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Making Valkyr Prime Lore Friendly


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I had this on my mind for a little while now, and after I saw that someone else had thought of this as well on Valkyr's wikia page I decided to make a thread about it.

So we all know that Valkyr is a beat up frame with pieces missing and such, so what if Valkyr were "restored"? Well, that would give us Valkyr prime, right? According to warframe lore, non prime warframes are the tenno's best recreation of the orokin (or "prime") warframes. So when Alad V found tenno in cryopods in the gravidus dilemma what he found were the tenno's warframes (ie: not prime warframes). When Alad V started project zanuka, he tried to integrate tenno tech with corpus tech. Therefore, we can assume that the Valkyr we know in game is an "incomplete" Valkyr warframe due to the missing patches of armor missing from her!

Now if we backtrack to look at the other warframes we get examples like this:

Rhino prime --> Rhino

So we can assume that Valkyr's "history" looks a bit like this:

Valkyr prime --> Valkyr(complete) --> Valkyr(incomplete)

These show progression of a warframe from the Orokin variant, to the Tenno variant, and for Valkyr-the current variant.

As for why the Tenno cannot build the complete Valkyr, I have a non cannon, fictional lore that I made up to tie in with the gravidus dilemma lore as a possible explanation. Here goes:

"Because not even the lotus knew of the cryopods that Alad V had discovered in the region of Sedna, no one knew of the original appearance of Valkyr except Alad V himself. Alad V was ruthless in his capture of the cryopods, it is believed that he obtained ALL the cryopods containing Valkyr warframes. Through investigation of Corpus databanks the Tenno discovered how to assemble the warframe components to the post Corpus "influenced" Valkyr. As for the original Tenno make of Valkyr, the Tenno who used it were either killed during experimentation or suffer from the same loss of memory that all Tenno experience. Alad V will take what he knows of the original Valkyr design to the grave, that much is sure."

DE seems to be taking a new look to prime warframes and their stats (Rhino prime anyone?) so it seems reasonable to think that an incomplete Valkyr is missing armor, and so would also be missing shields, so I think it would be clever if Valkyr prime got to have at least 75 base shields. As for the lore behind Valkyr's abilities, (this is where I would like to thank the anonymous poster on the Valkyr wikia page) the abilities may just be twisted hate influenced versions of original (original=complete) Valkyr's abilities. This means if Valkyr were to be primed, the abilities' sounds could be changed to sound less angry.

I know that it is very unlikely that Valkyr will be primed soon, and I am not a huge fan of Valkyr, but I AM a lore enthusiast, and I do feel that Valkyr needs some lore lovin'.

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Haven't they said that only a select number of warframes will have Prime version, and not all? I'd guess Valkyr is one of those that never gets a prime variant.

Hmm, I hadn't heard of that before. But (and I don't mean this in an antagonizing fashion) I REALLY hope you are wrong.
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Sure thing, right after....


Volt Prime

Loki Prime

Saryn Prime

Trinity Prime

Ash Prime

Nyx Prime

Vauban Prime

Nova Prime


Nekros Prime



Be sure to bump your thread in December, 2016

I don't think Nova will be getting a prime. Since lore wise she was designed by the Tenno high council from scratch and therefore no prime version of her exists. Nekros may or may not get a prime.


With valkyr, I don't think she will get a prime, but maybe she will be the first frame to get a vandel variant? This is all my opinion though.


Edit: I am positive that every warframe from when the game started till Vauban can be primed. However, frames released after Vauban may or may not get primed.

Edited by Dtexas
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Sure thing, right after....


Volt Prime

Loki Prime

Saryn Prime

Trinity Prime

Ash Prime

Nyx Prime

Vauban Prime

Nova Prime


Nekros Prime



Be sure to bump your thread in December, 2016

Haha, ok I will :) check out my last sentence. In the mean time I'll make an index for my original post.
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