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About Time I Introduce Myself


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Shifted to top: Apologies for those of you who don't like big posts too, i tend to do that without realising it.


So i realised when i was introducing myself to the Mabinogi guys that I never actually introduced myself here so figured its about time i should.


Anyway i started playing in July 2013 but i played solo until quite recently, few weeks before Zephyr release i believe, when i first started playing in public teams. Started off only playing some teams at first on Xini for levelling weapons and then after Oxium farming for zephyr I've stuck to public matches ever since. In my time I've completed my own dojo, only missing the Helios which i cant be bothered farming more Oxium for.


Starter frame was Loki which i enjoyed but then soon changed over to Ember and then Rhino early game as i simply didnt have the mods to support Loki. Went Rhino Soma prod for a while until i had what i needed to create more frames and weapons and since then i have really found myself to enjoy frames such as Frost, Nyx, Trinity and just recently i started Loki again and am really enjoying him now. Disarm with efficiency is a great deal of fun on defence and a lifesaver too.


In my time here I've reached mastery rank 11 so far, favourite weapons being the Synapse, Latron Prime, Paris Prime, Boltor Prime, Despair, Marelok and Dual Ichors. Previously loved shotguns too but havent used them for quite a while now for some reason, Damage 1.0 was still active the last time I used them actually. Also aiming to get Burston Prime but ODS is full of keys, keys and even more keys.


That's all I can think of for now, only started lurking forums after i started playing team matches hence the long overdue introduction. At least while browsing this section some people have even later introductions so i can be glad I'm not the slowest person with introductions atleast.


As for interests outside of warframe, I still play COD4 on pc with my clan, previously played Runescape but just recently reached completionist there so i plan to move on, also planning to try out Mabinogi at some point. Have been playing a bit of Hawken also and previously played alot of Age of Mythology and Unreal Tournament (99, 2004 and UT3). As for music I dont listen to much, if i do its usually game OSTs and the occasional anime OST. As you can guess from that i also watch some anime but i like to think of myself as a much more passive watcher having only watched 24 series (less so if you include multiple seasons) since i started about 6 months ago. FMP, SAO and Shingeki no Kyojin being my favourites so far.

Edited by Jag272
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