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Lf> Your Help Getting Accurate Weapon Damage Numbers



Edit: I have a TL;DR at the bottom, for those who want to help but don't want to read.


I've started looking for ACCURATE base damage numbers for each weapon. What do I mean by this?


If you load up your Vectis (yeah right, like you're cool enough to have one) without any mods equipped or look in the Codex, you will see that the Vectis has base stats of


70 Impact

61 Puncture

43 Slash


Simple, right? So why would I need your help?


Let's say I now equip a max Heavy Caliber, max Serration, and Split Chamber. In theory, I should now see (base)*(4.3)*(2) values in the Arsenal, for values of 602/524/369 (the arsenal rounds down).


The arsenal will actually read


601 Impact

526 Puncture

376 Slash


Which is obviously different, but paints a much more accurate picture of what the base values actually are, and suggests that the base values are closer to


69.88 Impact

61.16 Puncture

43.72 Slash


If I take this a step further, I can equip High Voltage, Stormbringer, Malignant Force, and Infected Clip to get a total of 300% Corrosive damage. If the base, unmodded arsenal stats were completely accurate, I would get 4489 Corrosive damage. If the second set of stats above were completely accurate, I would get 4509 Corrosive damage. Instead, I get 4512 in the arsenal. Using this knowledge, I could get slightly more accurate data. It still isn't perfect, obviously; the impact damage above (and even taking into account information from the Corrosive stat) is lower than 70, which is definitely wrong. But the Puncture and Slash values are definitely more accurate, and is more accurate overall.


By actually taking the weapon and doing tests on enemies, I could get even more accurate data, but this would be a severe @(*()$ pain in the &#! very lengthy task.


My goal is to get as close to the correct values as possible. The help that I'm asking is fairly simple and is as follows:


If you own a decently forma'd weapon and can equip following set of mods for that weapon:



Maxed Serration

Maxed Heavy Caliber

Split Chamber

Maxed High Voltage

Maxed Stormbringer

Maxed Infected Clip

Maxed Malignant Force



Maxed Point Blank

Maxed Vicious Spread

Maxed Hell's Chamber

Maxed Blaze

Maxed Incendiary Coat

Maxed Charged Shell OR Contagious Spread

Maxed Shell Shock OR Toxic Barrage (use same element as the previous)



Maxed Hornet Strike

(Optional) Maxed Magnum Force (I don't expect many to have this as Magnum Force sucks, least important)

Maxed Barrel Diffusion

Maxed Lethal Torrent

Maxed Jolt

Maxed Convulsion

Maxed Pathogen Rounds

Maxed Pistol Pestilence


Then please do so, and paste in this thread the new weapon stat information given that the weapon is displaying the case for maximum number of pellets fired (ex. for most pistols you should have triple damage from multishot instead of double damage, I would like the triple damage numbers). I only need the damage figures; the fire rate, etc. are unimportant. If the weapon is elemental by default, paste both the fully modded version and a version with all the elemental mods unequipped.


For example, with the Vectis, a post that simply says "Vectis 601/526/376/4512" would be fine.


Now, why does DE do things this way? Beats me, I didn't design the game. Why do I want this data? It helps for some of the other testing I'm doing, simple as that. When you start testing all the multipliers out and test with higher damage numbers, the inaccurate base numbers do make a difference, even when we're only talking on a scale of <500 damage.


TL;DR - Give me your weapon stats when using the above sets of mods, please.

Edited by omgwtflolbbl
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10 answers to this question

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Boltor prime:


47 impact

424 puncture

1416 corrosive


Burston prime:


100 impact

100 puncture

133 slash

1002 corrosive


Gorgon wraith:


197 impact

23 puncture

11 slash

696 corrosive


Latron prime:


73 impact

584 puncture

72 slash

2190 corrosive




8 impact

34 puncture

43 slash

258 corrosive




106 impact

70 puncture

59 slash

708 corrosive




64 impact

64 puncture

129 slash

774 corrosive




429 corrosive


Elemental mods removed

107 electric


(Shotguns): They break in Ui easy and show two number listing the higher one.




7854 gas

2618 viral


Phage with only blaze as an elemental mod "Keep in mind the UI is whacky for phage's numbers"


1570 heat

2618 viral





204 impact

883 puncture

272 slash

4080 gas


Strun Wraith:


729 impact

168 puncture

224 slash

3366 gas




187 impact

187 puncture

1496 slash

5610 Gas


(pistol lack magnum)




912 radiation

2736 corrosive




604 impact

336 puncture

403 slash

4032 corrosive


Despair: Ui is broken for this one like the shotguns.


26 impact

422 puncture

79 slash

1584 corrosive


Sicarus Prime:


122 impact

91 puncture

91 slash

918 corrosive


Twin Gremlins:


96 impact

96 puncture

95 slash

864 corrosive


Wraith Twin Vipers:


136 impact

17 puncture


513 corrosive

Edited by LazyKnight
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Of all the weapons you posted that weren't burst fire (Sicarus/Hind/Burston), the Phage was definitely the weirdest. It's the only one whose damage fell outside the codex/unmodded value by more than +1, coming in at 336.875 vs. 330 (with per projectile gives 48.125 vs. 47.142). Not sure what's up with the tentacle gun. Every other weapon so far has stayed within +1 of the codex per base stat. The only "codex accurate" guns were the Detron, the Soma (maybe, with such low base numbers it's harder to tell lol), and the Drakgoon.

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Not sure what's up with the tentacle gun. Every other weapon so far has stayed within +1 of the codex per base stat. The only "codex accurate" guns were the Detron, the Soma (maybe, with such low base numbers it's harder to tell lol), and the Drakgoon.

 It breaks in the Ui, if you select it varies between two different sets of numbers (hell's chamber bug)


Just blaze for elemental mods, the damage mods, and multi shots mods


Low set of numbers:

1458 heat



High set of numbers:

1570 heat

2618 viral


Gas + viral:


Low set of numbers:

7293 gas

2431 viral


High set of numbers:

7854 gas

2618 viral

Edited by LazyKnight
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Well, all the shotguns and shotgun pistols were within the expected values other than the Phage. Like I said, the Detron actually seems to match up perfectly with the Codex values (although I am assuming that the Detron values you gave me are the lower multishot case - I checked it against my own, though I didn't have enough space to equip Hornet+Lethal+Barrel Diff as I don't have a potato on it).


Once more on the continuous thing, the Synapse also fit well enough as well, so I don't think the continuous fire is the issue.


Your lower set of numbers suggests a base value of 333.6. Still weird, but at least fits into the what I would expect per projectile/tentacle (within 47-48). The higher set of numbers predicts over 48 per tentacle at minimum. Overall, the Phage is really strange, and I can't really explain any of its oddities away like I could with some of the other weapons. Hopefully it'll be the only one like that. 

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Alright, last time I will bump this. If I can't get help now, I'll probably end up remaking this thread in some other form down the line.


Honestly disappointing, because this literally takes like 30 seconds per weapon to check.

Edited by omgwtflolbbl
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