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Warframe Extreme Bold Idea… Not For The Faint Of Heart


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If you hate Warframe game suggestions that change some form of your gameplay don’t read on. I only appreciate players who can be respectful while being honest. I ask that my Warframe brethren who are not going to target me personally to please read on and tell me what you think? Suggest?


This idea came to when blasting a Corpus's helmet off.

Armor Damage System 2.0


How it works

This will share half your shields value. If your shields go out then your Armor begins to take Damage; literal physical damage that destroys parts of your frame. This will expose only certain parts of your body whether human, alien or whatever is underneath.


Every color stage destroys your armor more and exposes you even more.



Eg. Head, legs, arms and maybe parts of your chest.



Damage Orb

Color: Green

Purpose: The damage orb allows players to help restore their frame’s physical armor aside from their shield, which recharges on its own.


It repairs your frame’s physical being by color. If your alert level is red and you pick up a damage orb you will return to orange. From orange to yellow, yellow to green, green to blue.


Amor Damage Hub

Purpose: The damage armor hub is an onscreen design that displays your Warframe in the form of a blueprint. Whenever your frame receives damage, the hub will begin to change color highlighting what part of your armor is being damaged.


Eg. Arms, legs, chest and head.


There are a total of 4-5 color stages, red being the severe stage and exposing you to receive high damage. This is why the damage orb is needed.



What If?

What if you finish a mission in one of the other colors? Simple. Whatever status your frame is on at the end of a mission will determine if you need to repair it in the dojo. Four of the five color stages have a time limit on frame repair in the dojo.


Blue – Optimal State – 0 minutes 0 hours

Green – Guarded Alert State – 5 minutes

Yellow – Cautionary Alert State – 15 minutes

Orange – High Alert State – 25 minutes

Red – Severe Alert State – 35 minutes


Edit: I know this is a very extreme suggestion and will be possibly hated, but I think it could be fun.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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What you don't understand is that our "Suits/Armors" are literally part of us. They're part of our mutated body after we got exposed to the Technocyte, and any part being removed would probably instantly kill us.


Edited by Tyffie
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I'm sorry to say this but no.



Tenno are based around mystery showing what they look like would destroy the lore we have right now, also on the Lore right now if Tenno ever where taken out of there suite they would die...


I really don't want to have durability on my frame, there is so much grinding in this game that durability would just make it even more painful.


I like what your trying to do but you need to tweak it allot because your idea ATM Destroys the lore of the game, and makes the game even more grindy which isn't a good thing. :(



This is however a gameplay feature that i would like after this game aged about 1-2 years more, a feature like this ATM would make the game more grindy but when the RNG is replaced or nerfed then i would love a system like this. :)

Edited by Feallike
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I'm sorry to say this but no.



Tenno are based around mystery showing what they look like would destroy the lore we have right now, also on the Lore right now if Tenno ever where taken out of there suite they would die...


I really don't want to have durability on my frame, there is so much grinding in this game that durability would just make it even more painful.


I like what your trying to do but you need to tweak it allot because your idea ATM Destroys the lore of the game, and makes the game even more grindy which isn't a good thing. :(


I get what you're saying and it makes a lot of sense. In the exposing part of the body, I didn't mean exposing their whole arm, face, chest, and legs. I only meant small parts of it in a way that it doesn't ruin the lore of the game.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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Interesting, but I personally don't really like the idea of having to go to the dojo to repair after every mission I take damage in. You could see how that might get a bit old. This also puts shield stacking in the forefront and gimps armor and hp builds.

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I get what you're saying and it makes a lot of sense. In the exposing part of the body, I didn't mean exposing their whole arm, face, chest, and legs. I only meant small parts of it in a way that it doesn't ruin the lore of the game.


Sorry i edited a bit, i would love a feature like this when the RNG is nerfed or replaced, and when the lore of the game is somewhat set then, a system like this would be allot of fun, and make the game allot more hard.


Your idea is good, its just this game is to grindy ATM for a system like this to work without a hate storm coming, and the Lore of the game is so..... well.... unstable, that this might cause the Lore addicted people to get mad to.

Edited by Feallike
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Interesting, but I personally don't really like the idea of having to go to the dojo to repair after every mission I take damage in. You could see how that might get a bit old. This also puts shield stacking in the forefront and gimps armor and hp builds.

Yeah I could see how the dojo could get tiring. Maybe we can repair it in the foundry? 


"This also puts shield stacking in the forefront and gimps armor and hp builds." I didn't think about that. Good point.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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Sorry i edited a bit, i would love a feature like this when the RNG is nerfed or replaced, and when the lore of the game is somewhat set then, a system like this would be allot of fun, and make the game allot more hard.


Your idea is good, its just this game is to grindy ATM for a system like this to work without a hate storm coming, and the Lore of the game is so..... well.... unstable, that this might cause the Lore addicted people to get mad to.


You're right, the game is currently grindy ATM for something like this. There's also some kinks that would need to be worked out if this was ever something to occur. I also wouldn't want to upset the players depending on the lore.

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So, what happens if you have only one frame? Forced to stop playing for half an hour? What about those who prefer to be without a clan?


The clan part I figured it out. The frame can be repaired in the foundry and sped up with your credits.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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Corpus helmets get blown because they are not incredible awesome warframe helmets.


also... do you think it is fun to wait for your frame to get repaired?... weird... i think (and probably many others) that waiting is kinda boring...

Edited by Orbister
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This reminds me of the Vindictus armor system, and the Soul Calibur, and a few others where the more damage you take in a certian spot destroies that armor after a while I often would joke when they broke my helmet nuking a whole room of Fomor and then leaving saying 'and that was for my helmet' only to use the repair item to repair my broken helmet and carry on.  It was a nice gold sink but that'd also mean suits would have to get durability and/or people would have to play so well they never get touched.....You can see how a lot of people would not like it.  One frame concept that uses destructable armor makes it work because of his skill set.  For other frames no so much.   Maybe visual stuff surte but not stuff that impacts gameplay since its gimping High wave/survival players who can't help but get hit in for such high numbers.  Plus with the armor rating as is, steel fiber would have to become a must along with hp/shield and Vigor leaving very little room to make a build.  Interesting idea but would not be easily implemented into this game.

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I dislike this idea, simply because it is to complicated. What if you are hit with rocket? Your whole armor is gone? And repair time? Hell no. Simply because i did 70 waves in T3 Defense and nasty Corrupted Crewman used his ninja granade on me, i should leave my frame for half hour?



This idea might sound great to you, but it has too many flaws. Visible damage on frames would be nice to have during missions, but no real viability tho. Because at one point everything that can kill you one shot, will certainly do that. And that is too punishing if your system is implemented.

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