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A Reformed Ability Set For Valkyr


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Introduction: For reference, "toolkit" means a frame's ability set. This is a remake of Valkyr’s toolkit, this intro is the only place where I will give reasoning as to why I have replaced all her abilities besides her first ability. Whether or not you like Valkyr, think she’s effective, or like her theme her toolkit is completely backwards. Valkyr is Warframe’s supposed representation of a berserker, a Berserker is a warrior that sacrifices protections and the safety of reliable tactics to increase the possible damage they can inflict. Simplified: Less protection for more damage. Is that how Valkyr plays? No; that was a rhetorical question. I will not argue about how effective Valkyr’s abilities are, but in my opinion they are pretty useless, instead I will try to show why her abilities don’t fit her theme. Let’s start with Valkyr’s second ability. Warcry is fairly straightforward, as its most useful effect is the buff on armor, even though the ability as a whole is mediocre at best. Buffing armor (defenses) is in no way a Berserker’s kind of ability. As for Paralysis, it encourages players to build shield mods so that the ability will do more damage, a berserk toolkit should not encourage defense bolstering, even if the ability itself sacrifices some protections. I decided to replace Paralysis in the toolkit below instead of tweaking it is because I personally think it’s useless at best, and wastes an ability slot that could be utilized for a much more cohesive effect. Finally, Hysteria; Hysteria is the epitome of backwards in Valkyr’s toolkit. Hysteria severely limits a player’s damage output and some mobility in exchange for complete damage mitigation. The only use of Hysteria is to ensure Valkyr doesn't go down, although Hysteria can be useful, a berserker’s Uber should not be for protection, that kind of ability belongs to a tank or support class. A tank is what Valkyr has sadly turned into. Here is the toolkit, enjoy.

Base Stats: In exchange for passive abilities, Valkyr's energy stat would receive a nerf, since she needs so little energy. Armor (600). Shield (100). Health (100-200). Power (50-75).

Ripline: Ripline's cost reduced to around 10 energy so she can swing around as an unconfined Berserker would, but the damage from pulling enemies would be removed so if spammed enemies aren't wrecked.

Bloodlust: Ability Type (Toggle). Duration (None). Turn On Cost (5 Energy). Toggle Cool-Down (1 Sec.) (Mod Space (0/3/6/9). Health Requirement (Below 10%/20%/30%/40%). Life-Steal (2%/3%/4%/5%). Passive HP Regen (2/3/4/5 Per Second). This ability could also be changed to be duration base with no health limitation. Valkyr produces a special kind of regenerative adrenaline that pumps through her veins when dealing damage, giving her life-steal when at low levels of health as well as giving her passive health regen. The ability  can be turned on and off. Only when Valkyr is below a certain amount of health will the life-steal be active. If a weapon inflicts more damage than an enemy’s health capacity (aka overkill) the extra damage over the enemies health capacity will not count towards the life-steal.

Battlefury: Ability Type (Passive). Duration (None). Base Buffs (2%/3%/4%/5%). Mod Space (5/6/7/8) Changes Warcry to a passive that gives knock-down immunity as well as increases Valkyr's armor, fire rate, swing speed and health regeneration by a % based on how low her health is in intervals. For example, at 90% health her swing speed is buffed by 5%, fire rate by 5% and movement speed by 5%. At 80% health swing speed is buffed by 10%, fire rate by 10% and movement speed by 10%. But if she is at 89-71% health she will only receive the buffs given by the 80% interval listed previously. Each 10% lower in health she drops, the more the buffs laterally increase in the method given above. Valkyr needs an ability that emphasizes the berserk play-style she is intended for. The closer she gets to death, the stronger she becomes.

Berserk: Ability Type (Toggle). Cool Down (8/7/6/5 Sec.). Damage To HPS (3%). Damage Modifier (5%/10%/15%/20%). AOE damage (20%/30%/40%/50% Of Initial Damage). Mod Space (8/10/12/14). Berserk will instantly stop when Valkyr is below 5% health. Valkyr goes into a rage, harnessing the power of the void to an extent beyond healthy levels. Berserk will constantly drain Valkyr’s health when active at a rapid rate instead of costing energy. Valkyr is able to switch in and out of this mode, but there is a cool-down after activating it and deactivating it. Trinity’s Blessing will not stop Valkyr from taking damage from the ability Berserk, but will negate all external damage as usual. When Berserk is active damage dealt by Valkyr will be increased by a damage multiplier and effect nearby enemies as well in an AOE centered on the enemy originally damaged. The damage that nearby enemies receive will be less than the original damage Valkyr inflicted. (If Bloodlust is active only the original damage done by Valkyr will be converted to life-steal and not damage done by the AOE). 

Edited by Jamescell
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Valkyr is Warframe’s supposed representation of a berserker, a Berserker is a warrior that sacrifices protections and the safety of reliable tactics to increase the possible damage they can inflict.


^ all of that.

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I would say no matter what else, valkyr needs a knockdown protection during normal play, she can not berserk at all if she is on her backside all the time.


1st Ripline


15pt ripline no damage from line first contact but enemies damage from falls, gives Valkyre an innate heavy impact boosted by mod additively.


2nd war-cry,


CC 45 deg frontal stun wave that works. think of banshee push but base 3 sec stun not push up to 8 sec max like rhino stomp with no damage, enemies killed under warcry have a 50% chance of dropping health balls.


3rd Bloodbath,


Works like trinity link reducing damage taken by 75%  but adds incoming damage to her melee attacks instead of via a link, possible all damage is spent on next hit or cap damage per hit to some number and have a damage pool that builds up as she takes damage.


4th Berserk, (this is a long one)


Turning on berserk mode swaps her shield bar for a double HP bar with double armor, both bars reduce at the same rate dividing damage taken between them and when the mode ends they turn back to HP and shield at that level.


She gains a radial slow aura -50% speed and moves 50% faster she grows 50% bigger jumps 50% higher lands 50% harder.


She no longer has guns so the fire and aim buttons perform special berserk attacks one being pounce the other being throw,


The first is a targeted jump attack in the direction of aim which is the same as a basic melee but has a range of 10m and a chance of knockback, it does not have to hit, if no enemy is in range it is just travel that uses stamina.


The second picks a enemy up and throws them in the direction you are aiming, thrown enemy is like a slashdash with the thrown enemy taking equal damage from all targets hit until dead where it will no longer damage but will still knockdown.


Her bear (berserk is not for cats but bears) claw attacks are frontal AoE half circle swipes, her claws have a set base damage that goes up with level but are effected by the elemental mods you put on your melee as a normal melee weapon would be.


She does not regain HP in berserk  No she has stamina regain on damage done and an increase chance of energy ball drops on kills in Berserk mode allowing for good use of attacks and abilities while in this mode.




This build is synergistic but also works apart, 3rd and 4th make her into a temporary monster killing machine able to do as much damage as she takes, while using war-cry will keep her supplied with HP to recover what she does lose.


2nd also helps the team and is always useful,


3rd allows you to not use berserk mode and allows gunfire yet still boost melee damage and increase protection for general tanking.


4th simply creates a state where all her powers can max out in a fury of utter carnage.




Alt second ability in like with the idea of a Valkyrie "chooser of the slain" is that she summons a fallen tenno to fight by her side, you would then have to add the redball drop to another ability.

Edited by Kyphe
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@Kyphe no offense, but I like her current abilities more than the ones you just described. Abilities sound very repetitive, alot of heavy impact copies. The 4th is confusing and sounds like a wierd version of hysteria, again not fixing the fact that that kind of ability does not tailor to what a berserker is. I'm doubtful you even read my thread.

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hope for the future.

I like it

I like it alot you could really get into character with this kinda of thing and lose yourself I want to see this a thing you playing as your character would especialy from something as crazy and manic as pure unrestricted rage it would go nicely with the melee update

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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@Kyphe no offense, but I like her current abilities more than the ones you just described. Abilities sound very repetitive, alot of heavy impact copies. The 4th is confusing and sounds like a wierd version of hysteria, again not fixing the fact that that kind of ability does not tailor to what a berserker is. I'm doubtful you even read my thread.


I take offense at the suggestion I did not read the thread, I take offense that anything is worse than what she has now, and when ever people say no offense it is when they are trying to offend you so yeah right!


non of my abilities are repetitive they are all unique and they all match the massive damage dealing for lowered defensive abilities of a berserk.


you have only 1 active ability and that is ripline, everything else is passive, better than what she has now as pretty much anything would be but more of a spider-man vampire than berserk.


the play would be hit ult lose life then hit 2 to get life back, you never say whether this life steal is melee or all damage, the first would make her very vulnerable until she could get into melee range the second would just be wrong for a berserk hitting 4 and 2 together would just make her invulnerable you are using two powers to make her like she is not but able to use guns and her own melee.


Number 2 has many issues, if it only activates bellow a level would it then fully recharge her HP or stop once she get back to that level? If it keep going indefinitely as long as she takes damage and does not hit full HP she becomes more invulnerable than rhino or trinity as long as she can do more damage than she takes which again would depend on if this is melee only life steal or not. duration based would work but we have that already.


As for number 3, frames do not have HP Regen that is an aura and abilities will not work on it, what you forget is that at high level play she is dead in seconds if she takes full damage, you have given her zero damage mitigation, you have given her zero scalable damage output you have given her zero utility ability which work when damage does not.


4 is a buff that kills you while doing mini penta damage of no stated value and no stated AoE range.

Edited by Kyphe
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@Kyphe I really don't think you read very well, your problems with the original post are almost all because you missed information clearly stated. Her 4 is also an active, but it doesn't drain energy, so saying that "she would only have one active" shows you haven't read very thoroughly. Her second ability is in no way strong enough to keep her alive while her fourth is active, she would not become invulnerable, or anything close; -3% HPS combined with damage from enemies combined with the fact that the life-steal only works below 40% health and is at most only 5% of the damage done to enemies pretty much ensures that she would not be able to constantly use her 4th and stay alive. You ask if the life-steal is melee damage, if I do not specify it is obviously all damage.


To clarify about the second ability, lifesteal only happens when she is below a certain amount of health, if she is above that threshold lifesteal will not come into effect.


I have no idea what you are saying about the third ability, it buffs her the lower she is in HP by percents. You complain about no damage mitigation but Berserkers DO NOT use damage mitigation. I REPEAT they sacrifice protections in return for damage output. 


You say I gave her 0% scale-able damage output... You're flat out wrong considering her third ability increases her fire rate and swing speed, AND her ultimate increases her damage output, both abilities scale based on how effective your equipment is. You shouldn't be playing high levels without advanced weaponry in the first place, I gave her survive-ability without giving her protections, she stays alive by inflicting damage, that is HOW a berserker should be played. 


Again you clearly haven't read the post, if you have, you haven't comprehended most of what I have said. Berserkers AREN'T utility frames, there is no need for and there should be no utility abilities. As for your last comment, I did state the damage value at the beginning of the ability, first line of the ability description. "AOE Damage (20%.30%./40%/50% Of Original Damage)." 


There seem to be more problems with your literary skills than there are in the tool-kit, although you have pointed out a few issues, since she doesn't have innate HP regen. the life-steal would only keep her at 40% health max, I will add in HP regen as part of bloodlust to fix this. 


As for your original post I have no idea what you're talking about with the "she grows bigger" "lands harder" and "berserking is not for cats but bears". You also say that her third ability allows her to tank. A Berserker AGAIN is not a tank.

Edited by Jamescell
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