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Thoughts On The Helios Sentinel


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I recently acquired a Helios Sentinel after a bit of work, and I just wanted to share my thoughts on it.


There's not much to talk about, so I'll just cover its appearance and abilities.


First off, lets talk about its Deconstructor weapon.


The Deconstructor pretty much has Helios splitting itself into pieces and throwing itself at enemies. So your enemies are being struck by about 3 blunt objects. You'd think this would be related to the Miter, a primary weapon, but you'd be suprised that its related to the Kestrel, a throwable melee weapon, except it's knockback is removed. It seems to be pretty good damage-wise, but the one problem I have is its delay, which means that it tends to just look at enemies for a bit of time before it does anything.


And we have the Investigator ability.


This is what made me turn my back on Helios. Essentially, the sentinel would scan enemies and objects (Control Consoles, Storage Crates, etc.) for you. But this is where the problem comes in. It will scan EVERYTHING, including things you've scanned already. And this will use codex scanners as well.


Finally, Helios's appearance.


Now, this sentinel is the definition of Corpus technology. With its little energy core in the middle, its little eye, and its Deconstructor parts (The little metal pieces). It looks even better with it's wings and tail, but the mask didn't really appeal to me. 


In conclusion: 


The Helios sentinel was a great idea, but I'll just shelf him, and stick with a Dethcube, or a Floating Vacuum Cleaner (Carrier). It may also be great for new players, but for those who do a lot of scanning, i'd hold off on this one for now.

Edited by 1ron-tjunf1sk
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Also, currently you can equip deconstructor with all the same mods you have on your melee weapon(unlike other sentinel weps which can't have the same mods you have equipped currently), eg, the Deconstructor can be pimped out very nicely very quickly. My Helios leveled freakishly quickly due to kills.

Edited by Gelkor
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I honestly love Helios.

- the x-ray vision really appeals to me as a bow user. I ignore its scanning ability entirely; I'm in it just for the x-rays and the beeps that notify of nearby enemies.

- Deconstructor is silent by default and is affected by 4x stealth multipliers-- great for Excalibur. Haven't tried it with Loki yet.

- I love its appearance.


My only gripes:

- Scanner glow doesn't blink fast enough (compared to the Tenno's own scanner UI), so x-rays are more of a nice bonus than something that can be truly relied on.

- Scanner is short-ranged.

- Scanner takes forever to scan and will scan already-maxed-out targets.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Helios is awful.... completely. He's immediately relatable to the Kestral (dunno where you got the miter from), and all the points you bring up are what everyone has been saying to begin with. It's useless, its abilities are pointless, and its weapon is weak.... MAJOR buff needed

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Helios is awful.... completely. He's immediately relatable to the Kestral (dunno where you got the miter from), and all the points you bring up are what everyone has been saying to begin with. It's useless, its abilities are pointless, and its weapon is weak.... MAJOR buff needed


The Miter launches projectiles slightly similar to the Deconstructor and you can only launch the Kestrel once. Thats why I assumed it would have to be related to the Miter.


And I just thought the topic had to be brought up.

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You people are so lazy XD



Not really.


Shade: If I want stealth, I just use Loki or Ash.

Dethcube: So it can zap a single target who is close to me. It just is not useful enough.

Djinn: I honestly can't figure out what this one is used for. Its abilities seem to make no difference in combat as far as I have seen.

Helios: It scans. Slowly and uselessly.

Wyrm: Everything dies too quickly for it to be useful for me, but it starts becoming a little useful on harder levels. This effect can be achieved from warframe abilities, however, so it isn't so important.

Carrier: It sucks up all surrounding objects, including the nearby ones that aren't accessible due to not being able to fit into a small gap. This can not be done by anything else.



There is a clear winner in usefulness and uniqueness here to me.

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Not really.


Shade: If I want stealth, I just use Loki or Ash.

Dethcube: So it can zap a single target who is close to me. It just is not useful enough.

Djinn: I honestly can't figure out what this one is used for. Its abilities seem to make no difference in combat as far as I have seen.

Helios: It scans. Slowly and uselessly.

Wyrm: Everything dies too quickly for it to be useful for me, but it starts becoming a little useful on harder levels. This effect can be achieved from warframe abilities, however, so it isn't so important.

Carrier: It sucks up all surrounding objects, including the nearby ones that aren't accessible due to not being able to fit into a small gap. This can not be done by anything else.



There is a clear winner in usefulness and uniqueness here to me.


Oh come on, thats like giving all the little useless information about the other sentinels, and then giving the best description for the sentinel you're rooting for.


btw I use shade because it allows me to use the frame I want and add a healthy dose of stealth.


plus cloak saves lives.

Edited by sp4rtan148
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Oh come on, thats like giving all the little useless information about the other sentinels, and then giving the best description for the sentinel you're rooting for.


btw I use shade because it allows me to use the frame I want and add a healthy dose of stealth.


plus cloak saves lives.


Nah, it is just describing the abilities as I see them.



Like I said, if I want stealth, I will go with Loki or Ash. If I use another frame, then I don't really need stealth anyway because I can just nuke everything with my abilities and weaponry. The only way it could be a bit useful to me is if I am trying to save a downed teammate, but that almost never happens, since I play solo most of the time, and when I don't play solo, I am with a competant team that doesn't get downed anyway. The Cloak just doesn't matter to me.


That doesn't mean that other people would find it useless, though. Hell, my best friend refuses to leave her Shade behind because of the cloak.

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Oh come on, thats like giving all the little useless information about the other sentinels, and then giving the best description for the sentinel you're rooting for.


btw I use shade because it allows me to use the frame I want and add a healthy dose of stealth.


plus cloak saves lives.

I'd call them pretty accurate descriptions of current Sentinel abilities. Carrier is the most useful because it not only saves time (nothing to do with being lazy) but also retrieves items that would otherwise be unreachable.


Shade isn't reliable enough in it's function to supplant using a warframe related stealth ability (Smoke Bomb and Invisibility). Shade would be a convenient addition, but not at all a substitute if you're intent is to stealth a mission.

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Typical 1st time 1st mission with helios.


A magical unscanned Butcher appeared!!!!!


"ok helios, time for you to scan it! quickly now!"


*5 sec passed*. 


Helios: Beep bop beep But this explosive barrel needs to be scanned first master!!! its closer than that unscanned mob!! *beep* 53/20 explosive barrel logged beep bop beep


"But i already scanned it alot helios stahp!"


Helios: Butcher sighted-- beep shcwarkkk puchoowww (boomerange'd) ok master that butcher is dead. beep bop beep


"Helios that supposed to be scanned wuts wrong wid u"


"helios y u do dis. u piece of *&*^&"


*wears codex scanner instead*

Edited by Ritchel
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Typical 1st time 1st mission with helios.


A magical unscanned Butcher appeared!!!!!


"ok helios, time for you to scan it! quickly now!"


*5 sec passed*. 


Helios: Beep bop beep But this explosive barrel needs to be scanned first master!!! its closer than that unscanned mob!! *beep* 53/20 explosive barrel logged beep bop beep


"But i already scanned it alot helios stahp!"


Helios: Butcher sighted-- beep shcwarkkk puchoowww (boomerange'd) ok master that butcher is dead. beep bop beep


"Helios that supposed to be scanned wuts wrong wid u"


"helios y u do dis. u piece of *&*^&"


*wears codex scanner instead*

I'll never leave my scans to chance. Even if it had perfect scan/kill AI, I would still do it manually. 

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