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Are The Grineers The Most Varied And Challenging Enemy Faction?


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The Grineer seems to have the most varied form of units and who uses the most varied form of weapons and armor. The grineer units have a range of abilities that weapons that in my opinion make them a much more diverse group then the corpus or the infested which is in a way restricting the element of challenge from the other factions which excludes the bosses from all factions.


The Grineers common traits for their units are mainly comestic while the rest are all different and justifiable. The common grineer trait is that they have the same rugged look and feel, but the rest weapons, armor, projectile type is are varied from different units to different units which is interesting and challenging. Even the unit types and the abilities they all pack makes them even more interesting and they utilize different elements to in battle, mainly fire and blast.


The corpus common traits are the projectiles they fire and the weak armor base they all have. Fighting techs in plain clothing is really just being quite unreasonable, machines that have hardly any useful armor is also being quite unreasonable. The oxium osprey is a good addition to the pack only if it didn't self destruct everything, but other than the osprey it is the same energy weapons, with more energy weapons and energy weapons. The corpus simply lack any form of logic and that being more advanced they have less creative unit types.


The corpus units structure lacks any form of logic or even sense and it is not advanced in any way. I don't know how are turrets that are controlled by security cameras more advanced than self activating arc traps which even does more damage. The Corpus units don't even research on implementing elements into their weapons outside of electric which is innate, they could have ice elements special to common units. Also this confounding piece of logic i see is that we never see techs or engineers building stuff, techs and engineers should be civilian and what guards them are the droids or PMCs. It is extremely dumb to throw civilian type units with guns and different coloured uniforms and call them enemies. Even those big companies in movies or stories that don't hire PMC have their own department of specially equipped units, even Elysium does it well. I don't understand the logic of giving engineers and techs the weapons to fight, maybe a pistol is ok but holding a sniper or a laser machine gun, are they even engineers or are they like soldiers/killers? I am lost, there seems to be mish mash of specialization here which is very poorly done.


Infested all share the same trait of meleeing and strength in numbers, but is strength in numbers even justifiable as a form of speciality? From huge fast moving ancients to smaller units that gather to form a mass of kill you, they can be justified for their numbers and lack of variety..... or should they be criticized instead? They use electrical powers...... which is quite something and they also have poison ones too. They can heal over range and what not. But lets to honest here, the extent that the infested horde you is almost hardly anymore or less different then the zerging mass of grineer or even large corpus moa packs with a shield osprey. The strength in numbers of infested argument is thus very weak, the rest of the other factions also work in strength in numbers and at times with greater lethality then the group of pathetic infested and with an even greater intensity. In addition i don't see how strength in numbers works for infested, when surrounded all you do is jump melee or jump out of the crowd of infested that attempts to kill you in close range, but when you face off a group of grineer heavies you know you are in it big time.


Infested are simply challenging because they have ancients and that they spawn "faster" but that does not mean they have strength in numbers. The infested doesn't even have that much variety in terms of units, but the rate at which they spawn hardly warrants them much of a challenging, rather it makes them tedious to kill. To be honest the rate at which they spawn is something hardly any different at all then the rate at which grineer or corpus spawns as well. Ancients give the infested some form of shine, but honestly they can only go so far, it is way easier to survive 1 hour in derelict survival then 1 hour in grineer survival because the infested are so easy to kill despite their horde style, the only reason it is hard to survive 1 hour in derelict survival is because of the scarcity of oxygen supplies, and that already makes the simple and weak infested even less of an incentive to fight.


So what is bad about the grineer? They make the game challenging that is all i can say with much more rewards in with fighting them. I seriously can't think of anything that makes the grineer weak, they seriously have a large range of units, large range of armor types, weapon types from saw blades, napalm launchers, rockets, bullets, they proc so much slash it hurts, they do zerg and form large groups to overwhelm you, grineer heavy groups are insane. They have many units that have a high chance to all knock you down, they only this i can say that the grineer lack which is funny is a formation, such as an effective combat formation. This comes down to AI coding and as much as the grineer have to live up to its name as a military faction, it is the only downside which is oddly enough not even important because what makes them challenging as it is won't need better AI, the corpus and infested even share the same AI coding. This really shows the lack of faction diversity and challenge assigned to easy of them.


What can to be done to make them equal? Well focus on the development of other factions and probably pass some units from the grineer faction over to the other factions as well. Let's look at the bigger picture, the corpus can build units that use ice elements which the first basic improvement. With that Krill should thus not be a grineer boss as well, he should be a corpus boss, this is because he is more of an advanced armor unit rather than a military unit, Krill is actually more fitting as a corpus then he is as a grineer. To be honest if there are krill unit types in corpus, combat would be quite more different for the corpus, in all honesty the corpus should be using exosuits to fight, energy weapons that have explosive rounds, railgun automatic rifles, things that are so ridiculous it warrants them as corpus. There could also be phased energy projectiles that leave trials and that travel hitscan speed and do only slash and puncture damage. The corpus have and abundant way of adding the most interesting units and please remove the engineers and techs are fighting units, make them civilian units if not at least put the fighting ones in some form of armor. The moa units can also be improved to be health tanks, they are machines not humans, in almost all games where combat and drones is prevalent, even a 50 cm tall drone on treads can sustain more damage from larger calibre projectiles then a two legged plasma firing moa.Next their weapons/eyes must be stronger and better than normal human units, i mean why equip a machine with simple weaponary, real life drones already have light machine guns that require atleast 2 people to use them, also they their weapons should on rotatable plat forms like turrets. It is stupid when a fusion moa has to run directly up to you face to face to fire its beam, it should be able to strafe the players with full mobility.


Infested deserve some justice for their melee, such as an increased range for meleeing, and when i say increased i don't mean jumping from a distance away, i mean arm extensions like claws or blades, even blunt edges . Their common melee range is hardly any further then any of the other types of melee units in the game and this restricts them greatly. The technocyte virus in all honesty doesn't seem to have any benefits when it takes over the human host other than a basic self destruct mechanism, in dead space at least the infected gain an ability over their normal human counterpart or an extension. The floods still use weapons but can jump higher, move faster and melee harder and become more tanky too. The technocyte virus doesn't seem anymore scary then a common cold, even zombies are scarier with better damage immunity and faster running speed, or just damage immunity. The infested have a chance to have a full spectrum of damage types to increase their lethality, or even a ideas like consuming multiple energy sources to form special elemental units. I mean the technocyte is a technological virus, it should be able to warp alot of energy and real life matter to form unimaginable horrors that are really unimaginable, not a shorter human or a dog human. Out of the rest infested really is the faction that is neglected the most and i do hope much can be done for them too.

Edited by Jacate
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I must admit the most often played stage by me is ceres nuovo and now neptune triton...both grineer high level survivals...I do this for the variety and challenge of the enemies...you hit it right on the head... I look forward to seeing what the new update has in store...

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Someone from DE said that they want to finish grineer first, then other factions

But the grineer even before they started the revamp in update 10 to 11 is already way way way way ahead of all the other factions, to be honest it is almost no different. And if they are finishing the grineer first too it is not even logical to add units(sniper corpus, anti moas, zanuka, infested electrical units or poison ones even golem 3000) to the other factions along the way as well, it makes no sense in terms of priority of their work.


To be honest the grineer already have their fair share of being worked on then all the other faction even when the game first started.

Edited by Jacate
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I must admit the most often played stage by me is ceres nuovo and now neptune triton...both grineer high level survivals...I do this for the variety and challenge of the enemies...you hit it right on the head... I look forward to seeing what the new update has in store...

It is more grineer stuff in update 13, so don't keep your hopes too high.


the only thing that annoys me of the corpus is that they just won't. stop. shooting.


the grineer has so much diversity that it's very fun indeed.

I agree, corpus hordes with a shield osprey is actually one of the most annoying things to fight if you do not have the ability to kill them fast enough.

Edited by Jacate
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It is more grineer stuff in update 13, so don't keep your hopes too high.


I agree, corpus hordes with a shield osprey is actually one of the most annoying things to fight if you do not have the ability to kill them fast enough.


True true. Corpus may be out matched by the Grineer when it comes to sheer power but, when the Corpus gain their numbers, coupled with their non-stop firing; they can pose a threat.

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Yep, grinners are OP:

Armor stacking with HP

insane ammonut of CC

AOE damage



did I forget anything?





 (Secretly We Are Grineer)

HAHHAHAHAH SWAG! well you forgot the amount of slash procing and arc traps, stuns, knockbacks, shields, even teleporting tech!



Grineer crush all other factions.  Whenever I feel too big for my britches I go to Phobos and die a lot.  Eviscerators and explodey backpack guys everywhere!


Buff the other races! 

Ya man!

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