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Lone Melee Warrior


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I have to wonder, while melee 1.0 still exists, who else:


-uses melee constantly/exclusively

-does NOT use charge attacks on weapons that don't specialize in them(only charge with jat kittag, kestrel, glaive)

-does NOT use weapons for zorencoptering


It's quite effective. It just sounds like I'm the only one who does.


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Just a shame 99% of weapon susing normal swings are so trash on anything after level 20. Charged is the only way to go if you plan to use Melee and out-perform an average higher tier weapon, otherwise you're not really doing anything special.

Heavy weapons using charge are engaging because there's a plethora of animation cancels you can use to optimize your gameplay, it's just not widespread and probably a handful of users implement it due to difficulty to execute and weapon set ups that are understandably extraneous in their own right. It's a different kind of beast.

Obligatory Loki Master Race. Columns were Valkyr, Nova, and Rhino respectively on a Palus run for T3 Keys.


Edited by Aishi
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9 out of 10 missions, I don't even shoot once. So I clear all my missions with my melee weapon.


Even though, the game says Supra is my most used weapon, I got a lot more kills done with Amphis and Orthos Prime.

Supra only 23k kills, while Amphis got 31k and Orthos Prime 85k kills.










And I usually end up with the highest kill count, while only using melee. è_é









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When I use Valkyr I "rarely" use my Primary and Secondary, I just fire between 10 to 30 shots in a 30min survival. the rest is just pure melee and paralysis spamming, and of course hysteria for them lifesteals.


I dunno for me there is a different feeling when I'm hacking through a horde of enemies rather than just mowing them down with my BoarPrime. Well anyway I guess that that's just the way I play :)

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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