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[Recruiting] Merc Core [Bran New Clan]


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                                                 Mercenaries to the bitter end. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/merccore


When U13 hits our services for alliances are temporary. We offer support in return for rewards. We are mercenaries and we just do business nothing personal against or with out allied clients.


We don't side with no one. We make our own alliances. We will show up if the reward is good enough. Together or alone we make sure we do our job until its done. We have our own motives to why we are Mercenaries, but that doesn't mean that we don't have honor. We are the rag tag family that takes care of our own. Join us or not, our existence is real.


MCC is an organization of mercenaries with honor in there heart and credits in there accounts.


I'm CT. This clan was an idea i had and planed for about a month and today it is open for recruitment. I plan to have this a multy gaming clan, if the people want it to be. I plan to have it big if the people want it to be. I plan to have it live for years if the people want it. As in people i mean the clan mates. These doors are open to all, no requirements to be a member. Just as long as you follow the rules you wont have any troubles in joining.


General Rules


R1 - No Hacking/Cheating/Glitch Abuse. 
> Hacking or Cheating are punishable by ban. Glitch abusing (For unfair advantages) you are warned one time, caught again is a kick or ban.

R2 - No Clan Drama
> I don't want to hear or see anyone making dramatic trouble within or with other clans. If you start trouble within the clan you will be warned once. If you make trouble with other clans that we don't have anything agents, you are left alone agents them.

R3 - Show Respect and Common Sence
> Show your respect to your members and other clans even if the other clans are jerks. Be the better merc and look the other way. Same goes for our members dont bully our own kind, bulling isnt tolerated.

R4 - No Harsh Racism. 
> Racism is everywhere, so as long as it isnt meant in a hatefull or harmfull way. Harsh racism isnt tolerated and there will be a ban on sight.


MOD and ADMIN applications


Currently as a brand new clan. I have no mods or admins. Applications are open however you must have a steam account to do so and join our steam group. To apply go here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/merccore go into our discussion in the Rules and Applications.


Currently 5 spots open for admin.

Currently 10 spots open for mod.




Same goes for our dojo, Its still in the works in that means nothings there besides the one room. However this brings up many opportunities to suggest how the dojo should look.




Guest - No benefits besides being a guest.

Hatchling - Clan recruit. A temporary rank were it last about a week before promoted to a full member. Benefits are Clan Hosting and recruitment.

Crow - A ranking of a full member of the MCC. Benefits including previous rank and Tech benefits.

Raven - A ranking for players above mastery rank of 6. Benefits include previous rank and Treasury benefit. Must be a hatchling before becoming a Raven.

Elite Raven - A ranking for players above mastery rank of 10 and has recruited at least 3 new members that stay to be  crows.Benefits include previous rank and Promotion benefits. Must be a Hatchling and a Raven before becoming an Elite Raven.

Overseer - Your rank for mod. Including benefits of previous ranks as well as mod exclusive Regulator Benefit. Must apply on steam group for mod status.

Administrator - Your rank for admin. Including benefits of previous ranks as well as admin exclusive Architect Benefit. Must apply on steam group for mod status.


Benefits are not set in stone, benefits may change.


Support the Merc Core steam group.


Best way to see what is going on the clan our group in steam has a forum on its own. Support our group and keep up to date with events and fellow clan mates.




Hope to see members soon. I would love to see this clan grow and meet many different tennos. Through steam is the easiest way to contact me CombatTeddy or at twitter @CombatTeddy.


MCC Chairman



Edited by CombatTeddy
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A few questions.


First off, Is there any profit made when there is an alliance were if say someone doesn't participate do they still get the reward?


Secondly, What do you mean if the people want it? Are you saying if the clan mates want it big they need to recruit more?


Lastly, If a player doesn't get on for a week do they still get there rank promoted? Also is there a limit to how long one doesn't get one before there kicked?

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1 - No. People have to earn there share. That simple.

2 - In a way, If majority of the clan are all in favor of a suggestion or expanding then it happens.

3 - Yes, however a full 168hr absence (7days) is a kick. Being absent with out notifying why will may lead to a kick. People can have a second chance and request to come back. As long as they don't repeat the reason why they were kick.


Honestly i like people who got grit and don't complain or whine when something is too hard that they breakout into a cry and leave us in the middle of a fight. I hardly ever lie so when i say man up or get kick is for a reason.

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1 - No. People have to earn there share. That simple.

2 - In a way, If majority of the clan are all in favor of a suggestion or expanding then it happens.

3 - Yes, however a full 168hr absence (7days) is a kick. Being absent with out notifying why will may lead to a kick. People can have a second chance and request to come back. As long as they don't repeat the reason why they were kick.


Honestly i like people who got grit and don't complain or whine when something is too hard that they breakout into a cry and leave us in the middle of a fight. I hardly ever lie so when i say man up or get kick is for a reason.


Good enough for me, I'll be applying for administrator. 

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