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Anyone Deliberately Use Vanilla Frames Over Prime Counterparts?


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Yup, I 30 then sell every Prime.


I have catalysts and reactors in the normal equivalents already, and I don't have any trouble doing missions with normal gear

So why spend plat on slots or potatoes for some gold trim and some small stat improvements?


.. and I'm sorry, but every Prime looks horrendous (gold trim, really?)

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Psh...I use Prime versions over Normal versions...I also delete normal versions as soon as I get the Prime.


I'm half dreading when Loki comes out.... Because Loki is my baby but I know if he's primed he's going to be covered in gold and it'll just completely destroy his stealth feel... -_-

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If there's a prime version of a frame I don't have, then they're a priority. At the moment though I don't have mag prime (not because of looks) because I already have her normally. I'm thinking Ember Prime is next for me (already have Rhino and Frost prime). Sooo...yeah. But if a new prime comes out and I already have the normal, then I'm not bothering.

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I have an unpotato'd Frost (my second ever frame) I kept him after I got Frost Prime. If I'm ever in a situation like a surprise event where I need a tough frame and snowglobe is essential but my Prime has just been forma'd lvl-0.... I'll take Vanilla Frost. 

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oh my god... please tell me this is not a complaint about a decimal increase on Rhino Prime's speed.


Can't complain about the direction the game is going.


We can, however, complain that Mag, Excalibur, Frost, and Ember Prime still haven't gotten their decimal increases.

Edited by Archistopheles
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