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Grakata Builds



I saw a post awhile ago saying the Grakata was a good gun and I tried it out for myself.


I enjoyed it.


Can someone critique my build? Going for Corrosive damage ( anti-armor, so anti-all-heavy-enemies-except-Corpus-but-that's-okay ), Crits and Status effects.




Any other build suggestions are welcome. I'm debating on making it Viral instead, but then I'd get less Status procs, though if I remember correctly, Viral cuts the enemies' current health in half. Someone correct me on that if I'm wrong.


I wanted to throw Shred in there somehow but have no room. The ammo mutation I'd think is a must, and I can handle it without Stabilizer.




My Crit chance and Status chance are higher in-game; 62.5% Crit chance and 77% Status chance. Some damage numbers are off as well. I am assuming it is due to the game calculating for Split Chamber's effects and the builder not taking it into account.

Edited by Etsoree
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6 answers to this question

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That's pretty much the standard grakata build you've got there :)


If you have it, heavy cal works beautifully on it. (with the increased damage and proper trigger discipline, ammo is rarely a problem outside of really long runs, so you can replace the mutator).


As for elements, I wouldn't use viral on it, the proc cuts your enemies health in half but it doesn't stack, so the massive fire rate+proc chance will have a capped usefulness. The build that I use aside from corrosive is actually pure toxic (although this is mostly just for fun).

Edited by rapt0rman
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yup looks fine, also if you have tons of team ammo restores, or beter yet a frame you can afford to swap to Rifle Scavenger Aura, you can afford to swap the ammo mutator for Heavy Calibur or cold dmg mod, other than that your setup looks perfect.

Edited by Methanoid
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Hands down one of the most fun weapons in the game.

I use blast + another element. With blast the mobs who don't die straight away fall on their arse.

Don't bother with the recoil mod, be light on the trigger and you'll be just fine, also helps with ammo rather than just spray and pray!

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