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Hydroid Got Me Wet


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Some overeager Forum Moderator has been deleting anything with the topic of Hydroid.


 Posted Today, 01:27 AM

How I wish I had the drawing skills to do comic strips right now because there are so many ways to go with this.


****Lotus Wept*****

Lotus walking past cryopods and slips

"What the.. oh crap, this one's leaking"

Opens up the cryopod, an entire flood starts coming out

"Holey Arc Traps! This Tenno.... melted."

Puddle has a speech bubble that says "No, no.. I'm supposed to be this way! This is my stealth mode..I'm Hydroid!"

Lotus makes quirk face / Lotus Facepalm

She begins to "scoop up" bits of puddle with her "It's the Grineer" mug.

"Yeah, I'm going to need to put you back in the freezer for awhile."



*Now Introducing*

Lotus sitting at her control center with a steaming mug of some drink(Mug has the It's the Grineer motto on it)

Over her shoulder shot of her picking which Tenno to send on a certain mission

She talks to herself ok, just need one more to fill out this group.. who will it be hmmm.. takes a sip from the mug

A little hand made out of water shoots up from her mug and a little bubble says "pick me!, pick me!"

Lotus does a spit take.

Dripping Wet Loki (water coming off hammer horns), Steaming Ember and Grrr EEE Valkyr with forearm blades dripping

Lotus: Ok, so that's the group then!

Puddle on Val's shoulder says "Yarrr!"







C3PO to R2D2 : HI Droid

Alien popping up out of a (Android 3d Logo laying on a table) saying "HI Droid!"

Screen capture from Devstream Hydroid?



I know it's a thing from the ocean, but can we please not call him Hydroid, which to 92.481% of the player base will sound like a (Insert Mad Lib here)



or Subakvi (from esperanto for under water)


I am also good with calling him Puddles..which I think will be his actual name in the community if he stays a stagnant pool with no movement.

Edited by Seazed
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Some overeager Forum Moderator has been deleting anything with the topic of Hydroid.


Perhaps not deleting, but merging it into the megathread?



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Edited by RyojinOrion
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I just had an idea. How about one his abilities be that he can shoot forth a liquid from his hand, except it takes the shape of a massive anchor and ragdolls enemies in a certain radius when he swings it? Think of it like the Green Lantern energy construct, except this one is heavy water contained within a light-construct shell.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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