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Solo Defense For Alerts


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So I heard that many people were having problems soloing the 48 hour alerts. I know that solo defense is difficult and some people enjoy that, but I wanted to see exactly how hard it was.


inb4 "solo is easy I do it all day on my nyx/frost/excal/nova/ect".....  I did it with a valkyr and my trusty dread.


Here is an imgur album of the results and my gear: http://imgur.com/a/iAIDE#94AkQO8


I have some fairly decent gear. I realize that I could have built my sweeper much better, so don't bother commenting on that. But other than that I am quite min/maxed with formas and rare mods fused up. I could see how someone who isn't mastery 15 could have some serious problems. 


Now the biggest problem is the fact that it took over 30 minutes and I had to kill 803 grineer. There was a few touch and go moments, but I managed.


The raw number spawned and the fact that they come from all directions would be hell for a frame without control skills, not to mention someone with less than optimal gear.


I think that something should be done about this. I am not saying that everything needs to be handed to players on a silver platter, it is just that if solo is going to be claimed as a viable way to do it, then it should be accessible to more of the populace.I would be fine if DE came out and said "The game is balanced around 4 players, your intend on playing solo, intend on it being hard." If Solo is going to be considered hard mode (thats how I think of it) then DE should say that and end the argument there. Myself and others would love a Diablo 2 style number of players slider.


At the end of the day, DE seems firm on their belief that solo should be a viable way to play warframe. They either need to adjust their stance or add ways to complete missions more reasonably in solo mode. One idea that I had was either a deploy-able on usable in solo like a turret or an AI helper.



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Solo'd last night on my Ash with just my Bo and Dex Furis. Yep, Bo. A good thirty percent of my kills were with it too. It was extremely challenging, but I did it on the first try. It's possible.


Not to totally be that "LUL NOOB GET BETTER" guy as you mentioned in the OP, of course. This is an online game, and there is no shame in connecting to others for help. If you can't solo a defense alert by yourself, that's fine and all, but that doesn't mean everyone is unable to.


EDIT: Edited majority of post because loltired.

Edited by Shadebain
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