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Matching Advice Against Effects


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It seems odd to me that good advice in reality is useless in game.


Like, if you catch on fire, children are taught, "Stop, Drop, and Roll".


Well, rolling doesn't help put out the fire here. Maybe it should.


Or, bleeding. If you hold still and apply pressure, the bleeding should stop. Doesn't help here.


Keep moving to fight the effects of being too cold.


Things like that.


It shouldn't auto-remove stuff, but perhaps knock off a few ticks. Like one fire tick removed per roll, or 2 bleeding ticks taken at once, for 1/2 damage on each(so, use up 2 ticks, suffer from 1) if you're just standing there blocking.


I know this might sound strange, but I've found myself automatically doing these things from just the memory kicking in. It makes sense that they should work.

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rolling also prevents knockdown effect from Ancients' slaps, Shield Lancer's shield bash, Grineer Scorpions' hooks, Shockwave MOAs' Stomp... if you are performing the animation when those things hit you (you still get knock away in the case of shield bash and stomp but you don't have to feel helpless lying on the ground)

haven't try to roll against Grineer Heavies' Radial Blast yet but I think it should work the same way

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