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Warframe Part Drop Rates (Experiments)



So basically I had this idea of checking out the chance for a boss to drop the different parts of the Warframe/Weapon. Basically, those who have time can farm bosses over and over just to see the drop chance for each part.


Current goal is to get 100 runs per boss.


  Say 1 person do 10 runs, so 10 people will do 100 runs in total. The idea is just to get to 100 runs. With your results, post them and I will calculate the % chance for the drop. This is a good way to get credits too.

Calculations go as follows:

  Say I go on 12 Psamathe runs. I get 9 Loki Helmets, 2 Loki Chassis and 1 Loki System. 75% chance of Loki Helmet, 16.666...% chance of Chassis, and 8.333...% chance of System. The more runs we do, the more accurate it is!

  Lets get started, shall we? :)

  Credits will be given to the owner(s). Decimals shown in 3 decimals places. The Loki part was true, actually.</p>


1) Captain Vor (Tolstoj, Mercury) -- 5 runs

Seer BP: 20% -- 1

Seer Reciever: 60%  -- 3

Seer Barrel: 20% -- 1

2) Jackal (Fossa, Venus) -- 28 runs

Rhino Helmet: 35.714%

Rhino Chassis: 32.143%


Rhino Systems: 32.143%

3) Councilor Vay Hek (Everest Earth) -- 6 runs

Hydroid Helmet: 12.5%

Hydroid Chassis: 62.5%

Hydroid Systems: 25%

4) Alad V (Themisto, Jupiter) -- 7 runs

Valkyr Helmet: 85.714%

Valkyr Chassis: 14.286%

Valkyr Systems:

5) Raptor (Naamah, Europa)

Nova Helmet:

Nova Chassis:

Nova Systems:


6) Sergeant Nef Anyo (<strong>War, Mars)
Mag Helmet:

 Mag Chassis:

Mag Systems:

>7) Captain Vor and Lt Lech Kril (Iliad, Phobos)

Trinity Helmet:

Trinity Chassis:

Trinity Systems:

Miter Barrel:

Miter Blade:

Miter Chassis:
<p> </p>
<p><em>  Miter Handle:</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>  Miter BP:</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>  Twin Gremlins BP:</em></p>
<p> </p>

<p> </p>
<p><em>8) General Sargus Ruk (<strong>Tethys, Saturn</strong>) -- 17 runs</em></p>

<p><em>  Ember Helmet: 41.176%</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>  Ember Chassis: 29.412%</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>  Ember Systems: 29.412%</em></p>
<p> </p>

<p> </p>
<p><em>9) Kela De Thaym (<strong>Merrow, Sedna</strong>)</em></p>

<p><em>  Saryn Helmet: </em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>  Saryn Chassis:</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>  Saryn Systems:</em></p>
<p> </p>

<p> </p>
<p><em>10) Tyl Regor (<strong>Titania, Uranus</strong>)</em></p>

<p><em> Ash Helmet:</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em> Ash Chassis:</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p><em> Ash Systems:</em></p>
<p> </p>

<p> </p>
11) Phorid (<strong>Location Varies</strong>) -- 70 runs

Nyx Helmet: 31.429% -- 21

Nyx Chassis: 50% -- 32

Nyx Systems: 18.572% -- 13
<p> </p>

<p> </p>
12) Hyena Pack (<strong>Psamathe, Neptune</strong>) -- 12 runs

Loki Helmet: 75%

Loki Chassis: 16.667%

Loki Systems: 8.333%

13) Lt Lech Kril (Exta, Ceres)

Frost Helmet:

Frost Chassis:


Frost Systems:


14) Ambulas (Pluto)

 Excalibur Helmet:

 Excalibur Chassis:

 Excalibur Systems:

15) Lephantis (Orokin Derelicts)

 Nekros Helmet: 77.778%


 Nekros Chassis: 11.111%


 Nekros Systems: 11.111%

16) Leaders (Location varies)

 Oberon Helmet: 25% (18)

 Oberon Chassis: 50% (32)

 Oberon Systems: 21.875%

Edited by Xhos
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I'll add my brief experience today, after a long hiatus. 


Vay Hek - Earth - Oberon - 6 runs - Chassis x 3 (50%), Helmet x 2 (33.3%), Systems x 1 (16.7%) (seems a lot nicer than last I played!)


I'll edit in any new stats on others when I come across them.


Vor - Mercury - Seer - 5 runs -  Blueprint x 1 (20%), Barrel x 1 (20%), Receiver x 3 (60%)

Edited by Niknod
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I'll add my brief experience today, after a long hiatus. 


Vay Hek - Earth - Oberon - 6 runs - Chassis x 3 (50%), Helmet x 2 (33.3%), Systems x 1 (16.7%) (seems a lot nicer than last I played!)


I'll edit in any new stats on others when I come across them.


Vor - Mercury - Seer - 5 runs -  Blueprint x 1 (20%), Barrel x 1 (20%), Receiver x 3 (60%)


Thanks, added to the results. Credits given ;)


Edit: Also added run markers to know how many runs there where.

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Hey there. It just so happens I once did 66 Phorid missions in a row (farming Cells), kept all the parts until the end, and even calculated the approximate drops for Nyx's parts. The thread is here for the evidence screenshots, but in short the results were:


32 Nyx Chassis BP

21 Nyx Helmet BP

13 Nyx Systems BP


Which is, rounding a bit, 1/2 Chassis, 1/3 Helmet, 1/6 Systems.


By the way, thank you for taking the time and effort to compile this data. However, I don't know exactly how good it'll be since those values can be changed by the devs at any time for any reason or none at all.


EDIT: You might also want to use spoiler tags to make the OP shorter.

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Hey there. It just so happens I once did 66 Phorid missions in a row (farming Cells), kept all the parts until the end, and even calculated the approximate drops for Nyx's parts. The thread is here for the evidence screenshots, but in short the results were:


32 Nyx Chassis BP

21 Nyx Helmet BP

13 Nyx Systems BP


Which is, rounding a bit, 1/2 Chassis, 1/3 Helmet, 1/6 Systems.


By the way, thank you for taking the time and effort to compile this data. However, I don't know exactly how good it'll be since those values can be changed by the devs at any time for any reason or none at all.


EDIT: You might also want to use spoiler tags to make the OP shorter.


Alright, thank you. Will use your data and your spoiler tip.


Edit: Done

Edited by Xhos
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i remember the days when i couldn't do anything about cpt vor.. and wish i had somthing to kill him ...

now probebly i could do it in 3 seconds, either with my secondary (fully modded brakk) wich would be the fastest, or my main (fully mdded ogris) or even my mele (galatine fully modded) ..



i think all bosses in the game have 50%50 chance on droping what they drop...


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i remember the days when i couldn't do anything about cpt vor.. and wish i had somthing to kill him ...

now probebly i could do it in 3 seconds, either with my secondary (fully modded brakk) wich would be the fastest, or my main (fully mdded ogris) or even my mele (galatine fully modded) ..



i think all bosses in the game have 50%50 chance on droping what they drop...



How can you have a 50/50 chance if it drops 3 items? Least would be 33.3333%

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I like this project, here there are my 28 runs of the Jackal on Fossa today:


Rhino helmet 10

Rhino chassis 9

Rhino system 9


Also, just for it's sake, I'll post his mod drops:


Blunderbuss 24

Shell compression 5

Tactical pump 1

Handspring 1

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I like this project, here there are my 28 runs of the Jackal on Fossa today:


Rhino helmet 10

Rhino chassis 9

Rhino system 9


Also, just for it's sake, I'll post his mod drops:


Blunderbuss 24

Shell compression 5

Tactical pump 1

Handspring 1


Part chance added, mod drops not added :P


Anyway, thanks for your contribution.

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Sargas Ruk

Ember Helemet 7

Chasis 5

System 5


Vay Hek

Hydroid Helemet 1

Chasis 5

Systems 2


Alad V

Valkyr Helmets 6

Valkyr System 1


Oberon 16 Helmets

29 Chasis

13 Systems


Nekros 7 Helemets

1 Chasis

1 System

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Sargas Ruk

Ember Helemet 7

Chasis 5

System 5


Vay Hek

Hydroid Helemet 1

Chasis 5

Systems 2


Alad V

Valkyr Helmets 6

Valkyr System 1


Oberon 16 Helmets

29 Chasis

13 Systems


Nekros 7 Helemets

1 Chasis

1 System


Added your info, and also added Lephantis, which I overlooked.

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Phoroid infestation boss - on mars


4 runs in succession:






Dual boss on phobos


8 runs in succession

then one more a day later


trinity chassis / miter bp

trinity helmet / dual gremlins bp

trinity chassis / miter barrel

trinity helmet / miter blade

trinity helmet / miter handle

trinity chassis / miter bp

trinity chassis / miter barrel

trinity systems / miter blade

trinity chassis / miter chassis



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Is this still active? The original post is really messed up. Just a lot of bumbles of HTML

Yes it is, currently working on removing it. I have no idea why this happened. Saved it and kapow!

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I am currently in progress of doing T3 survival runs till 5 min, recording the loot i've got and abandoning to get accurate drop percentages. so far i call bullS#&amp;&#036; on 'equal chance for prime parts' on n*20 min mark.

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Neptune - Hyena pack (10 runs)

Loki Helmet: 7 

Loki Chassis: 1 

Loki System: 2 


ODA - Assasination (No clue how that thing is called) (5 runs) 

Nekros Helmet: 1

Nekros Chassis: 2

Nekros Systems: 2 


Phobos - Kril and Vor (6 runs) 

Trinity Helmet: 2

Trinity Chassis: 3

Trinity Systems: 1


Miter BP: 2

Miter Blade:1

Miter Barrel: 1

Miter Handle: 1

Miter Chassis: 0

Twin Gremlins: 1

Edited by ToniHD
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Phoroid infestation boss - on mars


4 runs in succession:






Dual boss on phobos


8 runs in succession

then one more a day later


trinity chassis / miter bp

trinity helmet / dual gremlins bp

trinity chassis / miter barrel

trinity helmet / miter blade

trinity helmet / miter handle

trinity chassis / miter bp

trinity chassis / miter barrel

trinity systems / miter blade

trinity chassis / miter chassis



For Vey Hek, I got 


1st run - Helmet 

2nd run - Chassis

3rd run - Helmet

4th run - Systems



Neptune - Hyena pack (10 runs)

Loki Helmet: 7 

Loki Chassis: 1 

Loki System: 2 


ODA - Assasination (No clue how that thing is called) (5 runs) 

Nekros Helmet: 1

Nekros Chassis: 2

Nekros Systems: 2 


Phobos - Kril and Vor (6 runs) 

Trinity Helmet: 2

Trinity Chassis: 3

Trinity Systems: 1


Miter BP: 2

Miter Blade:1

Miter Barrel: 1

Miter Handle: 1

Miter Chassis: 0

Twin Gremlins: 1



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how should we document the drop rate of the Oberon parts because it doesn't drop all the time? Should I just post how many times I got the different parts? 


Oberon Helmet: 9

Oberon Systems: 12

Oberon Chassis: 13 


Will post again when I got enough new parts of him again. 

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this might be a bit old, bit nevertheless


kela the thaym:






eximus enemies:






Alad V:














Systems: 4


sargas ruk


chassis: 1

helmet: 1




ember ch +1, helm +1 - ober chas +1, Helm +1, rhino helm +1

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