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Centrum Clan - Now Publicly Recruiting!


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Hail, fellow Tenno, to Centrum. A small group alliance centered on the idea of helping new players. Currently we have few players and we need more. As you progress throughout, you may need more experienced Tenno to assist. So you can call on myself or others to help. As you progress we encourage you to assist even newer players.


Currently we do have a large start for a nonpublic clan. We have all the halls and research rooms, and 2 duel rooms. We are still expanding and looking forward to massing to help the cause.


To apply for our clan you must apply. To inform you almost all get in. There are few thing that prevent entry so no worry.


All we need is...



Favorite method for play:

and just for happiness

What is your fave warframe:


To add to the fact of our new publicity we are creating a new Emblem.

I made a small replacement emblem a while ago and its not the best but its something. So I'm holding a competition, this may be delayed depending on how many apply. So this is just a quick forewarning.


I look forward to assisting you. - BlueCorozion 

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