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That Llama Dog Thing


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I know that we will soon be getting a pet, either spelled kubrow or kubro. But for your sake i'll use kubrow. As I thought about this thing, I had a few ideas which I would like to see when it's released.


1. Don't make it a sentinel


Don't let it use sentinel mods, give the thing it's own special 'thing'. Maybe give it abilities which upgrade as it levels. Allow it unique abilities and set it apart from the sentinel.


2. Reviving


If you go down, even in solo mode, let the Kubrow revive the player! And vive versa, let us revive him/her if he/she goes down! This would make for a nice feature.


3. Let it be more than a simple pet


I want the Kubrows behavior and fighting to be affected by a 'relationship'. The more you fight with them, the more they trust you and like you, thus fighting harder. I don't want the kubrow to just be some attack dog that we force to fight with us, we aren't monsters! I don't want a slave or servant, I want a pet and friend.


I'd go into deeper details, but this is just a basic idea of what I think would be interesting.

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DE I believe has said that Kubrows won't be sentinels. This might not be true, but I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in a livestream.

I like the idea of having them revive you - maybe some sort of Kubrow training where you can train them to do different things?

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As mentioned, I don't want Warframe to turn into Pokemon either.


On the other hand, having your own Zanuka sounds like an awesome idea - it could revive you, help you, be trained by you (to pick up mods and energy? To revive? To use Warframe-like abilities?) and be a far better pet than the Sentinels are (who don't even do that much.)

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Yes. This is good.

You know what would be great? If you had a Wilderness research lab that would allow you to train pets from all over the system using mini-games or something.

The sand stingrays are nice enough, but we need more wildlife, all of it trainable. Maybe I should go start a thread on that...


OOH! Make a Beastmaster Warframe that can spawn exclusive pets. Then in his final ability, he summons different pets depending on what tileset your in!


I'm so genius.

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Yes. This is good.

You know what would be great? If you had a Wilderness research lab that would allow you to train pets from all over the system using mini-games or something.

The sand stingrays are nice enough, but we need more wildlife, all of it trainable. Maybe I should go start a thread on that...


OOH! Make a Beastmaster Warframe that can spawn exclusive pets. Then in his final ability, he summons different pets depending on what tileset your in!


I'm so genius.

Edited by WondahBoah
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