random places, and not a whole lot of them spawn. Plus targeting looks a bit off on it. Really it reminds me of a less impressive Shadows of the Dead (spawning "minions" with less than stellar A.I.).


Really hoping DE addresses/fixes these issues.


Also, and this is just a random idea I had, I'd think it'd be cooler if the tentacles came from Hydroid himself, attacking enemies near him (maybe targeting enemies he zooms in on when using a gun?)


Sorry if I didn't really explain myself that well.

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I hope it gets overhauled.  I can't imagine how it could compare to other ultimates in terms of area damage or area crowd control.  Seems just slower and less effective than everything else.


Hell, I'd be happy if they just changed it to one giant AoE nuke tidal wave thing that pushed stuff away.

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Hell, I'd be happy if they just changed it to one giant AoE nuke tidal wave thing that pushed stuff away.

And we'd have just another, regular, boring nuker?


No, thank you. I'd rather have my buggy tentacles.

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I see your point, but I just think it'd be a waste to have another "kill the entire room" ability instead of having something a bit more unique.


The problem here is that as much as interesting abilities are more fun, Hyroid could fall into obscurity simply because he can't keep up with other frames.  In terms of crowd control, Soundquake would probably be a more definitive answer, and for area defense, Bastille seems like it would be faster and more efficient.


I really like the look of this frame.  I just don't want to lose any reason to play it as soon as it's out of the gate. 

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Honestly, I'd want this to be something like tornado but stationary in the way Frost's Snowglobe is planted.


I REALLY hope they're doing something better with this because right now, it makes Shadows of the Dead look like the best ability in the game. It's got a absolutely miniscule radius and it hits things even less than Nekro's 4. it was sad when I watched the stream and their reaciton was like "OH MY GOD, DID IT HIT SOMETHING?" That's literally the worst possible reaction to an ability, nevermind his fourth and supposedly the most costly power.


Right now, it looks a bunch of undercooked noodles over a small radius. What it SHOULD feel like is something like this:


Powerful, threatening and something worthy of something that costs 100 energy. It would be awesome if it was a hybrid crowd-control ability with low-moderate damage by means of throwing enemies across the room or slamming them into the ground.


It's early in the game to judge, I know, but that's why it's so important now to give them feedback before they release him, especially since some of us have been waiting eons for a waterframe. Getting it right once at launch beats having to revisit him ten times in the next few months and then completely revamping him in September so that he becomes at least mediocre. They've got an opportunity and I hope they use this wisely!

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I think the point of this ability is to be a long-duration area hazard type of crowd control.


You throw down tentacles at a choke point, they linger there for a good long amount of time and mess with enemies who walk through them. the payoff might not seems immediately obvious, but no less useful once you realise that it's giving everyone much more time to react to incoming heavies and ancients.


Right now it seems like the kraken AI just needs tweaking and the radius of the tentacles needs to be increased. It was also kind of hard to see what they actually did because the warframe was constantly getting knocked down by grenades and physx particles were all over the screen.


I think the tentacles also should glow or something, they're very hard to see.

Edited by Fundance
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Part if me suspects what we saw was the ability at rank 1 with no range mods.

I can think of a bunch of things to make it an interesting and useful skill, at any rate.

- Tentacle AI holds caught enemies in the air for a few seconds before throwing, letting us aim and kill caught foes.

- Tentacle Ai deliberately throw enemies at other enemies, ragdolling them too.

- Make it also act as a wall that blocks enemy fire like Turbulence or Electric Shield.

- Tentacle spawn from an oval shaped pool, not a circle, to maximise the skills area denial and efficiency of attacks (if it's a circle the center won't affect much, whereas an oval can act as a wall and have maximum area of effect).

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The problem here is that as much as interesting abilities are more fun, Hyroid could fall into obscurity simply because he can't keep up with other frames.  In terms of crowd control, Soundquake would probably be a more definitive answer, and for area defense, Bastille seems like it would be faster and more efficient.


I really like the look of this frame.  I just don't want to lose any reason to play it as soon as it's out of the gate. 


As Fundance pointed out, the likely purpose of having tentacles that persist doing knockdowns is to be a large area crowd control, or more precisely area denial. Enemies getting constantly ragdolled and knocked around can't attack, and since the ability is durational it allows you to lockdown an area until your other frames can get their nukes ready.


This isn't so much "breaking the mold" as it is creating a new ability that fills a niche no other frame currently has, because what's the point of having different Warframes having different ultimates if they all do the same thing? As mentioned in the Devstream though, the ability still needs a lot of work, which is why it may seem lackluster at the moment.

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