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Game Progress Not Saving


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I'm sure there are plenty like this, but I still feel the need to post something. The other day I was playing with literally no issues, but today I get on and and after a few games in, I realized, after every game it said " Could not update account information". This lead to nothing being saved and me losing anything I happened to receive in said mission. I tried even going to a solo game and the same issue occurred. Starting to really bug me lol. Is anyone else having this issue?! 

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I just started having this problem again yesterday.  I think it's only been happening when I host Void missions, but I'll look into it more in regular missions.  It's getting pretty frustrating looking for people to host when I have the keys that I need.

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this thread https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/201093-u124-failed-to-connect-to-server/   

talks about both the disconnected from server and can't save progress issues that started with 12.4.4


my only hope for this is that here:



they posted that a new update with improvements has been submitted to sony for approval.  We can hope that this fixes these constant issues for us.  Rest assured restarting your modem as well as the plethora of other idea's won't stop this issue as it's the game and not your connection.


Here's to hoping this patch fixes the issue upon release.

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I've been having the issue but not as often. Once out of 10 our so I get a "progress could not be saved" notification after I complete a mission. I only complain about it because I got rhino prime chassis and it didn't save. Pretty frustrating when you farm for something and you finally think you get it but it couldn't save...

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Yeah I have been having these and 'could not join session' errors which is even more annoying in some ways, missed out on trading lots of great equipment because they were unable to join my session or vice versa, some people I can join fine with EVERY time, but others I get this message with every time!  I don't understand it really,  is it dependant on where they live?  What ISP they are using?   How buggy and busy the DE servers are on any given day?


Of course I also get the strict nat error which I cannot fix (See my thread)  which I believe to be a server error or my ISP, but strange that all my other games work fine without errors..  then there is this cannot save game error, this is most annoying when you finally get that precious piece of prime that you have been hunting for for many hours, days, weeks only to have your excitement and hopes dashed by the 'could not save progress' error.   Hopefully the new patch will fix all these issues, but I am not holding my breath.

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