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[Warframe Song Parodies] Latest: My Little Lotus: Tenno Are Magic (Parody Of The My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Theme Song)


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Yes, because the world still needs more these.

Anyway, it just randomly hit me for this parody idea. It features the Stalker and his thoughts on the death of the Orokin and his quest for revenge against the Tenno. I don't know HOW I made the connection between these two, but I think the Mr. Freeze cover on Youtube pushed me in that direction.

All in all, though, I feel that the Warframe community is LACKING in terms of song parodies for this glorious game, so I hereby provide the first of what will (undoubtedly be) more:


Don't Let Go:

The blood gleams red, the Orokin are all dead,

Not a live one to be seen.
They hailed the Tenno as saviors, and were murdered viciously.
My mind is screaming but the words come as silence,
The Empire ended by its own defense.
Now that they’re gone, now that they’re dead,
I am left with dark thoughts inside my head.
Reflect, regret, decide what’s next.
I know what’s next.

Don’t let go, don’t let go
Hold onto the rage and hate,
Don’t let go, don’t let go,
The Tenno will share their fate!
I don’t care, how long it will take,
Let the centuries pass,
For to this destiny I betake.

Even as the years go by, to revenge I still adhere,
As others build their empires, I feel my time draws near.
The Tenno waken from their rest,
The Lotus calls them to their quest
No side I choose, my thirst I quench,

Don’t let go, don’t let go!
My fury is my power,
Don’t let go, don’t let go!
The Tenno race I’ll scour
From shadows I strike, from shadows I slay,
Let the centuries pass,

Defeated Tenno fall bloodied upon the ground,
But with each kill I still not yet have solace found.
And I realize with each one I butcher,
I never will relent, my past is my future!

Don’t let go, don’t let go!
Fill them with Despair and Dread,
Don’t let go, don’t let go!
My Hate will claim their head!
Here I stand, leave them with no escape,
Let the centuries pass,
For to this destiny I betake.

I am also in the process of recording my own cover of this with how I feel the Stalker should sound. I tell you this because I suck at singing, I have no intention to try and improve my singing for this song, and I want someone to stop me before I ruin an otherwise pretty good piece of work.

Too late...


And now there are more!


The Hydroid of Xini:

Gather ‘round ye Tenno, I have a song for you,
It's probably not that good, but what else you got to do?
This tale’s of planet Eris, for in a defense mission, you see,

There's a Tenno, who people hate: the Hydroid of Xini!

When the mission started, the Tenno headed from the spawn,
Everyone else went to the pod but he didn’t tag along,
He stood within the hallways, and waited for the spawns,
And when they came, he Undertow’d and then they were all gone!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Well the mission it continued with the Hydroid where he was,
Ignoring his team and pressing 3 without a moment’s pause,
The other members they all left him at the first reward,
But then they tried to rejoin the map, and the full group was restored!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Well Alad V, you know the guy, somehow came to Xini,
Claiming all the Tenno to be his property,
He charged straight out of the spawn not watching where he stepped,
There was a splash, and a scream! And Hydroid knew he would receive Valkyr’s helmet when he left!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Then the lights flickered, and appeared the Stalkers face,
Informing all the Tenno they “shall not leave this place!”
He spawned in a puff of smoke with a Soma to his head
And the Hydroid claimed all the blueprints for Hate, Despair, and Dread!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Well now the chat room’s empty, all except for us two,
And if you do not mind I’d like to share something with you,
So stay a little longer, to hear how this tale to be,
For I was there, when Hydroid appeared, that one day on Xini,

When we all spawned into the game I was but a new-built frame,
Wanting to try my powers out but hunt stances all the same,
I had a brilliant idea but the others listened not,
And so I enacted my plan without a second thought,

I waited by the spawn, but the others did not see,
And shouted at me and tried to say when I needed to be,
And as the stance mods dropped I further ignored their plea,
And started the, reputation, of the Hydroid of Xini!

Now do you see?
“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware
Hell I should know, ‘cause he was me!
Heed my words and the Hydroid of Xini!

Edited by Morec0
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I think we can both agree that Tyrion or Dany will be on the throne

I'm kinda rooting for the Stark boys, Jon Snow, too. But yeah, Tyrion and Dany (or is it supposed to be Daeny?) can take the throne.


The Lannisters send their regards.


*shoots a @#&*( with a crossbow*

The Starks need to return those regards soon.

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The Starks need to return those regards soon.


Until then, I'll keep shooting prostitutes with crossbows, decapitating lords and putting their heads on pikes, and taking stools away from dwarfs.


But let's try not to derail this thread, ya?

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Until then, I'll keep shooting prostitutes with crossbows, decapitating lords and putting their heads on pikes, and taking stools away from dwarfs.


But let's try not to derail this thread, ya?

Joffrey is no king of mine >.>


And yeah, the derailment will stop here lol sorry Mor




I tried to have you stop me. I tried. But you didn't. You fools.


I am... I am SO sorry...



I don't... Wat

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got another parody in mind! And I'm working on it! And you fools have stroked my ego into singing it yet again!


Just one request: can anyone point me towards and instrumental version of Voltaire's The Beast of Pirate's Bay? I can't find one on Youtube to use.


If you can give me a link, I'll tell you the title of the song beforehand!

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Ignore the above comment, I've decided to go ahead and post it since I finished the song.



The Hydroid of Xini:

Gather ‘round ye Tenno, I have a song for you,
It's probably not that good, but what else you got to do?
This tale’s of planet Eris, for in a defense mission, you see,

There's a Tenno, who people hate: the Hydroid of Xini!

When the mission started, the Tenno headed from the spawn,
Everyone else went to the pod but he didn’t tag along,
He stood within the hallways, and waited for the spawns,
And when they came, he Undertow’d and then they were all gone!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Well the mission it continued with the Hydroid where he was,
Ignoring his team and pressing 3 without a moment’s pause,
The other members they all left him at the first reward,
But then they tried to rejoin the map, and the full group was restored!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Well Alad V, you know the guy, somehow came to Xini,
Claiming all the Tenno to be his property,
He charged straight out of the spawn not watching where he stepped,
There was a splash, and a scream! And Hydroid knew he would receive Valkyr’s helmet when he left!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Then the lights flickered, and appeared the Stalkers face,
Informing all the Tenno they “shall not leave this place!”
He spawned in a puff of smoke with a Soma to his head
And the Hydroid claimed all the blueprints for Hate, Despair, and Dread!

“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware the Hydroid of Xini!

Well now the chat room’s empty, all except for us two,
And if you do not mind I’d like to share something with you,
So stay a little longer, to hear how this tale to be,
For I was there, when Hydroid appeared, that one day on Xini,

When we all spawned into the game I was but a new-built frame,
Wanting to try my powers out but hunt stances all the same,
I had a brilliant idea but the others listened not,
And so I enacted my plan without a second thought,

I waited by the spawn, but the others did not see,
And shouted at me and tried to say when I needed to be,
And as the stance mods dropped I further ignored their plea,
And started the, reputation, of the Hydroid of Xini!

Now do you see?
“Damnit, Hydroid! Come to the pod, you’re stealing every kill!”
“He’s not talking! Damnit all! I think he’s from Brazil!”
“Seriously dude, could you cut that out, I came here for XP!”
Heed my words and beware
Hell I should know, ‘cause he was me!
Heed my words and the Hydroid of Xini!


Original Song: 

Edited by Morec0
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i kept getting messed up on following the lyrics with the song but otherwise phoenomenal job


Yeah, my lyrics don't line up beat-for-beat with the original - I just focus on keeping the syllable count the same (which fits fine into the music... well enough).

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  • 1 month later...

Yui drew this:



I'm a little late on the MLP party but omfg I'm an addict!!




URL: http://yuikami-da.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-My-Little-Lotus-455829006




So I wrote this:





My Little Lotus,

My Little Lotus,



My Litle Lotus,

I used to wonder what Space Ninjas mean,

My Little Lotus,

Until you shared their Void-powers with me,

Killing Grineer,

Corpus too,

With RNGesus,

For epic loot,

Killing bosses (it's an easy feet),

And Soma makes it all complete, yeah!


My Little Lotus,


'Cause you know it is the Grineer~


Too lazy to fix the text, right now, I'll alter it at some point for those who can't read it.

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Here's my contribution :3


Darvo: It's not about winning, it's about fun!


Alad V: What's that?


Darvo: Fun is when you...fun is...it's like...it's kinda...sorta like a... What is fun?? Here, let me spell it for you!

F is for Frames who do stuff together.

U is for you and me.

N is for anywhere and anytime at all.


Tenno: Up here in the deep dark space!


Alad V: F is for Forfeit if you're a tenno.


N is for No survivors when Zanuka's-!


Darvo: Alad! Those things aren't what fun is all about!

Now, do it like this,

F is for Frames who do stuff to-


Alad V: Never! That's completely idiotic!


Darvo: Here, let me help you...

F is for Frames who do stuff together.

U is for You and me, TRY IT!


Alad V: N is for Anywhere and any time at all.


Grineer Troops: Up here in the deep dark space!


Alad V: Wait... I don't understand... I feel all tingly inside... Should we stop?


Darvo: No! That's how you're supposed to feel!


Alad V: Well I like it! Let's do it again!


Darvo: Okay!


Darvo & Alad V:

F is for Frolic through the infested.

U is for popping Ulti.

N is for Neurode farming, crafting guns and butt-kicking.

Here with my best buddy!

(Darvo & Alad V doing the laughing part)



Up here in the deep dark space!

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